I'm updating my Markdown bundle to better handle GitHub-style fenced code blocks like so:
foo = { bar: true }
The grammar is simple enough for one language:
ruby_block = {
begin = '^```ruby.*$';
end = '^```.*$';
patterns = ( { include = 'source.ruby'; } );
However, I'd like to support any language. I tried the following, but it doesn't appear to work (and I'm not sure why):
code_block = {
begin = '^```(\w+).*$';
end = '^```.*$';
patterns = ( { include = 'source.\1'; } );
Is something similar possible / supported?
I'm confused as to what I should be doing to get the latest available build
for TextMate 2.
I'm currently using 9090 which is what the menu update check says is the
latest, but see posts referring to higher numbers.
I am very new to TextMate. Thanks for your patience.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Latest-available-build-for-TM-2-tp33763656p33763656.h…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
i just checked if skim and the sync with skim works, but it does not. Is there a way to solve this?
-Because I'm the CEO, and I think it can be done.-
Steve Jobs, 2005
Something I'd like to see improved in TM2 is the visibility of the
current file browser root. Since I started working with TM2, I've
noticed several things about the file browser:
- I frequently glance at the file browser/project drawer to orient
myself, essentially answering "which project's window is this?"
- The "project" indication, the browser's current directory, is now
the smallest text on the page. (I use a larger font than the default
for the editing windows.) It's also tucked in the midst of a lot of
other stuff, making it hardre to quickly pick out.
- The current directory name is truncated by the buttons to its right
when the file browser pane is narrowed even a bit.
- Quickly inspecting the contents of the file browser is often not
illuminating. Imagine working with multiple Rails apps, multiple
git clones of the same project, etc.
- No location information is available when the drawer is closed. By
contrast TM1's default formatting of the title bar with "<icon>
<file> - <project>".
On that last point, I note that the window title is now user-configurable in
.tm_properties; great news. However, I've not had any luck in
recreating TM1's behavior. For example, in ~/.tm_properties I have:
windowTitle = '${TM_DISPLAYNAME}\
and in a project root directory, I have .tm_properties with:
projectDirectory = '${CWD}'
After restarting TextMate (is there an easier way to reload the
props?), it seems that TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY is never set even when
projectDirectory has been set in .tm_properties. Am I just missing
something about projectDirectory/TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY, or is this a
> When I try the keyboard shortcut, I just get the alert sound from my Mac
Keyboard shortcut being ??7 on a US keymap?
Yep. shift + command + 7 (standard HTML bundle default shortcut) on US
keyboard. Sorry for the late reply... Didn't notice yours until now :)
-- Yann
I've seen this a couple of times, but this time I captured a sample.
TM2 was running in the background when I noticed it was using the CPU
a lot. I had a couple of documents and projects open some of which are
in a Mercurial repository. From the sample it looks like TM2 is
scanning directories for some reason.
Version 2.0 (9090)
OS X 10.7.3