There was this, which Infininight said is being patched, but I wasn’t clear whether it was a fix in a bundle (looks like it is), or whether it was in core. 13:01 mwilson: allan: allan: Infininight: are you seeing ↑ 14:05 allan: I’m not on 10.13 yet 14:05 allan: and I can’t really think of what’s causing that… 14:16 Infininight: allan: hmm, not even sure how you would trigger a dialog like that if you wanted to?14:17 Infininight: outside of using tm_dialog that is 14:24 Infininight: ok, found the issue; will get a copy of 10.3 to fix 00:34 gina has joined (~gina@_192.30.252.41_) 00:34 gina: [bundle-support.tmbundle] infininight pushed 1 new commit to master: gina: bundle-support.tmbundle/master 6e6188a Michael Sheets: Update ruby support for High Sierra...00:34 gina has left ()
-- Marc Wilson
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017, at 11:22 PM, Andrew Cohen wrote:
Are there any known issues with Textmate on 10.13 or is it safe to upgrade? Are there concerns with APFS, for example?>
Thank you,
- -Andy*
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On Sep 26, 2017, at 11:57 PM, Marc Wilson wrote:
There was this, which Infininight said is being patched, but I wasn’t clear whether it was a fix in a bundle (looks like it is), or whether it was in core.
Bundle fix was deployed on Sunday night, everyone will have been updated by now provided they have bundle updates enabled. That’s the only issue I’ve heard of with High Sierra, looking good otherwise. :)