I would most definitely welcome such an implementation. I think there are a lot of people who use Textmate for HTML development that would love to see this.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can help with actual development, as, well, I only know HTML & CSS and not much else.
I suppose if you needed a tester, I could do that.
On 8/1/07, Jacob Rus jacobolus@gmail.com wrote:
john wrote:
At least basic preliminary support for (X)HTML5 would be nice, stuff like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> etc. "Basic preliminary support" as in at least not marked as invalid when used with a proper doctype.
That's a grammar issue, unrelated to what subtleGradient is talking about. But I think TM should probably move to preferring html5 creation document creation in the nearish future (over html 4.01 strict, that is), as it's backwards-compatible, and better defined.
Is Infininight still planning on making a better HTML grammar? *wink*
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