Nib Hacking!
Just a minor change, but it makes it feel like youre using version
1.9 or something.
you'll never guess where to get the hacked nibs ;)
It uses the background color of the mail.app left column inner-tab
textmate_project_original.png (click to see larger)
textmate_project_modified.png (click to see larger)
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
When invoked without a selection, the HTML Wrap Selection as Link
snippet doesn't select the placeholder display text. Adding a second
tab stop to the command could select the placeholder display text but
would add an extra tab for those accustomed to using the snippet with
a selection.
Two questions:
1. is this a worthwhile change (or am I just looking for problems
where none really exist)?
2. Is there a way to make the second tab-stop conditional on whether
any text was selected?
Possible modification (added tab stop to the last line):
<a href="${1:`
# if the clipboard contains a single line, let’s use that
if [[ $(pbpaste|wc -l) -eq 0 ]]
then pbpaste|sed 's/&/&/g'
else echo http://site.com/
`}">${2:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:Link text...}}</a>
The current last line is:
`}">${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:Link text...}</a>
Hi everyone,
I am using markdown to write the texts I write from time to time.
Nothing official only internal stuff.
In order to have nice printouts I include pictures as pdfs (if there
is a better solution please let me know)
since this gives me a nice html of my texts (Safari supports pdf as
pictures) and the print quality is perfect
as well.
But I cannot use the command “convert document to pdf” since the
Textmate internal html viewer does not
support pdfs. So the questions are
1) Is there a better way to implement “printable” pictures?
2) how to workaround the “convert document to pdf” bug?
Christoph Biela
Hi everyone,
thanks to Haris, I discovered that the preview of markdown works with
pictures in the pdf format but
the multimarkdown does not.
Does anybody have an answer for this?
Christoph Biela
Enjoy instant-ish feedback!!!!1!
Put the full path to that file in the Pipe text through box in the
Web Preview Window

For CSS, it'll ask you to open a file and paste a test-url in there.
It completely replaces all links to css files with the css you're
previewing, AS YOU TYPE!!!1!
For HTML, it inserts a base tag with the TM_PROJECT_SITEURL
For Rails Views, it redirects the page to the saved version via your
TM_PROJECT_SITEURL. Just try it out, you may hate it ;).
For markdown and textile, it renders it as markdown or textile. Never
worry about changing your filter script!
For all other source files, it does a live diff between the saved and
unsaved version. No coloring of anything fancy, but handy (yes, i
know all about the diff bundle).
For everything else, it does nothing special, yet.
I tried t do this a while ago but i couldn't make it work. Turns out
that only a few TM specific variables were being set. Allan has since
fixed that.
Personally, I think this script is really stupid and unnecessary. But
extremely handy as a stopgap until we get something that is supposed
to replace this.
Basically, if we had a way to make ANY command rerun itself or
refresh after change, then this filter would be totally unnecessary
and we could make each of these things a separate refresh-after-
change command. Allan, add it to the list?
Also! If anybody has any improvement suggestions, suggest away! I'm
all for it. I only knocked this thing together last night when i
should have been sleeping. Most things are not done the best way.
Feel free to improve or replace. Enjoy!
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
As you've all been forced to be aware, i have a subversion repo with
all of my personal textmate stuff in it.
I love the new way that bundles get textmate specific names.
I love how you can get a nice clean version of something by dragging
it to the finder.
I love being able to use almost any character you can think of in
bundle item names.
Using crazy characters in the names can potentially upset subversion.
and since my svn server runs on a linux box, it can get even more
upset when i try to do a checkout there.
Can we change the way it makes the actual file system file names to
not use crazy characters even though they are in the names of bundle
items themselves?
I've been doing it manually for now. I could write a script or
something to do it, but i'm lazy (aka busy).
Personally, i think it should be the default behavior, but it could
just as easily be done as a command.
Has anyone else had a problem with this?
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
Just look at the pictures.
All the hacks are available as zips at
subtleGradient — Hacked TextMate Nibs — cuter drawer 2
more tweaks and all new images for the drawer.
subtleGradient — Hacked TextMate Nibs — Mail Style Inner Files Column
Following Allan's comment on the mailing list. I tried to see if I
could get TextMate functioning without a drawer. AKA, with one of
those Mail.app style inner drawer things. Yep, it works. Kindof.
There are a lot of problems with this method that i can't fix in
interface builder.
* The whole scrolling text view is too wide to fit properly so you
just can't see the right edge of your document.
* There's no shortcut for opening and closing the pane like you can
the drawer.
* If you close the pane by sizing it to 0px wide you lose the info
There are probably way more problems with this, but here it is
anyway. Have fun.
Install the nibs by copying them into
Install the tab images by copying them into
You might want to make some backup
copies of the originals first.
Email all complaints / suggestions / whatever to:
oblivious, at ^
If this messes up your computer or burns your house down,
or kicks your dog, or in any way does anything at all or
doesn't... You are solely responsible for anything and
everything, and I am not. :P
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
hi list,
I'm used to generate my grammar bundle item from a unix script and
then copy & paste the output in the bundle editor. As a lazy user,
and TM greatly helps me so, I feel like it would be kind if had the
ability to acquire my grammar's plist as the output of a script.
Hash: SHA1
On Jun 11, 2006, at 6:23 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com
> On 9/6/2006, at 22:22, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:
>> I am wondering if it is possible to prevent TextMate from opening
>> documents from the previous session when the program is started.
>> It seems to do this by default, with no obvious setting to change
>> to prevent this.
> There is no such setting -- I can add a hidden setting, seeing how
> this is not the first mention of this request.
That would be great. I realize that lots of people like to have their
previous sessions saved, but when I just need to open textmate up
quickly, its nice not to have a bunch of files from a previous coding
session popping up.
- --
Christopher Fonnesbeck
+ Atlanta, GA
+ fonnesbeck at mac.com
+ Contact me on AOL IM using email address
- --
Christopher Fonnesbeck
+ Atlanta, GA
+ fonnesbeck at mac.com
+ Contact me on AOL IM using email address
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