Does anyone know how to indicate a separation of words on
I'd like to be able to option+[left | right ] into a StudlyCap'd or
camelCase'd words and have it catch on the uppercase letters in the
miDDle of the word.
Hi all,
I have been using subversion on a Debian Sarge server where I commit
from both TextMate on Mac and Emacs on Linux workstation. Everyting
worked great and I was upto revision 13 (this sounds spooky around
halloween :) and yesterday when I firedup Textmate it upgraded to
1.5.4(1311). I commtied at the end of the day to rev 13 with no
errors. However when I tried svn update on my Linux ws I got
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/zstaff/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
parse error at line 126: Extra content at the end of the document
. (/svn/zstaff/!svn/vcc/default)
I am using web-dav with Apache2 on the server with digest auth. Now my
repo is borked I cannot do anything with it. Posted to the subversion
list and haven't gotten any answers.
First of all does this have something to do with the TextMate update?
That is the ONLY thing that changed.
I am no subversin expert and would appreciate any help in
troubleshooting and fixing this problem. Is there any way to recover
the repo? Googling for it hasn't helped. I think the first line of the
msg can happen to a variety of conditions. But I couldn't find
anything on how to fix the problem due to XML parse error in .
thank you very much,
I have a simple testing harness written in Python. Internally, it
uses the Python unittest module.
When I hit cmd-r to run the testing scripting, pymate is eating the
output from the test run *unless* I "print" at least a single newline
prior to the TestCases' invocation.
Anyone seen this before? The workaround is trivial -- add a bare
'print' statement prior to passing control to the tests.
if I'm writing a new command or whatever with the bundle editor and I
did a mistake it could happen that TM crashes immediately after
executing what I did. After reopen TM I have the problem that all
changes I made within the bundle editor are gone.
I realized that TM only saves all changes if I quit TM.
Is this right? And if yes, is there a way to save what I did in the
bundle editor explicitly?
An other thing is that if change something in a command I have to
click at an other command for instance in order to save my changes.
Is this also correct?
Maybe it would be useful to have a button within the bundle editor
for saving??
Soo, I saw this tm_dialog thing, and it inspired me to do some fancy stuff
and figure out how to actually make TextMate bundles. And since I code for
MUSHes periodically, and its a royal PITA, I thought I'd fix it to be not
painful anymore.
If anyone's interested in it, you can grab it from
>From the readme I stuck in the .zip, if anyone's curious :) .....
The MUSHCode TextMate Bundle
1. The Language
The language specification is currently very simple, but really,
MUSHCode isn't too complicated of a "language" :) Notably, it adds attribute
setting commands to the symbol list as long as they are the first thing to
show up on a line, and are in the format of: &(header)(separator)(footer).
The header must be alphanumeric. The separator must either a period, a dash
or an underscore. The footer can contain any alphanumeric or separator
2. Integrated Unformatter (Command+Shift+U)
This will run the selected text or the entire document through the
unformatter included with the bundle and compress the MUSHcode. The
following rules are used by the unformatter process:
* Any lines beginning with a # are considered comments, and will be
omitted from the file.
* All insignificant whitespace (including newlines) will be compressed.
* If a line begins with a -, a newline will be inserted into the output.
This does not have to be the only character on the line, but can be.
* If a line begins with a ", the line will be processed as raw text. All
whitespace (including newlines) will be preserved and converted into %b
substitutions, unless it is more then 5 characters in a row in which case
the space() function will be used instead. The following characters will
also be escaped: % [ ] ( ) { }
* Comments can contain 'directives', which contain instructions or
options for other parts of the Bundle. These are in the format of: #
directive: value
The following directives are currently in use:
site -- This indicates the site that this code is for.
Example: # site: 4201
user -- This indicates the wizard/user that will contain your
code. Example: # user: Potrzebie
object -- This maps a dbref to an alias. Example: # user:
spelldb = #1234
At present, the above directives are only used by the Grab Text
function, although other features will take advantage of them in the future.
3. Grab Text (Command+Shift+G)
This is mostly a proof-of-concept more then it is a feature people will
want to use, but it was fun and taught me how to do some things :)
NOTE: This requires you to install Python 2.4 and PyObjC 1.7 (the only
build that has Universal support)
The purpose of the Grab Text function is to connect to a game, obtain an
attribute (or attributes), and display it to you (to copy into your current
When you invoke the function, it will prompt you with a dialog box that
asks for the site, port, username, object and attribute. The site, port and
username will be read from the directives in the current file if present,
but they can be overridden. In the object field, you can specify objects you
have defined in the object directives above instead of remembering the
Next, the system will prompt your password to this account. It will only
do this the first time you connect to the specified site with this username.
After you provide the password for the first time, it will be stored in your
Keychain and automatically obtained for any future invocations. If you ever
change your password, you'll have to modify it with the Keychain Access
application in the future.
Once it has all the connection information it needs, it will connect to
the MUSH and 'grab' the specified attributes. The 'attribute' field can
contain wildcards to obtain more then one. This isn't the fastest operation
in the world, depending on your internet access-- be patient!
Once it has all the data, it will display it to you in a window. You can
copy/paste from here and then work on the code in your document.
The display window also has a 'Reformat' button that will run the
MUSHcode through a -very- simple 'prettifier'-- although its not very
pretty. I'm really how to best go about 'formatting' MUSHcode in a pretty
way right... Ideas/implementations? :)
This is just the module so far. I have a lot of ideas, and sorta want to
turn TextMate into a neat little MUSHCode IDE. I have a couple *really* big
coding projects I maintain and.. its all a bit of a pain. So, I'm wanting to
make my life easier :) Some features I am thinking of implementing:
* A 'quote' or 'put text' feature to take the selected text (or the entire
document), run it through the unformatter and deliver it onto the game
directly. This would make use of the 'object' directives, so you can include
things like:
&cmd.xp/vote #VoteSystem=$cmd.+xp/vote *:...
and it will automatically replace "#VoteSystem" with the specified
* The ability to split up a large project into multiple files in a single
project, and have it "install" or "quote" the entire project at once.
Perhaps with a specified order; directives to make one file depend on
another and thus affect ordering of the installation/quoting would be fairly
* At this point, the combination of Grab and Put gives me some very
interesting possibilities: a 'compare' function to connect to the game and
compare what is online to what is offline and show me what's missing.
Perhaps with pretty HTML diffs even.
Any other ideas? :)
On the list OS X TEX , the tests of installation of TeXLive are
increasingly numerous, and I think that in little time, TeXLive will
be the only distribution available. Also I have a first question:
1) If a user installed two distributions: tetex and texlive for
example, TM can it work with both? Is there a variable to indicate
which distribution to him used?
2) Documentation is planned only for tetex “/usr/local/teTeX/share/
texmf.tetex/”}. It is possible to envisage the same thing for texlive ?
3) Often, the most recent packages are not in the current
distributions. We install them in “~/Library/texmf/” or in “/usr/
Is there a possibility of having access to new documentations?
4) If, I want to do all that myself, which is the good method :
a) for the choice of the distribution?
b) for documentation in “~/Library/texmf/”?
Thanks and Greetings
Alain Matthes
Hi. Love the app, changed my life, can't wait for multibyte
character support, etc. :-)
I went to create a new LaTeX document yesterday and began, as I
always do, by typing "temp" and tabbing it to drop me into my
template selection menu, only instead of that happening, it throws
back a single, cryptic error:
/tmp/temp_textmate.1K8O1q:8: undefined method
The characters after "temp_textmate." are always different, for
whatever that's worth.
I have no idea how to approach this problem, and a quick search of
the archives doesn't turn up much. Are LaTeX templates still working
for other people?
P. Tuttle Starr
the subject of this mail might not be very clear, but I'd like to
make a project command (like Charilaos proposed here: http:// )
that restarts apache in a complicated way (because all the easy ways
do not work for me) and then loads (or reloads) a given test url in
the browser (in my case that's Safari atm).
I've come a long way, but still have some small questions:
1. How can a shell variable be used in a osascript oneliner?
Currently I have
osascript <<APPLESCRIPT
tell app "Safari" to open location "$MY_TEST_URL"
which is working, beautifully. It opens the url in $MY_TEST_URL in
Safari (in the background = without losing the focus in TextMate),
and when this page is already opened in a window or a tab it just
refreshes that window or tab.
But if I try to make it into a oneliner the variable replacement fails:
osascript -e 'tell app "Safari" to open location
2. Can a command in one bundle access the support folder of a
different bundle?
Or can a command from a different bundle be triggered from the current?
I'd like to use the shell script that comes
with the Apache bundle, but is there a way to access that bundle's
support folder? Or do I have to copy the script to the support folder
of my own bundle?
3. What does the '-ne' in 'if [[ $(ps -xp $PPID|wc -l) -ne 2 ]];
then' do?
Inspired and guided by the Relaunch TextMate command in the TextMate
bundle, I made the following which works:
echo "$PWD" | sudo -S apachectl stop
for (( i = 0; i < 50 && $(echo $(ps -ax | grep [h]ttpd | wc -l))
> 0; i++ )); do
sleep .2;
echo Apache has stopped
echo "$PWD" | sudo -S apachectl start
for (( i = 0; i < 50 && $(echo $(ps -ax | grep [h]ttpd | wc -l))
< 4; i++ )); do
sleep .2;
echo Apache has started again
It works in my few tests, but I'm afraid it will fail when it is
taking apache too long to stop (or too long to start), so I trying to
built in a test, just like in the Relaunch TextMate command. But what
does that '-ne 2' stands for?
I'm using tm_dialog with a NSSearchField for my Hypersearch bundle.
With NSSearchField I can provide the user with a history list of
recent searches.
Is there any way to bind an array to 'recentSearches' parameter? I
tried it with NSArrayController but I had no success.
I would be pleased for any hints!!
Many thanks in advance
Part of the official TextMate Experimental Bundle
(at the moment)
Filename / Filepath completion.
If figures out where your cursor is and if you’re in the middle of
typng a filename or path and does an ls. Then pops up a menu to
choose the filename you want.
Just watch the screencast
thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg