Well, yesterday I discovered TextMate's new blogging attitude --thanks
to Mr. Ale Muñoz's awesome TextMate minicourse at The Cocktail,
Madrid-- and decided to give it a whirl as soon as I arrived home. I
have a weblog hosted in Blogalia.com --it supports Metaweblog API--
and I cannot get to access it, the main suspect seems to be my
username: it has a space in it.
Is anybody using TExtmate's blogging bundle with a username with an
embedded space?
I've been just trying out RubyCocoa, and I am having problems running
some of the examples from within TextMate. The "Run Script" command
doesn't seem to work properly, for instance with the "HelloWorld.rb"
Has anyone dealt with this?
Hi, altogether
I finally finished with the Textpattern Bundle.I ran into a couple of
Issues both TM related and about the subject itself.
It would have been definitely needed, that I ask for help or
suggestions on this mailing list, but on the other hand, I can not get
any serious work done, if I not completely isolate myself.
And here it is.
A detailed Article,about the main features of the Bundle
<a href="http://www.consking.com/article/">A detailed Article,about the
main features of the Bundle</a>
TXP TextMate Bundle
TXP TextMate Theme
Although I did some testing on a large pile of sample files, feedback is
always appreciated.
It might be a good Idea maybe at some point to put that into the repository.
Let's just see What Allan says first.
regards, marios
i just wanted to try out the SQL bundle but somehow i have problems.
First i found no docs whats the best way to let Textmate find
the mysql binary. He complained that he couldnt find it any of the
mentioned paths, which was basically the PATH env. variable.
Then i created a symlink to mysql binary into ...SQL.tmbundle/Support/
With that i was able to "Execute line with query" but with "Table
Browser" i got this:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/marclogemann/
SQL.tmbundle/Support/bin/tableBrowser.py", line 284, in ? sys.exit
(main()) File "/Users/marclogemann/Applications/tools/TextMate.app/
tableBrowser.py", line 109, in main listTables
(dbName,dbHost,dbPort,serverType,passwd,dbUser) File "/Users/
Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Support/bin/tableBrowser.py", line 130, in
listTables mycon = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbName,host=dbHost,port=int
(dbPort),user=dbUser,passwd=passwd) NameError: global name 'MySQLdb'
is not defined
To be honest, i dont know what these _mysql files in there are, nor
it is documented somehwere. So what is the best approach to get this
Furthermore is there a way to display correct encodings for
international characters like german umlaute (äöü)? I get rubbish
when these chars occur.
I just noticed that the shortcut for "Expand to Greek Letter" (cmd-
shift-G) collides with the default shortcut for "Find Previous" in
the Edit-menu. Could we change it to ctrl-shift-g maybe?
And I'd like to suggest to add source.bibtex to the scope selector
for this command, so it works in bibtex files, too.
Cheers. Oliver
As of rev 948:
[NEW] Files without extension now open in TextMate (instead of
when double-clicked in Finder.
True, this is probably what most of us want in theory, but
implementing it this way has undesirable side-effects. For example,
all of your shell scripts are identified as "Document" instead of
"Unix Executable File" and their icon becomes the default blank page
Anyway, the reason I'm writing is to share steps for getting things
back to normal, in case others are bothered by this as well.
1) Locate TextMate.app and "Show Package Contents" or "cd" into it or
2) Go into the Contents folder
3) Open Info.plist in your favorite text editor. ;) [I've done
this with
TextMate itself and had no problems.]
4) In the array of <dict> tags for document types, find the one
that has
"****" under CFBundleTypeOSTypes and comment it out (or delete
it). In the
latest version of TextMate (1112), this item is the last document
type and
can be found on lines 781-796.
5) Save the file
6) Run this command (all on one line): /System/Library/Frameworks/
Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
(Looks like the kind of thing you would run using "sudo", but
don't because
it won't get your "user" domain.)
7) Stop everything you're doing, make sure everything is saved,
and hope you
remember everything you were working on
8) Log out
9) Log in
Now, not that I don't *love* going through this process with every
cutting-edge update, but could there be a preference (perhaps hidden)
for disabling this behavior? Or could it just be removed? Personally,
I use Path Finder, which allows you to right-click any file and open
with the [GUI] editor of your choice. (It's always the first choice
on the context menu, so it's not as bad as it sounds.) But even if
you're using Finder, you can just drag unidentified files to
TextMate's Dock icon, right? I didn't see a request like this in the
Wiki. Am I correct in assuming I should add it there? Thanks.
I've got a question/problem about the "Select Bundle Item..." command.
I've been trying to use the dialog, but it does not seem to list all
off the commands in my active bundles. For example, if I type
"Browser" to try to get to MultiMarkdown's "Generate Output and Open
in Browser", the list is narrowed down to "Preview in Browser --
Markdown" and three selections in the [Experimental] HTML bundles.
Likewise, if I try to get to "Tidy" in the LaTeX bundle, the list
only shows "Tidy -- HTML".
I'm running the latest v1112 and have checked out the Bundles and
Support from today.
Is there something I am missing?
Matt Long mlong(a)acm.org /
University of South Florida, CRASAR
GnuPG public key: http://www.robothor.com/key.gpgkey
Software is like entropy. It is difficult to grasp, weighs nothing,
and obeys the second law of thermodynamics; i.e., it always increases.
-Norman R. Augustine
Hi, I was hoping someone could point out what I'm doing wrong.
I've customized my ActionScript lanugage definition to be "Javadoc aware."
I'm having trouble setting up the foldings regex (being an ActionScripter, I
don't regularly use regex, so maybe that's part of the problem. Can't wait
for AS3, though...).
Here's what I have:
foldingStartMarker = '(/\*|\{\s*$|\[\s*$|\(\s*$)';
foldingStopMarker = '(\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
// and later...
{ name = 'comment.javadoc.actionscript';
begin = '/\*\*';
end = '\*/';
And here's what happens. I ype "/**". At this point the language
definition knows that I'm in comment.javadoc. I get a downward-pointing
arrow for the top of the code fold area. I've also get snippets set up to
expand /** into
and return the caret to the middle line. There is a single space at the
front of the bottom two lines. (I also have it set up to replace a return
press with a return and an asterisk, but that's beside the point) Now, I
don't get the upward-pointing arrow for the bottom of the code fold area. I
just discovered that the space seems to be throwing it off. If I go back to
the closing of the javadoc comment, and remove that initial space, I get
code folding.
So I tried modifying the foldingStopMarker, but with no success. Is there
an easy way to do this? Am I being a moron and doing this completely the
wrong way? I've tried a number of regex's:
foldingStopMarker = '(^\s*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
foldingStopMarker = '(\s*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
foldingStopMarker = '( \*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
foldingStopMarker = '(^[ \t]*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
And many variations thereof, but with no luck. I may be just
misunderstanding how the foldingStopMarker works in the first place, but if
anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be very appreciative. I like
my asterisk's to line up, and I like my code folding.
When I run a unit test the results are displayed poorly:
Loaded suite /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/
Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Support/tmruby Started .F Finished in 0.008257
seconds. 1) Failure: test_outOfRange(TestIntTypes) [/Users/dave/Chips/
DES/bitsteam/decoder/tests/tc_intTypes.rb:40]: exception expected but
was Class: Message: <"uint4 t_uint4 has value: -1 (out of expected
range)"> ---Backtrace--- (eval):4:in `t_uint4=' /Users/dave/Chips/DES/
bitsteam/decoder/tests/tc_intTypes.rb:40:in `test_outOfRange' /Users/
`test_outOfRange' --------------- 2 tests, 12 assertions, 1 failures,
0 errors
- it looks like the \n are being ignored. I run the tests by using
command R in the test file.
When I run from the terminal I get:
Loaded suite tc_intTypes
Finished in 0.015976 seconds.
1) Failure:
test_outOfRange(TestIntTypes) [tc_intTypes.rb:40]:
<SyntaxElementError> exception expected but was
Class: <RuntimeError>
Message: <"uint4 t_uint4 has value: -1 (out of expected range)">
(eval):4:in `t_uint4='
tc_intTypes.rb:40:in `test_outOfRange'
tc_intTypes.rb:40:in `test_outOfRange'
2 tests, 12 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
Do I have something configured wrong?