Trevor Turk wrote:
I found that you can drag a folder onto TextMate to open it in a single window. That's actually pretty good for my purposes generally, but it looks like you can't do that via Transmit.
What about Transmit->Preferences->General Double Click Action: Edit in External Editor External Editor: TextMate ?
No drag required, just Double-Click on file in Transmit "their stuff" windows.
Here's a trick I use (btw, I use Cyberduck, but that shouldn't matter for this) to edit related files via SFTP. I create a new project so I have a project drawer, then I double click on a file I want to edit, Cyberduck downloads it and TM presents it to me in a new window. Here's the tricky part: I click on the file icon in the title bar and drag it into the project drawer. (My aim isn't very good, I sometimes have to try a couple of time to hit the magic spot that causes the icon to drag.) Then I close the edit window and double click on the file again and it appears in the already open project window. So what I do is an initial download of all the files I'm interested in, drag them into the project drawer and close their independent edit windows and from that point on, I have pseudo project based sftp support. :-)