I just did an update of my bundles and noticed TerminalMate was included.
I tried running it from the bundle menu, but received:
`initialize': No such file or directory -
/Users/john/Library/Application Support/TerminalMate/server.bin
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
from /tmp/temp_textmate.hdCXx2:4:in `new'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.hdCXx2:4
Either I did something wrong, or it's busted ;)
I tried running TerminalMate (v 0.2.2) when in haskell mode, and the
terminal window popped up, but did not start the ghci process. I can
start ghci from the terminal window so it's in the path. Any clues?
Dear all,
I rewrote the Hypersearch bundle to use the marvelous tm_dialog.
While doing this I also changed the following things:
- Hypersearch displays also the number of matches, not only the
number of lines
- Error handling for non-valid regular expressions
- some tiny format things within the HTML output
- add a command 'Reinit' to reset Hypersearch after a crash (It could
happen that while using Hypersearch TM, Mac, or the world crashes.
This could cause that the temporary plist file contains non-valid
XML code.)
- the dialog now makes use of a NSSearchField instead of NSTextField
-- now you can press ESCAPE for deleting the field content; or press
twice for canceling the dialog
Please check this release for any bugs.
Have a nice day
I'm writing my posts in Blog (Markdown), and when I post the Format
is markdown_with_smarty, but my posts come up with no text filter
applied. Any idea what's going on?
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
Forgive me if this horse has been beat to death.
I'm trying to post to a Mephisto blog using the Blogging bundle and
for the most part it works as advertised. However, all of the posts
are logged as drafts rather than being published. This isn't a big
deal because it's easy enough to login and publish the entry.
However it's somewhat annoying.
The applicable code in blogging.rb seems to be:
@publish = true
when 'status'
@publish = false if $2 =~ /draft/i
When I include Status: Publish in the headers, it still posts as a
draft. Am I missing something somewhere or does the Mephisto XLMRPC
still need some tweaking?
Since Chris asked for it, i'll give you my 2 cents on the new styles
for the Subversion status dialog :)
I think i preferred some aspects of the old stylings over the current
ones. The new styles seem very crowded (more padding in the table
cells, please!) and are a bit hard to navigate. I also miss the color
coded action 'buttons' which gave quick visual cues on the status of
a file. I'd love to see that return. I'm also not a big fan of the
new console output and the horizontal scroll bars that appear for
longer messages. It would be great if you could bring back the
wrapping of longer messages instead.
Thanks for all the great work.
so long,
> In general, I'm surprised that there hasn't been more progress on the
> python bundle, given how many people claim to use it.[^1] I suppose I'm
> as guilty for this as anyone.
roads of life brought me away from Milan where I used to live (now I'm in
Bozen) and away from a working internet connection, so my ability to give back
to the community has been hindered quite a lot. I hope I'll be back somewhen
next month, if Italian telcos help me.
So.. I'm playing with editing my neat little bundle to make life easier, and
something has occured to me. We have this awesome, powerful text editor with
infinate customizability... and while editing our customizations, we're
stuck with an icky, featureless little text control. :)
I'm editing property lists and bash scripts in the bundle editor, and then
switching out of it to go into into the main app itself and edit some
external commands I'm writing in the support.. and its just inconvienant :)
I almost want to just open up the bundle directory as a project in TextMate
and edit the files themselves... or, make a Bundle Editing Bundle :P All
the power of TextMate for editing text-- which is all a bundle really is--
is so close, yet so far, when in the bundle editor... :)
How do other people manage their bundle-making? Do you do it all in the
Bundle Editor? There has to be a better way; which is not to say the editor
is BAD or anything. I just miss all my TextMate features when actually
working /on/ bundles.