On 1 Jun 2005, at 16:25, Dominique PERETTI wrote:
Does it in some extent use the new feature Allan wrote about ?
For example to change the completion to only suggest internal PHP functions we could make the following setting: completionCommand = 'php -r '$a = get_defined_functions(); print_r(implode("\n", $a["internal"]));'|grep "^$TM_CURRENT_WORD"| sort';
Because this method is damn great !
Dominique, Yes it does, but don't take my word for it try the bundle.
Please Note! Allan's completion command above is limited to the number of functions available in your PHP installation. OS X Default = 915 Entropy.ch PHP 5.0.4 = 1782
but the PHPCodeCompletion bundle supports all 3653 functions.
Kind regards,
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