I'm having a difficulty with a keychain item (Internet password)
created by a Blogging bundle.
The Blogging bundle works fine (I can retrieve posts and upload a
post). But when I launch Keychain Access, selecting the keychain item
created by the Blogging bundle causes the Keychain Access to crash.
I selected all password items in the Keychain Access one at a time and
determined that the item created by the Blogging bundle always causes
Keychain Access to crash. Running Keychain First Aid also did not help
(it runs but does not report any problems with keychain).
I'm using TextMate 1.5.7 (1436) on Mac OS X 10.5.1 on a MacBook Pro. I
did not upgrade from Mac OS X 10.4 so I cannot confirm whether I
observed the same issue in Mac OS X 10.4.x or not (sorry).
Can anyone help on this issue? Does anyone have similar issues with
Blogging bundle?
Thank you for your help.
Takashi Yoshida
tyoshida [at] mac [dot] com
I think this happens sometimes, but not all the time ...
When using the diff bundle, I know there are some minor differences
between two files, but diff will mark the entire documents as the
difference, even though maybe 90%+ of the lines are the same.
FileMerge does the same thing.
However, if I copy one entire file to the clipboard and compare, diff
will correctly define only the different lines as the differences.
Is there a preference I need to set or a format change I need to make?
Is there a way to control which documentstyle, etc. is used when
generating latex from a multimarkdown document? The default settings
aren't what I need but I'm not sure where to start tinkering.
Thank you.
> De: Michael Sheets <bundles(a)textmate.org>
> Fecha: 27 de noviembre de 2007 08:56:50 GMT+01:00
> Para: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>, Hans-Joerg
> Bibiko <bibiko(a)eva.mpg.de>
> Asunto: Re: [TxMt] Bug en Dup-line
> Responder a: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> On Nov 26, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:
>> ;P I don't see the forrest for trees.
>> OK hopefully the last one ;)
>> <Duplicate Line : Selection (Tiger:Leopard).tmCommand>
> Looks good to me, passed all the tests I threw at it. :)
> Committed, thanks!
Thanks, it also did to me.
- Juan Falgueras
The other day I did an SVN commit from textmate.
In the commit message window I pasted in some text I'd copied from a
message from a client from BaseCamp.
When I tried to commit, it failed complaining about mixed line endings
(paraphrasing from memory).
It seems to me that this is something that the subversion bundle could sanitize.
I tried to figure out how to patch this, but I think that this is all
handled within the internal CommitWindow.app which I can't (or don't
know how to) look at.
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
Recently i was pointed that i can use a "slug" keyword to tell
blogging bundle to set post slug. And it was fine with one minor
problem - Fetch Post command doesn't fetch that slug... It even
fetches tags (keywords) for WordPress 2.3 but no slug. So I decide to
try to tune blogging bundle for myself. And it was not very hard. Here
is a result (blogging.rb file, line 405 aprox.):
doc += "Title: #{self.post['title']}\n"
#added: this line will populate slug back to post
doc += "Slug: #{self.post['wp_slug']}\n" if self.post['wp_slug']
doc += "Keywords: #{self.post['mt_keywords']}\n" if self.post['mt_keywords']
I tested it only with Wordpress 2.3 (i use it) so try it with care ;)
Why I need it? I often use post headers like "Вообще-то, я ждал
Франции..." (russian) and then set a slug like "waiting-for-france".
And sometimes i edit my post and forget to write slug again. And post
slug become something like this:
Plus from this point i can't send link to my friends (that didn't so
happy to own Mac) becouse Safari shows it like
"http://nilcolor.prosound.fm/2007/11/21/вообще-то-я-ждал-франции/" -
yep, with pure russian chars in address bar :)
Hope this change or better one will be implemented asap in svn copy of
blogging bundle.
I think I've find a bug in the duplicate line TM proc:
If you are in _the middle of_ a line with accented chars, dup-line
(⌃⇧D) do an strange thing sending the char besides the cursor to
the dupped line:
cout << "Estadística|" << endl; (| indicates the cursor) and
press ⌃⇧D
cout << "Estadística << endl;
cout << "Estadística"" << endl;
I don't know if this bug is already booked, my apologizes if so do.
.juan falgueras
On 26 Nov 2007, at 9:32 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> I myself rely heavily on the Edit in TextMate input manager and a
> bunch of snippets/commands bound to the text.mail scope.
I had thought that Edit in TextMate had died with the coming of
Leopard. Certainly it is gone from my menus, and deleting and
reinstalling the link has no effect.
Is this not the case? If it isn't, how might I get the feature back?
— F
Hello everyone,
All of the discussion on this list about LaTeX made me curious. I've
installed LaTeX on my MacBook and everything is moving along nicely
(so far the Multimate->LaTeX seems like the best thing since sliced
pickles!). However, I've run into a problem (and I'm pretty sure
it's not a textmate problem, which is why I labelled this e-mail OT).
I've downloaded the apa.cls from http://www.ilsp.gr/homepages/
protopapas/apacls.html but I cannot figure out which folder I should
place it into for it to work properly. Can anyone help?
Thank you in advance.
I was wondering if there's a way to turn off this feature or at least to
delay it.
Currently when a file is in scope, its file name is selected in the Project
Drawer and file listing scrolls to make the file name visible. This is
usually a good feature.
On occasion though this is more disruptive than helpful. It would be nice if
there was a way to keep the current view of the file list in the Project
Drawer stay in place and not jump back and forth right away when we open or
close files. I often scroll away from the current file location to open
files in another area but when I close the file, the view will jump back to
the and then I have to scroll again to section I'm interested in.
What I think would be nice is if there can be a short delay in auto
selecting the file name in the list once a file is closed. The way we can
still select from the view that's currently available but after a few
seconds it can jump to the file that is currently being edited.
Ed Wong