I've come across some odd behavior when using the html bundle and converting mail addresses to links:
If I copy name@email.com and then use the key comand, it results in <a href="mailto:dave@dave. ;com">name@email.com</a>
Is there a workaround?
is it only obfuscating the email in the link and not the actual text of the email? Or do you not want it to obfuscate at all?
On Oct 30, 2007, at 8:36 PM, Digital Rust wrote:
I've come across some odd behavior when using the html bundle and converting mail addresses to links:
If I copy name@email.com and then use the key comand, it results in <a href = "mailto :d ;a ;ve@dave.com">name@email.com
Is there a workaround?
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—