Hi all!
Seeing the release notes of 687 reminded me of something that's been
nagging me (slightly) for some time. It's mostly got to to with the
language selection in the spelling dialog:
- The selected dictionary is application wide (i.e. valid for all
documents), but as it happens I often have a German and an English
document open (or more applicably one in British and one in American
English :P). Maybe this setting could be stored in the meta-info
file? I just found out there is a plugin for AdiumX that does this
for each contact...
- After changing the dictionary, the red squiggly underlining isn't
refreshed. I thought this was due to the lazy colouring, but I tested
it with plenty of idle CPU time.
As an aside, I finally got my British keyboard (the German key-layout
trades valuable keys (e.g. everything needed for coding in general)
for hardly ever used umlauts) so now I can use the keyboard shortcuts
of TM as intended. And stuff like Apple+~ works now. I find it
strange, that (generally speaking) very few people seem to use their
OS in a non-local language with a local keyboard...
Anyway... ranting over!
Trevor Turk <trevorturk(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> I found that you can drag a folder onto TextMate to
>>> open it in a single window. That's actually pretty
>>> good for my purposes generally, but it looks like you
>>> can't do that via Transmit.
> What about Transmit->Preferences->General
> Double Click Action: Edit in External Editor
> External Editor: TextMate
> ?
> No drag required, just Double-Click on file in Transmit
>"their stuff" windows.
Here's a trick I use (btw, I use Cyberduck, but that shouldn't matter
for this) to edit related files via SFTP. I create a new project so I
have a project drawer, then I double click on a file I want to edit,
Cyberduck downloads it and TM presents it to me in a new window. Here's
the tricky part: I click on the file icon in the title bar and drag it
into the project drawer. (My aim isn't very good, I sometimes have to
try a couple of time to hit the magic spot that causes the icon to
drag.) Then I close the edit window and double click on the file again
and it appears in the already open project window. So what I do is an
initial download of all the files I'm interested in, drag them into the
project drawer and close their independent edit windows and from that
point on, I have pseudo project based sftp support. :-)
Carl Forde
Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
-- Saint Francis of Assisi
When double-clicking the middle of a word and then pressing arrow left or right, the cursor does not start from the edges of the word, but instead from the double-click position. This behavior is not consistent with NSTextView, or any Mac OS app I've ever used way back to System 6.
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 12:00:04 +0000 (GMT), textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
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> than "Re: Contents of textmate digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: textmate Digest, Vol 13, Issue 71 (Shawn Van Ittersum)
> 2. Emacs-style tab to indent line (was: [TxMt] textmate Digest,
> Vol 13, Issue 71) (Allan Odgaard)
> 3. Re: Emacs-style tab to indent line (was: [TxMt] textmate
> Digest, Vol 13, Issue 71) (Gerd Knops)
> 4. Rev 665 - icon gone (Jeremy Dunck)
> 5. Re: Rev 665 - icon gone (Allan Odgaard)
> 6. Tab Size per window (Peter Vohmann)
> 7. Smart Home/End ( Fr?d?rik Bilhaut )
> 8. Re: Tab Size per window (Allan Odgaard)
> 9. Re: Smart Home/End (Allan Odgaard)
> 10. Re: Tab Size per window (Peter Vohmann)
> 11. Re: Tabulation of end tags (Andreas Wahlin)
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I just released Version 1.02 of TmCodeBrowser, a minor update:
- Manual button was not working in some instances, fixed
- Fixed a memory leak
- Use UTF-8 encoding to read back results from ctags
It is available at
Note that you need to restart TextMate after the update, otherwise
the plugin will not work properly.
I just slapped together this theme.
I based it off the excellent Espresso Libre theme.
Just like the Sin City comics & movie, it has a de-saturated overall
feel with a single brightly colored element.
I didn't think i'd like it as much as I do.
Is there a simple way to turn off "check spelling" for
a particular document? You know, so that TextMate
would remember it? I've got some scratch pads that get
littered with re underlines, but I really like the
spell checking in most cases.
Related question - is there any chance of getting a
keyboard shortcut to toggle "Check Spelling as You
Type" - I can't seem to do a macro or anything for
that, and t'would be handy.
- Trevor
I think full screen mode would be a nice enhancement: in this mode the
editor takes over the whole monitor: no windows, no scroll bars: nothing to
distract you: just you and the text (constrained to some inset from the
monitor frame).
I find this is a nice environment to get work done in.
I've been doing some writing the last week that I was putting off doing:
easy to be distracted when it is unpleasant work... anyhow: I found while I
couldn't write the paragraphs I needed in textmate, I could in macjournal
<a href="http://homepage.mac.com/dschimpf/">macjournal</a>
So, if full screen is already an option... Please someone point it out to me
:-) Else, this is my suggestion.
Hi All,
I have frequently wanted the ability to replace some text in the
current document and set the selection through a command. Is this
possible? I can easily replace the entire document, but setting the
selection eludes me.
In addition, I'd like access to the column number along with the line
number. I didn't see this as one of the exported environment
variables. Allen/all, any suggestions? Thanks _matt