On Oct 31, 2006, at 6:05 PM, Luke Daley wrote:
> Thomas,
> After trying to install your word completion command, I get this:
> The bundle “tAylott_subtleGradient.tmbundle” does not contain the
> required “info.plist” file (or that file is corrupt) and can
> therefore not be installed.
> Any ideas? Thanks.
> -----------------------------
> Luke Daley
> http://www.ldaley.com
Well, dang. Thanks for letting me know.
I updated that page with the right link to that command and a link to
an updated zip that isn't broken.
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg
> Is there a shortcut I'm missing that would give me the path of the
> current file I'm working on? Ideally a key-combo that would put it on
> the clipboard
From within:
echo "$TM_FILEPATH" | pbcopy
from without:
echo $( osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to return path of first
document' ) | pbcopy
Hi folks:
Rather than pollute the mail list with more scratchings, I have made
a web page for various iTerm/TextMate shell scripts. One of these
runs shell scripts in a new iTerm window, and gives you the chance to
feed the command some arguments, if needed.
HTH someone.
William G. Scott
contact info: http://chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott
Im hoping this reproduces on other machines, this is with the latest
Textmate with all the halloween stuff that just downloaded last night.
the bug is that TextMate hangs totally when entering a particular
sequence of text, when Python highlighting is enabled.
Steps to reproduce:
1. create a new file.
2. Enter the following line (im sure lots of other text works, this
is the one i found):
print "registerprocessor", str(mapper), repr(processor.key), str
3. save the file with a .py extension, say "foo.py"
4. make sure the "python" file type is selected at the bottom. the
file should light up with the python highlighting.
5. place the cursor directly before the word "repr" in the above
string. then, type this text within the line (type it by hand;
cutting and pasting doesnt seem to do it):
6. on my machine, as soon as I type the right parenthesis, and then
try to type the comma, textmate completely hangs (via indefinite
im gathering the python highlighting has an endless loop in it. can
we revert to the previous highlighter ? it worked much better, this
one doenst even highlight consistently (i.e. variable names sometimes
come out *bold*, sometimes *italic*, etc).
I've put together an AccuRev bundle--you can get it from http://
interspatial.com/downloads/AccuRev.tmbundle.tgz. It contains three
commands: Add to Depot, Keep, and Promote. Keep and Promote allow a
I'd love any feedback.
Rob Warner
Quick dumb question:
Why is it that when I select "XHTML" bundle, I get no PHP
highlighting at all, and when I select "PHP" bundle, I get no HTML
highlighting at all?
How can I get both at the same time? I'm having to constantly switch
back and forth :-(
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
are a little more scary than easter eggs... :)
One quick question though... Are all the Halloween eggs supposed to
disappear by themselves after halloween? And if so, halloween in
which time zone? I'm in Aus, and it is the 1st of Nov here, and the
eggs are all still in effect. They turned on as soon as I got the
new version yesterday, before it was halloween in the US, and I still
have them today, after halloween in Aus.
Be well, and happy hallow eve,
Will :-}
I am trying to write a simple osascript command-line utility that
acquires the directory of the file displayed in the frontmost
TextMate editor window, and am having trouble.
I've been trying to use applescript syntax such as this:
osascript<< END
tell application "TextMate"
do shell script "echo $TM_DIRECTORY"
end tell
but the variable $TM_DIRECTORY is apparently empty.
Is there another way to accomplish this, with or without
applescripting? (I'd prefer a less pathological scripting language.)