Jim LaGrone <jlagrone86@...> writes:
I'm having trouble with the LaTeX bundle. In the preferences, I select
pdflatex, but when I command-R, it appears to be using latex and produces errors. In the "Typeset & View" window, the button always says "Re-Run latex," never "Re-Run pdflatex" as it used to.I'm using TM Version 1.5.9 (1589).Any ideas?Jim
I'm seeing the same thing. I use xelatex, and "Typeset & View" now insists on using just latex. In attempting to troubleshoot this, I have completely removed all traces of TextMate (the app, /Library/Application Support/Textmate, ~/Library/Application Support/Textmate, and prefs from /Library/Preferences), and reinstalled from scratch. So I'm up-to-date with build 1589, and I'm using the default Latex.tmbundle. I'm also using MacTex 2009, and have added /usr/texbin to my PATH within TextMate (current path is: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/texbin). I should also mention that I'm on 10.6.2.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?