I really like the TODO bundle... however, something I think might be
I want to export the todo list to a file called "TODO" in the root
directory of the project. How can I accomplish this?
Eric Coleman
I'm trying to play with symbol list definitions, and things aren't
working for me.
I've created a language to play with:
{ scopeName = 'source.gk';
fileTypes = ( 'gk' );
patterns = (
{ name = 'heading';
match = '^((=+) (.+) \2)\s*$';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'heading.gk'; };
2 = { name = 'heading.depth'; };
3 = { name = 'heading.title'; };
And a source file that matches it:
= Heading 1 =
== Heading 1.1 ==
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
* And this
* Is wh a...z t I mean
...and there we go
== Heading 1.2 ==
= Heading 2 =
Using colorings in my own Theme, I can tell that the scope "source.gk
heading.gk" is being applied to the headings. Now I want them to show
up in the symbol list.
I've created a new Preferences part in the bundle:
/* preferences */
{ showInSymbolList = 1; }
and set the scope for that Preference to "source.gk heading.gk".
Unfortunately, nothing shows up in the Symbol list.
If I quit and restart TextMate, the contents of the Preference are
unchanged. (I noticed that if I put bad syntax into this preference
and quit/restart, the change doesn't stick. It would be nice if there
was a better way to "Test" if the preference is valid or not.)
I'm using Version 1.5 (906) under MacOS X 10.4.5. I can send a full
dump from System Profiler if the above does not explain why symbols
aren't working for me.
I've been using the TODO bundle and find it useful. Thanks.
Note that a checkout of the TODO bundle (from the repository) also
> require a checkout of the Support directory.
Uh, sure. I have Subversion and can update the bundles in
/Library/Application Support/... but how do I check out part of the app?
>From where? To where?
A little help for a Subversion novice would be appreciated.
The updated TODO works very nicely on osX 10.4 (my computer at home).
However, at work im using osX 10.3.9 (still waiting for the upgrade!).
I updated the bundles this morning and now when I run TODO I get:
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/textmate.rb:3:in
`require': No such file to load --
set (LoadError) from /Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/textmate.rb:3 from /tmp/
temp_textmate.3IDEea:3:in `require' from /tmp/temp_textmate.3IDEea:3
Anyone got any ideas?
Hey Allan,
Did you see that TM is recommended fo RoR development on ADC?
"Finally, we recommend that you download and install the 30-day trial
of TextMate to use throughout this tutorial. It's the editor of
choice for Rails developers on Mac OS X."
I have started making use of the 'Run Script' feature for ruby files I'm
editing. All works fine and then I start to get this error:
/Applications/Tools/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Ruby.tm bundle/Support/tmruby.rb:115:in `sub': wrong argument type nil
(expected Regexp) (TypeError) from
/Applications/Tools/TextMate/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Ruby.tm bundle/Support/tmruby.rb:115
Quitting and restarting TM bypasses the problem, but it would be good to
have it fixed! I'm on OS X 10.4.5, I'm willing to provide more info if
that helps...
Thanks in advance
- Jonathan
>From: Charilaos Skiadas <cskiadas(a)uchicago.edu>
>> Any insight greatly appreciated (and apologies if this is an
>> inappropriate post for the forum)
>I'd say it's very appropriate for the forum. The problem is I think
>that TextMate does not do multiline matching in the syntax, so none
>of these is going to work I'm afraid. Can't see a way out of this,
>unless of course you have the luxury of placing an empty line before
>the next >, and then matching that in foldingStopMarker.
>From: Timothy Bates <timothy.c.bates(a)gmail.com>
>I had exactly this problem without output from our matrix package.
>My solution was to pre-process the output with a find-replace macro.
>The macro finds the taglines, and replaces them with "end\n($1)"
>That way, each block is wrapped in <tagline>...<end>
>Then the folding is trivial.
Thanks to both Haris and Timothy for replying so quickly to this....I
guess not having multiline matching in the syntax explains
it...thought I was going nuts!
The workaround as suggested by both was to preprocess the sequence
files (iterating over the entries using simple BioPerl - I'm pulling
the data on the fly from a RDMS anyway) and add a tab to the end of
each FASTA record...this tab is both invisible and unique to the end
of each entry and everything collapses as I want...
BTW, not only is TextMate amazing for programming/markup etc, it is
also awesome for bioinformatics analysis...I use v. large genome
datasets (flat file and RDMS) with scripting the primary mechanism of
retrieving/analyzing the data...I used to use NEdit but have ported
everything over to TextMate...using column selection, I can push
fields (like sets of gene names) as input to perl/shell scripts that
query the db and return the data formatted and highlighted...am
finding new stuff to do with it every day...
This patch fixes a problem with the Perl syntax where if you have a
function called 'submit', each call will appear as a function
declaration (sub mit).
Index: Bundles/Perl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Perl.plist
--- Bundles/Perl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Perl.plist (revision 2795)
+++ Bundles/Perl.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Perl.plist (working copy)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
- <string>^\s*(sub)\s*([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(?:\((.*?)\))?</string>
+ <string>^\s*(sub)\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(?:\((.*?)\))?</string>
pgp fingerprint: BC64 2E7A CAEF 39E1 9544 80CA F7D5 784D FB46 16C1
-----Original Message-----
From: "Benoit Gagnon"<b.gagnon(a)gmail.com>
Sent: 25/02/2006 07:49:51
To: "TextMate users"<textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
Subject: Re: [TxMt] TODO List
On Feb 25, 2006, at 2:28 AM, Soryu wrote:
> Hi,
> in an attempt to do some ruby I have revamped the TODO list command
> again, completely. It's now written in Ruby using ERB with a template.
> • It removes a bug from the older TODO comment which would descend
> into subdirectories for non-project files. So if you had a file
> in / and invoked the TODO command it would scan your complete Volume.
> • It sorts according to TODO/FIXME/CHANGED categories
> • and numbers the items, so you see how much work there is still
> todo :)
> Soryu.
Looks nice with a single file open, but fails with a "too many open
files" error with my entire project open.
Here's the error:
/tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:12:in `pwd': Too many open files - getcwd
(Errno::EMFILE) from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:12:in `scan_file'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:27:in `scan_file' from /tmp/
temp_textmate.mqBVat:26:in `each' from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:
26:in `scan_file' from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:27:in `scan_file'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:26:in `each' from /tmp/
temp_textmate.mqBVat:26:in `scan_file' from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:
27:in `scan_file' ... 7 levels... from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:
26:in `scan_file' from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:39 from /tmp/
temp_textmate.mqBVat:38:in `each' from /tmp/temp_textmate.mqBVat:38
For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
(threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)