I just started with Textmate: http://www.rsaccon.com/2007/10/erlang-and-textmate.html
Searching the mail archive shows very little posts about Erlang. I would like have better erlang support and I am interested in contributing to get there. Anybody has done something with textmate and Erlang and has some Experiences to share, anybody just thinking about it and has thoughts to share ? Or just advice to put me in the right direction to get started ? (the howtocontribute-Wiki-entry I have read already) What I would like to have is Emacs/Distel like Erlang integration, for example a keybinding for compiling/reloading the current sourcefile and in case of errors keybinding to jump to the first/next error. With Emcas I wrote some elisp hack just to integrate things better into my workflow, I hope that can be done for textmate/erlang as well