sorry, this is an oldie. but it didn't reach the list, and i just got
around to setting up a throwaway list address.
> I'd love to see three new items in the Automation submenus:
> Replay Macro > Replay [name of last macro selected]
> Insert Snippet -> Insert [name of last snippet selected]
> Run Command -> Run [name of last command selected]
+1 (or plus 20 if i have more than 1 vote)
this would be really handy (i know this, because i've used it,
heavily, in photoshop).
i'd write it myself, but i don't see a place to hook it in.
> I'm thinking the best solution might be to set up passwordless
> authentication via SSH and set the remote computer details in the
> script?
That's the way to go. You can run a command on a remote server like
ssh user(a) 'echo "I'm on the server!!!" '
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
in the earlier days of textmate, i was able to send to
textmate(a) with a bogus address (trying to avoid
that doesn't work anymore.
for the sake of those who read the archives, can you document the
access restrictions to the mailing list?
either in a reply, or even better, on the community page.
would be nice to have a way to send without being subscribed, if you
can think of one. a bogus subscription address that's allowed. or a
magic text cookie of some sort in the body of the message (probably
shouldn't be 'viagra' =).
unrelated, thank you:
>> a fix for the 'path of document' that's in the dictionary would work.
> FYI this has been near the top of my to-do for some time now
great. and congratulations on your major award.
> You are not running this as a normal TextMate command?
no. from the shell.
this is what he wants.
i've got some handy alias.
alias cdf='cd "$(osascript ~/bin/scripts/cdf.scpt)"' # cd to current
finder dir
alias cdb='cd "$(osascript ~/bin/scripts/cdb.scpt)"' # cd to current
textwrangler dir
...and so on.
i really want one for textmate, but i've found no way to do it. not
having one for textmate is really throwing a kink in my shell
workflow. i'm just about to write an applescript to change to
textmate, system-event some obscure key combo, and switch back to
terminal. please don't make me kludge.
a fix for the 'path of document' that's in the dictionary would work.
or, if it's easier to implement, have mate --pwd return textmate's
current directory.
the mate --run-arbitrary-bit-of-a-bundle thing that's been discussed
would do the trick, too. i suspect that's way in the future, though.
best editor ever, thanks.
-- this doesn't work:
tell application "TextMate"
set p to path of document 1 of window 1
POSIX path of p
-- nothing
end tell
When coding, I prefer to have things like this:
something( "blah" );
Rather than:
To accomplish this, I had created a scope called "meta.parentheses"
which only applied if the cursor was between empty matching
parentheses. I then had a snippet, with the spacebar as the key
equivalent and meta.parentheses as the scope, that would insert
[space]$0[space]. This made the spacebar behave normally inside
parentheses unless they were empty, which is what I wanted.
The problem: I noticed this morning that by adding the
"meta.parentheses" scope to a particular Language Grammar, I wasn't
getting updates for that language (my local modified copy taking
Now, I probably set this up prior to when TextMate started storing
things as deltas. Is it possible that if I duplicate the change, I
will still see updates to the grammar in the future with my delta
Or perhaps a better question: I had added my new scope to the PHP
grammar, but I'd really like the behavior in all "text" and "source"
contexts. My searching of the archives led me to some discussions of
applying a snippet to all scopes, but how can I add a scope to all
languages (without missing out on updates)?
I've been doing some searching today and haven't come up with much
useful information on the subject, so I'm hoping someone here might
know how to add highlighting to just the <?php , <? & ?> tags? I
tried using source.php, but obviously that's too general.
Also, on this topic, is there any place to find good documentation on
the available scope selectors?
Thanks, -Jeff
When I have directory open (in drawer) with files I work on, I create new
document with cmd+N (I'm too lazy and forgetful to hit Cmd+Shift+N ;).
When I save this document in project's directory, it remains open in TM as
an individual file, with it's own window. Even if I open the same file by
clicking in drawer, separate window remains separate and I end up same
document in both tab and window.
Is it possible to automatically "tabify" documents when they're saved in a
directory that's visible in drawer of some open project?
"Open" command does that already.
regards, porneL
Was wondering if someone could help me with this I've tried but cant
seem to get it working, what i want is to get the text in the example
that reads "THIS SHOULD BUT DOESN'T" to get colored as a comment, (this
is in the scheme bundle),
(define (np n m)
(if (or (= n 1) (= m 1))
(+ (np n (- m 1)) (np (- n 1) m))))
Is is possible to create a bundle command which would run a specified
command to a remote computer via ssh? I am running Mac OS X, and I use
Samba + ssh to work on my dev environment which is a Linux box.
I repeatedly have to run a command to refresh the environment to check
changes. I tried using quicksilver and the terminal plugin to send the
command, but I couldn't figure out how to have it point the command to
the active terminal window which was already ssh'd to dev box.
I'm thinking the best solution might be to set up passwordless
authentication via SSH and set the remote computer details in the
Hi everyone,
I've made myself some folding markers for Fortran which look like this :
foldingStartMarker = '(^[\t ]*((?i:real|complex|integer)(.*)\s)*\b
foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\b(?i:end\sprogram|end\sfunction|
They seem to work quite allright except for the old-fashioned
do-loop of Fortran 77 which reads :
do 10 i=1,10
some code here
10 continue
Note that the “continue” statement which ends the loop has the
label “10” which matches the loop one.
I've no idea how to implement folding markers for this syntax and
any help is appreciated :)