On Nov 23, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Emil Eriksson wrote:
What I'd really like to see is a consistent background color. Or rather consistent colors and styles.
HERE HERE!!! I'd really like to see an effort to develop consistency across syntaxes as well.
It doesn't really matter very much which styles or colors as long as they're consistent between syntax files. Though I would prefer white background and just colors (no bolds, underlines or italics).
I agree, although I have a proclivity for the dark background. My proposal is that we create a LIGH & DARK version for all syntaxes that are consistent across bundles AND some centralized way to edit them that MAINTAINS that consistency. I know this is possible I just have NO idea how to do it.
Perhaps me and Jeroen should just have a shoot-out over this matter since it seems to me as he has the same opinion as me, though his is negated. ;)
Please do. Let's stir up the discussion on this. While I believe the icon discussion is relevant, it had little do do with the application's ease of use. Syntax color consitancy, however, could increase Textmate's usability for those of us who commonly switch between syntaxes.