Easy on the flames, boys: http://www.theappleblog.com/2005/11/18/textmate/
It's a weak review, not even scratching the surface of TM's extensibility and ease of use, but that kind of review could take weeks to write. :-)
-- Brian Lalor / blalor@bravo5.org Stewardess: We know you have your choice of bankrupt carriers and we appreciate you choosing us.
On 18/11/2005, at 16:02, Brian Lalor wrote:
It's a weak review, not even scratching the surface of TM's extensibility and ease of use, but that kind of review could take weeks to write. :-)
And I really like this comment: “If you’re an Objective-C programmer, but want an editor that’s better than XCode, you might find BBEdit more useful”.
If you're an obj-c programmer, you're probably going to dislike Carbon interfaces, need an Xcode build capability, project management, and some sort of snippet/completion system to fight the verbosity of the Cocoa framework, but what do I know… ;)