I used to use that Shift-Apple-N to create new files in the project
but the shortcut doesn't work anymore gah!
It doesn't work when the focus is in the project draw or in the
document either. Has that changed or is this a bug or something? :D
When I choose "Update Entire Project to Newest" from the Subversion
menu I get the following message:
svn update /Users/bryce/Sites
Skipped '/Users/bryce/Sites'
My working directory is located in '/Users/bryce/Sites/moodle'. Is
there a setting that needs to be set somewhere to get Textmate to pass
the proper path?
I love a lot of things about TextMate - but I'm still
having one major problem.
How can I edit multiple files straight from an FTP
server in a single window? I use Transmit 3 - which
lets you ctrl-click a file and "edit in" whatever.
Then, when you save, it shoots the new file up to the
server. However, I'm trying to figure out how to do
this within one window - like when you're working on a
"project". Coming from TextWrangler, this works fine
because all your files open in the file browser and
you've got one window. In TextMate, I've got a new
window every time, and I always have to drag the new
windows around because they open in "cascade" like
fashion. It's really a pain, and I'm trying to find a
way around this...
Is there a way to make a "project" that points to
files that are online? Is there a way to get new files
to open in a single window? I got the impression that
this "single window" thing I was talking about might
be coming to TextMate - but I'm trying to figure out a
way to work with this as-is.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
- Trevor
The last changes in the LaTeX Bundle broke down syntax coloring for
things like this:
Basically, the \{ inside math mode is considered
while the \} is not.
The relevant code is
{ name = 'constant.language.general';
match = '\\([^a-zA-Z]|[A-Za-z]+)(?=\b|\}|\]|\^|
Can't see right now what the problem is with it, maybe someone else
can spot it.
Will everyone who reads this message please stand up and give a round
of applause for Allan.
Allan, you are now hearing the sound of lots and lots of satisfied
customers. Programmers don't often hear this so please enjoy it.
Now, everyone get back to work.
I'm looking for an easy way to add a shell variable to TextMates
preferences via a shell script, I've got so far but the final step
seems a little illusive.
The following just overwrites what's already there....
defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakShellVariables '{enabled =
1; value = "/Users/simon/classes"; variable = "CLASS_PATH"; }'
As the script would run as part of a bundle package install it would
be possible to quit textmate first and not run the risk of defaults
confusion, but ideally I'd like something similar that could simply
be executed via a command.
Any help would be great.
Yeah I bought BBEdit a few years ago and it cost almost 6 times what
TextMate cost. It was something like $350 Australian dollars.
I sent a few questions and suggestions to their support team and I
recieved a pathetic condecending email explaing very pretentiously
why it was not possible to highlight interpolated variables inside
strings because of 'XML Parsing Rules'.
I paid another $80 odd AU dollars for the 7 to 8 update. What was in
8 that was not in 7? A document drawer. So I paid $80 dollars for a
document draw... Really.
Textmate was about $60 AUD and I get daily builds, I can speak to the
author directly and the application kicks arse!
So all you poo-poo'ers can get stuffed because it's well worth the
cost. If Textmate was $350 AU I'd probably pay that much, too.
(And also for the record I own a license of Zend Studio, and I paid
about $450 AU for that, and they suck, too. I won't be renewing that
license, that's for sure!)
In regards to :
[CHANGED] Rather than set soft tabs (that spaces should be used
instead of tabs) and tab size in the bundle editor for language
specific tab settings, the popup in the status bar will now record
changes only for the current (root) scope -- for scopes where an
explicit choice hasn't been made, it'll use the closest with an
explicit choice, and in case of a tie, it picks the one which most
recently was updated.
What am I missing here? I cannot find the soft tabs setting anymore.
I thought it was in preferences. I.E., I had trouble with a Python
script after updating to rev. 680 (had to convert all spaces to tabs)
and want to make sure that I am still editing with spaces as tabs.
thanks, K