Is there anyone else having a problem with the key command for the
Text > Convert > to Titlecase menu item? I've tried both ctrl+option
+shift+u and ctrl+option+u. Neither works.
Is there a conflict somewhere that is causing it not to work? Is
there a way I can change this binding or is there a fix?
Mike Gregoire
I am using TextMate for Latex and the umlaute of the german language.
When I have Todos that uses umlaute, I get only questionmarks for
these. Is there an easy way to convert these characters?
Hi all,
Is there a way to add some sort of keybinding to have the key
combination SHIFT + SPACE output an underscore character?
I would be happy with this in TextMate or if anyone has any ideas for
a system wide implementation.
Suppose I have a column of symbols like this:
I want to produce this:
@"StoreID ",
In Xcode, I'd search for the regular expression
and replace it with
TextMate appears not to support RE substitution in the replacement
field. Is this the case? Are there thoughts on when that might become
the case?
Is there some TextMate-y way to do what I want in the mean time?
-- F
Hi everyone,
once again, I have a (from my point of view) great Idea, but since I
do not know how to
program it I am sharing my thoughts with you.
I use TextMate a lot for Fortran those days, and markdown, so in
those two "languages" I
know the shortcuts quite well.
Now I start using TextMate to write Latex and I do not know all those
shortcuts I might need.
So here is the request:
Wouldn't it be nice to have a floating window (i.e. the one you get
in iPhoto to adjust contrast...)
showing the contents of the bundle menu on the bottom of the
textwindow? (maybe one could
also click the items and the bundle item will be activated).
Of course it is much more efficient to trigger the bundle action by
the shortcut but during the learning
phase and/or for not so often used actions it would be a help.
Just some thoughts
Christoph Biela
This command overrides reformat paragraph in the comment.line.number-
sign.ruby scope. Here is the description given by rubywrap.rb:
# RubyWrap is a word wrapper utility designed for ruby scripts. It
# however work for any programming language which uses an initial
prefix for
# comments (see --prefix). RubyWrap correctly handles indented
# indented text within comments, header comments, and many forms of
lists. It
# will also pass through code without change and detabify.
Any interest in adding this to the Ruby bundle?
rubywrap.rb goes in Ruby.tmbundle/Support/bin.
-- Daniel
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 09:17:37 -0700, Charles Stuart wrote:
> Hi Will, I'm not seeing the preference file. Ran odbeditor and
> returned this:
> --> Unable to find application for bundle com.barebones.bbedit.
> And then no preference file
> (~/Library/Preferences/org.dyndns.wuther.ODBforwarder.plist) is
> created in ~/Library or /Library.
Weird. That preference file should be created as soon as the app
starts up. If you double-click on, that file should
be created even though there are no apple-events to forward.
I've made a new version that outputs an error _when_ it can't create
the file. I can't figure out how to make it output _why_ it can't
create the file, so I'm not sure this is much more useful. It is on
the web at:
I guess it will tell you if the file is being created somewhere
strange. I'm just using the default app preferences API, so I don't
actually tell the OS where to create the file. e.g. it might be
creating a machine specific preference for some reason.
If you've got XCode, you could change the source and recompile...
The default editor bundle ID is listed on line 115 of main.c.
Let me know if that helps,
Will :-}
>>> On Aug 17, 2006, at 11:18 PM, William Uther wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Just thought I'd let everyone know that I've made a new app for
>>>> use with TextMate. It is open source and described here:
>>>> Is is still early days and has many rough edges, but I think it's
>>>> useful. I'm releasing early - we'll see if I have enough time to
>>>> release often. :)
>>>> The app is a command line app, odbeditor. It acts like the 'mate'
>>>> command line program, but has a few advantages (and some
>>>> disadvantages too :)
>>>> usage: odbedit [-h] [-e editor] [-s saveScript] [-c closeScript]
>>>> filename [filename ...]
>>>> - It can be run from a remote shell. This means that you can ssh
>>>> into your box and start TextMate remotely. (Yes, there are uses
>>>> for this - it is the main reason I wrote the thing :)
>>>> - It can call out to other scripts when the program is saved or
>>>> closed (so you could scp the file somewhere, just to pull a random
>>>> example out of the air.)
>>>> - It will work with any ODB Suite editor (i.e. any editor that
>>>> works with those FTP programs like Cyberduck.)
>>>> Be well,
>>>> Will :-}
I am a new user and tried to modify my TextMate. But I am unfamiliar
with unix and clearly made a mess. For example, my TextMate cursor
has changed into a small horizontal bar and I can only modify text,
not enter new text with it. I often lose the find window, too. It
just does not show up and mysteriously comes back every once in a
while. I restarted, rebooted, installed a new copy of TextMate, even
erased the usr/local/bin/mate file. The problems persist. How can I
get restore the default?
Professor Jenny Harrison
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley