Hey everybody
I've been a TM user since the very early days. I had a license for TM1, and I kept using TM2 through all these years while many fellow devs switched to fancy coding IDEs.
I love the simplicity of TM2, and it does just what I want it to do, nothing more.
But since a while, I experience that TM2 has some scrolling issues. When I switch between the tabs (opened text files), the scrolling jumps quite unpredictably. I always have to move the cursor (arrow key), so the current line is in the viewport again. This is annoying, and for the first time in my life I'm tempted to abandon TM2 and move to some other simple editor.
Can anyone tell me whether there is a way to fix this? Or that it will be fixed soon?
Thanks a log
After many grateful years with Textmate on my Macs, I also installed it on my new MBP with M1 CPU, running Monterey. Everything seems to run smooth until I hit cmd+/ to toggle/comment a region ;-)
What I think I’ve learned is that:
1. Monterey doesn’t ship a 1.8 ruby version anymore (at /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby where the bundle-support bundle’s ruby18 shim looks for it).
2. The “downloaded” 1.8.7 version (from https://archive.textmate.org/ruby/ruby_1.8.7.tbz at ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/bin/ruby isn’t compatible with the M1 arch).
So the error is pretty “correct” :
/Users/.../Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin/ruby18: line 43: /Users/.../Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/bin/ruby: Bad CPU type in executable
/Users/.../Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/bin/ruby18: line 43: /Users/.../Library/Application Support/TextMate/Ruby/1.8.7/bin/ruby: Undefined error: 0
To get around it (for now) I first tried to install a 1.8 version of ruby using rbenv, which didn’t succeed - quick guess it isn’t supported in any way anymore ?! ;-)
So I resorted to adding a prefix to the $PATH variable pointing to ~/bin and adding a small shell script there pointing to a 2.x version
% cat ~/bin/ruby18
RBENV_VERSION=2.7.4 ruby "$@“
So that “resolved” my urgent need ;-) Once I get into areas/bundles with ruby18 code that doesn’t play nice with ruby 2.x (IANARubyKnowledgeablePersonSorry) I’ll probably bump into a new set of issues - fingers crossed for my limited Bundle needs ;-)
Is there anything I can look into to help out here? Or have I simply missed the obviously better approach to solve this?
Thanks and regards,
Previously, I enjoyed the small chitchats and conversations we've had in the Freenode IRC channel. Then the Freenode fiasco happened. We're now a small bunch in the Libera.Chat #textmate channel, and I'd love if we could get the community back together. For instance, I miss hearing about what you're up to, Allan.
How do I get GitHub flavored Markdown working? I installed the bundle but when I try to preview I see:
Please install the Redcarpet and Pygments.rb RubyGems by running the following:
/usr/bin/gem install --user redcarpet pygments.rb
I did that, but it's not helping. Note that my ruby is installed with rbenv, and TextMate is pointed to it. My gems are installed using rbenv-gemset. For example, if I install redcarpet without saying `--user`, it goes into
Thanks - m.
matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/
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Programming iOS 14! https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-ios-14/9781492092162/
iOS 14 Fundamentals! https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/ios-14-programming/9781492092087/
RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html
If I modify the configuration script to enable debug mode [1] and run the script with a relative build directory:
mkdir build
builddir=build ./configure
ninja TextMate
The build fails with an assertion:
2021-11-06 09:34:58.256923+0100 bl[34313:190611] ------------------------------------------------------------
‘build/debug/_CreateBundlesArchive/Applications/TextMate/resources/Managed/Bundles/Apache.tmbundle’ - ‘build/debug/_CreateBundlesArchive/Applications/TextMate/resources/Managed’
path::relative_to(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) (in bl) (path.cc:0)
bundles_db::save_index(std::__1::vector<std::__1::shared_ptr<bundles_db::bundle_t>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::shared_ptr<bundles_db::bundle_t> > > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&) (in bl) (updater.cc:420)
__main_block_invoke.30 (in bl) (bl.cc:269)
__wrap_dispatch_async_block_invoke (in libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib) + 203
_dispatch_call_block_and_release (in libdispatch.dylib) + 12
_dispatch_client_callout (in libdispatch.dylib) + 8
_dispatch_lane_serial_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 606
_dispatch_lane_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib) + 417
_dispatch_queue_override_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib) + 425
_dispatch_root_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 326
_dispatch_worker_thread2 (in libdispatch.dylib) + 92
_pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 244
start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 15
Process 34313 exited with status = 1 (0x00000001)
(lldb) q
I release mode the build completes, I assume because assertions are disabled. If I run the configuration script in debug mode with a full build path the build completes as well:
builddir=$(pwd)/build ./configure
[1] https://github.com/textmate/textmate/blob/346b52b108b387462d4b3def481fb7498…
/Jacob Carlborg
I’ve been right clicking text on OS 12 and choose the language I want it translated into, instead of going to Google translate. But this is only available on Apple apps like Pages, it seems, and not on other applications like TextMate, MacVim, or Atom. Will it be possible to have it work on TextMate?
Just got M1 MBP yesterday and everything in not fully set up.
But if I save a Ruby file, it’s as if Cmd-A, Cmd-X is run first. Cmd-Z brings it all back. Doesn’t matter whether I use Cmd-S or File>Save
Occurred to me it might be a git issue (no reason to think so, but I’m grasping0. I ran git commit from TM and the same thing happened, the front file was cleared.
However copying the contents to a new file and saving in a different place works as expected.
New install of TM.
I know requireCommands can accept static paths or variables, but is it possible to define paths existing of both? E.g., $CARGO_HOME/bin/$TM_CARGO_NAME?
This is something that come up over and over again when I do bundle development and right now I have to sort it out in Ruby instead.
I am trying to filter the search down to just .php, .phl, and .inc files, and despite trying a bunch of different regex flavors, I cannot divine what the magic key is to only get those hits. When I try to combine them, I get no results. What kind of syntax is that 'matching' field expecting. I have read the online documentation without any joy.