Hi all,
I use for years now the following bundle command.
So create in your own (or new bundle) the following command:
- Go to Bundle Editor (⌃-⌥-⌘-B) (CTRL-OPT-CMND-B)
- Into your own (or new) Bundle, create new command (⌘-N): choose command (see: https://feek.d.pr/7L7Yiq/ZvMqhk8685)
- place in the code part the following code (see my gist): https://gist.github.com/feekApp/3d29b035d839b2665b921ac84f08fc52
- on the right side set the following settings: https://feek.d.pr/B07GgG/2gFInPLbwQ
- on the "Semantic Class" set "callback.document.did-save, callback.document.did-open, callback.document.did-change-scm-status" in order to let the colors in the gutter update on save and change of the file
- Add "source.css, source.css.less" to scope (or add other scopes you want)
Works perfectly for me:
== Feek
Hi everyone,I've googled for that for days, but I can't find any solution. Is there any possibility to color hexadecimal values (e.g. #FF0000) with it's value? Like on the screenshot. I know how to colorize the pattern, but I can't set the color value in the theme.
Hello All.
My name is Lucas nadolskis, this is my first email to this list.
I have a current issue that every time that I try saving a file on TextMate I get:
Setting Extended Attributes.
And does not allow me to save the file.
I am using TextMate 2.0.23 and macOS 11.6
Any advice is appreciated.
Kind regards.
Lucas nadolskis.
if you do a find, the first found string is marked and you need to
manually unmark it. I usually hit ESCape but this will then delete the
marked text, which I find inconvenient.
Is there key or combination that closes the search window, withough
deleting the found/marked text?
If not, would that be a helpful feature to have?
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I’ve been using textmate for a while and love it. Ran into a snag today. When I have multi-level nested code, I don't get syntax highlighting.
I’m writing a PHP WordPress function that dynamically builds JSON-LD in a <script> tag and then adds that code to <head> using the wp_head hook. The problem is that JSON-LD and PHP code is not being syntax highlighted when it’s nested like this. It just shows up as a single color (white in my case).
Here’s a truncated example of the code:
add_action('wp_head', ‘works_jsonld_header');
function works_jsonld_header() {
***variables are being set here***
if (is_singular()){
<script type="application/ld+json”>
"@context": "https://schema.org”,
"@type": "CreativeWork”,
"@id": "<?= $works_link ?>”,
"name": "<?= $w_title ?>”,
"about": "<?= $w_descript ?>”,
"accessMode": ["auditory", "textual", "visual”],
"creator": {
"@type": "Person”,
"name": "<?= $short_name ?>”,
"image": "<?= $auth_img_url[0] ?>”,
"sameAs": [
"<?php echo $auth_link . '"’;
if (isset($auth_wiki_p) && $auth_wiki_p !== '' && isset($auth_wiki_s) && $auth_wiki_s !== ''){
echo '"' . $auth_wiki_p . '",’;
} else if (isset($auth_wiki_p) && ($auth_wiki_p !== '') && $auth_wiki_s == ''){
echo '"' . $auth_wiki_p . '"’;
if (isset($auth_wiki_s) && $auth_wiki_s !== ''){
echo '"' . $auth_wiki_s . '"’;
*** extra code here***
As you can see, this is PHP nested in JSON-LD, that is nested in HTML, that is nested in PHP :) Code works, but there is no syntax highlighting for JSON-LD or PHP within JSON-LD.
Not sure if there is a way to enable this in TextMate or if it would have to be added as a new feature. Since using schema is quickly becoming a standard, and WordPress powers so many sites, I think it would be very useful if this worked.
I can set `saveOnBlur` in a properties declaration, like so
# File .tm_properties
[ text.scratch ]
saveOnBlur = true
but it seems I cannot set it in a bundle (for the text.scratch type)?
Maybe I'm missing something obvious here?
More generally, what is the relation between bundle settings (other than shell vars) and properties (.tm_properties)?
Since Freenode decided to destroy both their reputation and their network, is there an alternative channel for TextMate now? I visited #textmate on https://libera.chat <https://libera.chat/> but it doesn’t look “official” in the sense that Allan isn’t there, and no motd is set.