The font I used is called "Myriad Pro Semibold", which is included in all, or at least most of Adobe's Products... by the way, Apple uses the same font for all of their products :)
best regards, Wolfgang
Am 15.02.2005 um 13:00 schrieb
On Feb 15, 2005, at 4:00, fatal wrote:
(BTW, does somebody know the font used for the type names on the actual icons (CSS, PHP,etc.)?)
There is an icon kit with templates which I think include the font setting, though I don't know if Wolfgang used this: (and I don't have photoshop or similar myself, so I can't even read out that font setting for you ;) ).
On 15 févr. 05, at 13:25, Bartelme Design wrote:
The font I used is called "Myriad Pro Semibold", which is included in all, or at least most of Adobe's Products... by the way, Apple uses the same font for all of their products :)
Stupid me. It was right in front of my nose on my PowerBook and at the back of my iMac. I should have recognize this one.