In Markdown I can hit 'Enter' in an URL formated like this
and it opens in my default browser.
How would I go about to achieve the same in LaTeX documents? I have a
lot of
links in a document and I'd like to be able to open them as easily as
in Markdown.
Thanks in advance!
Hi. I apologize if this is a repeat question. I couldn't find it in
the archives.
When using the Edit : Select : Enclosing Brackets command, is there a
way to tell TextMate to NOT select the brackets themselves? I use TM
to edit C++ code, and *very* frequently want to copy, cut, or delete
the code that's between two parentheses without getting the
parentheses themselves.
Thanks for any help,
I have one machine still running 10.3
and when TextMate was updated to the
latest version (with the new LaTeX changes)
it broke my LaTeX compilation.
I get the following error:
sh: line 1: /usr/bin/type: No such file or directory Error: pdflatex
is not found
Sure enough, there is no /usr/bin/type. I've
specified the pdflatex location as
I've downloaded 1.5.6 and I'll revert to that in
the mean time.
I'm new to TextMate and have been struggling with a few things. I'm having
trouble finding answers on Google etc. and was hoping someone in the forum
could help.
1. How to insert a new line above the caret position and move to the start
of the new line (in the correct indentation level). Something like Shift-O
in vim.
2. How to move to the start of the text on a line. So something like Ctrl-A
then Ctrl-LeftArrow
3. I also have a question regarding TextMate's auto-indentation model. Say I
have the following ruby snippet:
def foo
puts 'hello world'
Note the caret is not indented correctly. If I press enter the next line
also starts against the margin. Is there a way to have TextMate always put
the caret in the correct indentation position when starting a new line?
Correct being whatever TextMate thinks is the correct position.
Hey all,
I've been doing some php code lately and got a bit tired of writing
getters/setters. I didn't find a command to generate them for me, so
I whipped one up.
I'm putting it here in case someone finds it useful.
The idea is to highlight the lines in your class file where you
define the class's instance vars. You then just have to fire this
command and it'll create generic getters/setters for the vars found
in the selection (can do multiple per line). If no lines are select,
it will try to create getters/setters for the vars in the current line.
It might be handier if it dumped the code into the clipboard, or
something, but it will just drop the code right below the current
If that sounds handy, you can create a command like so:
Scope Selector: source.php
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os,re,sys
template = """
public function get:CALL:() {
\treturn $this->:VAR:;
public function set:CALL:($:VAR:) {
\t$this->:VAR: = $:VAR:;
regex = re.compile(r'\$(\w+)')
text = os.environ['TM_SELECTED_TEXT']
except KeyError:
text = os.environ['TM_CURRENT_LINE']
for line in text.split('\n'):
for var in regex.findall(line):
code = template.replace(':VAR:', var)
code = code.replace(':CALL:', var[0].upper() + var[1:])
Bind to your favorite key combo and voila.
Every so often I'll open a file in TextMate and the window is all
garbled, like this:
Now this doesn't happen very often, and it's not a show stopper since
scrolling or resizing the window fixes the problem.
Has anyone else seen this?
- Dave
Hi all... there's something that's been bugging me for a while. I've
been wondering if it's possible to add a symbol to the Symbol PopUp
in a Plain Text file?
I know that I can use bookmarks, but I much prefer the Symbol PopUp
for file section navigation.
short question:
Like TeXSLMate Palette I would like to create a menu item (with short-
cut) in TM's 'Window' menu for my tmPlugin. How can I do this?
Many thanks in advance!
I have a problem using the svn bundle with password protected
repositories and the problem is that the bundle can't find ssh-askpass,
which is to be expected since there's no ssh-askpass anywhere in my
system :).
I've search around but all I found is some references to a python
ssh-askpass script.
Any ideas how I can get this thing to work?
I use tm_dialog dozens of times to simplify matters, and to save time ;)
But sometimes I would need a bit more (like the accessory views ;) ):
I wonder if it would be possible to write a nib which contains a
button, e.g. 'Browse', and if I press this button it opens an other
nib (or in that case a file select dialog). The returned value from
the called nib (file select) will set a value in the first nib?
An other approach:
Press a button in tm_dialog. In tm_dialog there is a buttonListener.
If that button is set to invoke a shell script then do it. This shell
script (an other tm_dialog or what ever) could write something to a
file and its content could update my actual tm_dialog.
Would this be too complicated or even impossible to implement?
Up to now I did such things like
PLIST1 = "..."
PLIST2 = "..."
pressedButton = Browse
while pressedButton == Browse
pressedButton = $DIALOG -p PLIST1 a_nib
if pressedButton == Browse
PLIST2 = $DIALOG -p PLIST2 a_other_nib
PLIST1 = modify with values of PLIST2
end while
Application examples could be:
- a Browse button to open a separate File Select Dialog
- a Edit button to edit preferences for the tm_dialog
- a Install button to install stuff which is missing without leaving
- a Refresh button to refresh values in the tm_dialog
Or is there an other way to do something like that?
Do I carry things too far? ;)