Tinkered around with Markdown today, found it quite enjoyable to use.
Mostly. Where I found it lacking is when Markdown formatted text is
within a div block, what with Markdown not working within block-level
Lookign for a workaround, I discovered [PHP Markdown Extra][1] by
Michel Fortin, a script which expands the Markdown syntax to allow one
to use Markdown within block-level tags. Is there a way to use that
script within TextMate?
For those interested in seeing the problem, I've included the samples
below. Pop them into a TextMate document composed in the Markdown
langauage. The first will convert as I would like properly, the
second, well, not so much.
**Markdown, Working**
**Markdown, Not Quite Working**
When editing CSS (and possibly, other things as well) I find myself
wanting to invert command+return behaviour.
At least here, command+return will hop to a new line without breaking
my current line at the caret, while return will hop to a new line
taking with it all the contents right of the caret (like always). I'd
like to invert this somehow.
Also, I totally love how typing : in css gives you the smart ;
ending, but I'd like a space after the : as well, how?
I like it, lots :)
However, one little detail; I'd suggest changing the each snippet
from each(function(${3:this_one}${4:,i}){$0}${5:.bind(this)}); to
each(function(${3:this_one}${4:,i}) {
that is, "uncompress" it so to speak. Also, I'd like to change
this_one to el or element, since I usually iterate over html
elements, but that's just my own things.
Andreas Wahlin
Webbhuset AB
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Thank you.
is it possible to split the editwindow horizontally ?
so i can edit on place while i can see an other position on this
textfile ?
and is it possible to arrange more than one file on the monitor ?
automaticaly ?
Thanks for your Help
The Maverick
eMail: themaverick(a)themaverick.de
Web: www.themaverick.de
Yesterday i released a new version of the GetBundle with some small
And i posted a page on my blog where you can download it:
Also i want those of you having a Intel mac to help me out, i need a
universial binary of svn that works on both.
Sebastian Gräßl
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I've made a new app for
use with TextMate. It is open source and described here:
Is is still early days and has many rough edges, but I think it's
useful. I'm releasing early - we'll see if I have enough time to
release often. :)
The app is a command line app, odbeditor. It acts like the 'mate'
command line program, but has a few advantages (and some
disadvantages too :)
usage: odbedit [-h] [-e editor] [-s saveScript] [-c closeScript]
filename [filename ...]
- It can be run from a remote shell. This means that you can ssh
into your box and start TextMate remotely. (Yes, there are uses for
this - it is the main reason I wrote the thing :)
- It can call out to other scripts when the program is saved or
closed (so you could scp the file somewhere, just to pull a random
example out of the air.)
- It will work with any ODB Suite editor (i.e. any editor that
works with those FTP programs like Cyberduck.)
Be well,
Will :-}
In my projects I have many 'todo.txt' and 'readme.txt' files.
I cannot from the title be sure which file I am looking at.
It would help if I could see where its located in the project
by just looking at the window title.
Thanks :-)
Simon Strandgaard
The root item in the project drawer, is wasting valuable screen space.
all the sub-items is indented by ~20 pixels.
20 columns * ~700 rows = 14000 pixels wasted.
The name of the root-item can be seen in the window title, so its
redundant to have it in the project drawer as well.
Well I could just hide the project drawer...
Thanks :-)
Simon Strandgaard
...and I'm pretty confident it doesn't get to the "view." Not much
activity to report: it brings up the html window which says
"Compiling LaTeX...." and then it thinks for a little while and then
textmate quits entirely.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
(I'm restoring my machine, so this is my restored home folder with a
reinstall of TextMate, if that might be the source of the errors
You can always command-click the window title. However I agree it
would be nice to see the filepath, maybe make this an option in the
Until then, you can always set up a key command, here's what I did
(using growlnotify)
/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -n "/Applications/TextMate" -I "/
Applications/TextMate.app" -t "$TM_FILEPATH" -m "Is the current path