Thanks. The recommendations worked. Adding L:(…) around all the injections selector does the trick. I don’t know why it didn’t work for me then, but probably because of the second problem. Simplifying the other selectors and not trying to follow the ERB syntax makes everything a little bit easier to understand (and correctly syntax highlight both languages in the same file).
Thanks a lot for the help!
El lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016 a las 14:36, ( escribió:
On 16 May 2016, at 17:29, Daniel Rodr?guez Troiti?o wrote:
A simple version of my grammar looks like this: [?] 'source.swift.gyb - (meta.embedded.block.gyb)' = {
The injection scope selector should use L:(?) so your injected rules go before Swift?s (as you also write yourself).
{ begin = '(^|\s*)(?=%{(?![^}]*}%))';
This seems to be the problem, this rule doesn?t actually match anything as it?s a ?begin of line? assertion and then a ?look ahead? assertion. So while the rule ?matches? when you have `%{` at the beginning of a line, no characters are consumed, so we descend into the rule?s patterns, but here we also have the Swift rules, and the L:(?) only affects the priority of the root rules injected (not their children), so the Swift rule will consume the `%` character because it was not consumed by the parent rule?s begin pattern. A minimal version of your grammar that works would be this: { injections = { 'L:(source.swift.gyb - meta.embedded.block.gyb)' = { patterns = ( { name = 'meta.embedded.block.gyb'; begin = '%{'; end = '}%'; contentName = 'source.python'; patterns = ( { include = 'source.python'; } ); }, ); }; }; patterns = ( { include = 'source.swift'; } ); } I understand you wanted to scope the leading/trailing whitespace and then re-use the actual matching of %{ and %}, but I don?t think this is possible, though I think it will be simpler to add optional matches like this: begin = '(^\s*)?%{'; end = '}%(\s*$)?'; Then name these captures for `punctuation.whitespace.embedded.[leading|trailing].gyb`.