On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed drew saying:
I keep my dock quite small, and the icon just looks like a nasty brown blur.
Yeah, the problem with the icon isn't that it's ugly (I really don't care either way), but that you can't easily recognize it if it's bellow a certain size, which it is in my dock. That's what's great about BBEdit's icon. It may not be pretty, but I always see it immediately because it's unique.
- -- "The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." -- Abraham Lincoln
I've started putting together a language bundle for Mono/C# development. It's available at http://ianp.org/articles/textmate.html if you're interested.
Also, since Allan seems pretty snowed under handling support calls at the moment, I'd like to step into the breach and offer to host a collection of user contributed bundles at on my site. If anybody has any bundles (or other TM related bits and pieces) that they've written then if you mail them to me at this address I'll put them on the site and send an announcement to this list.
Yours, Ian.
#ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips #include <std_disclaimer> | http://ianp.org #endif