Hi. I apologize if this is a repeat question. I couldn't find it in the archives.
When using the Edit : Select : Enclosing Brackets command, is there a way to tell TextMate to NOT select the brackets themselves? I use TM to edit C++ code, and *very* frequently want to copy, cut, or delete the code that's between two parentheses without getting the parentheses themselves.
Thanks for any help, Rob
Here you go!
It's a macro that does the balance, removed the brackets, copies the selection without the brackets to the search pasteboard for the macro only, undoes the bracket removal moves the cursor outside the first bracket and then searches for whatever was just copied to your search pasteboard.
Simple really ;)
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — bundleForge
On Aug 7, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Robert Winchester wrote:
Hi. I apologize if this is a repeat question. I couldn't find it in the archives.
When using the Edit : Select : Enclosing Brackets command, is there a way to tell TextMate to NOT select the brackets themselves? I use TM to edit C++ code, and *very* frequently want to copy, cut, or delete the code that's between two parentheses without getting the parentheses themselves.
Thanks for any help, Rob