is there/could there be a way to cache the undo-history in TM or future TM2 even after closing the programm?
Users of laptop computers who prefer the sleep mode instead of shuting down the computer will have the advantage to find their desktops/ workspaces just as they have left them, including undo histrories.
They will have the disadvantage that sleepmode will suck empty their batteries, especially when you have a lot of RAM installed. Also this is over the time lowering the life expectancy of your accu set.
Sometimes I only use sleep mode because I dont want to loose the changes that I have made in TM (code debugging most of the time)... If Historie would be cached, I then have one reason less to worry about shutting down completely or not.
Id be happy if more programs could support such a behaviour, it is convenient and will save at least some resources and energy.
Thanks & sincere Dennis