you can do something like, by placing the following code into your global or folder specific .tm_properties file:
myExtraIncludes = ".*"
include = "{$include,$myExtraIncludes}"
== Feek
tl;dr Command-Z and Shift-Command-Z somehow stopped being associated with Undo/Redo, and instead caused the last file functions to be undone/redone (renaming a file, creating a file, creating a folder, etc.). Note that the menu still indicates those two keys as shortcuts to Undo/Redo
I’m editing a project, and I have multiple files open. I created a new folder and a new file within the new folder, and started typing text into the file. So far, so good. I made what I thought was a typing mistake and hit the “delete” key, then realized that it was not a mistake, so I hit Command-Z (the shortcut for Undo), and the filename reverted to the default “untitled.txt”. Then I hit Shift-Command-Z (the shortcut for Redo) and the filename reversion was undone. So I typed some more text and went to the Edit menu and hit “Undo” and the text disappeared (as I would expect).
Hi everyone,
There was once a time when I would press the spacebar on a tex file in the
Finder and I would see a Quicklook preview of it using the theme I used
when TextMate is open, complete with syntax highlighting, etc.
I'm not sure what I did, but now when I press the space bar, I see only a
picture of the document icon with the TextMate logo on it. It does
correctly label it "TeX" with that capitalization, though.
To experiment a little, I deleted the line <string>tex</string> in the Info.plist. Quicklook now works on tex files, but it looks
like it's using the built in macOS ql plugin for plain text. That is, it's
not using the default TM theme and thus there isn't any syntax
highlighting, etc.
When I put back <string>tex</string> in Info.plist and then do touch, it goes back to the preview of the document icon as before.
I don't mind the Quicklook preview without the theme colors, but it would
be nice to restore TextMate's Quicklook, if possible.
I'm using TM 2.0.17 on macOS 10.15.7.
Best wishes,
It's been great to see the incremental improvements in TextMate over
time. The recent 2.0.17 has a really nice fit and finish all-in and it's
still by far my preferred "fully native" text editor - a first choice
for development. Little things like the recently shuffled themes menu to
support dark/light mode switching are always very welcome and have a
surprisingly big "quality of life" impact.
Of course I've a niggle ;-) - I noticed in 2.0.6 (possibly earlier?)
that when switching between tabs (currently macOS 11.2.1, but it's done
it for a while) TextMate will sometimes shift the view scroll position
after a fractional delay. It seems to be related to any lines that
aren't of a fixed height; for example, comments in Ruby source code have
always word-wrapped even if word wrap is disabled and if there are any
of those in a piece of text above the caret position then there's a good
chance of scroll position jumps when switching between tabs.
The issue is especially pronounced in larger Markdown docs when I
usually edit with word wrap enabled - in that case, the jump can be
severe and disorientating as the view can end up somewhere very
different from "where you left it", but the caret position is unchanged
and might not even be on-screen anymore. As an example, a large file for our application was scrolled with line 656 at the
view midpoint with caret placed there, so that line 633 was at the top
of the view. I switched to another tab then back again and after a brief
delay the view jumped so that line 602 was at the top of the view and
line 656 wasn't even visible. This jump doesn't happen with word wrap
turned off, but *does* still happen if I've allowed the Textmate
configuration to change font sizes on headings.
It just "feels like" there's some kind of scroll position recalculation
happening on a thread whenever a tab regains focus, but this calculation
isn't accounting for "unusual line heights" due to line wrap or (maybe)
font sizes.
Just me?
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find photos, software, music and more at my home site, Bandcamp and
GitHub: / /
Hi, I'm doing a little housekeeping on my Rebol bundle. I've one command
that takes a selection, evaluates the content and replaces the selection
with the product. I'm using TM_SELECTION to determine the various selection
• No selection: use TM_CURRENT_LINE as input
• Regular selection: use TM_SELECTED_TEXT as input
• Columnar selection: use TM_SELECTED_TEXT splitting on LF
I don't currently handle multiple caret selection, though I see that I can
read from STDIN to obtain that input. The tricky part seems to be
discerning how to break that input to match the respective selections. I
could split by LF, though that doesn't work if any of the selections
themselves span multiple lines. Otherwise it seems it's a walk through each
line to match up with the TM_SELECTION entries (which I've not attempted
thus far, in fairness).
Am I missing anything obvious here? Has there been any consideration of
using some of the ASCII field separators (e.g. 0x1D-1F) to delimit these
and permitting use of said separators as a way of directing the response to
fill each of these selections respectively?
– Chris
I have the same problem as Curt Selmer with the Bundle Ediror — I am running macOS 10.14.6
Phil Molyneux E: molyneux(a)
T: 020 8549 0045
M: 07885 426 323
71 Deacon Road, Kingston upon Thames KT2 6LS
Is there some way to enforce a trailing newline on new file create (and update)? Is this a plugin-shaped problem, or a preference I can set?
I saw on GitHub a new prerelease of TM was available (v2.0.17). But checking via update (I'am using v.2.0.16) no new version appears. See:
Funny enough, on a testing machine via Homebrew installed 2.0.17... bit checking the prereleases it shows:
So pointing back to 2.0.16 ......
But when downgrading to 2.0.6 (the latest stable/regular version) and then checking the prereleases you can install 2.0.17.
So I think there is something wrong checking versions....
== Feek
Greetings all,
I received the familiar "update downloaded" notification for TextMate, and
installed it as per usual. Unfortunately it seems that it is only for
10.15+, as per the attached screenshot, and I'm running 10.14.6. I've
downloaded 2.0.6 from, but that's a long
way behind the version I was recently using, and if I try upgrading it's
instantly back at the version that won't run. Could somebody please let me
know how to revert to something close to the previous (2.0.15?) version?
Thanks very much,
[image: tm_nogo.png]
Hi all! I was wondering, how can I (or we) integrate Language Server Protocol / Server to TextMate? For Python, Ruby, Golang etc... I tried every other editors but none of the makes me comfortable as TextMate does.
Uğur Özyılmazel