> On Dec 8, 2007, at 11:20 PM, Constantinos Kouloumbris wrote:
> >> Under review. http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/
> >
> > Is there any specific reason...
> There are some pretty major issues with the bundle so it was moved to
> denote that in the hopes that someone would do some work on it. Most
> of the issues have been detailed in a comments file:
> http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/PHP%20Cake.tmbundle/…
I've been hoping to work on it to get the cake bundle caught up to
cake 1.2 and get the issues that Michael has pointed out, but I've
been jammed with work recently.
Sam D
(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you
- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
Hi people,
I am new to this list, and I apologize before hand if this topic has
been discussed before. I recently updated my system and I was looking
for the cake bundle that I use so much, but it wasn't in the svn repo.
Can anyone tell me what happened to it?
CK (Constantinos Kouloumbris)
GPG: 0x2502604D
"A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train
stops. On my desk, I have a workstation…go figure."
~ Steven Wright ~
Very recently, yank (C-y) as stopped working for me. Instead of
inserting text from the kill ring, it switches focus to the gear button
on the project drawer. I don't know what I've done to cause this
change. I thought it might have been TextExpander, but the problem
persists after uninstalling it. There is no mapping set for C-y in the
keyboard pref pane. C-y works in other Cocoa apps.
I would much appreciate any troubleshooting suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5.1 Intel
TextMate 1.5.7 (1436)
After a reboot due to an update in Logitech's software mate has
stopped working, see trace below (I don't know whether the software
update is relevant). Any ideas?
-- fxn
2007-12-08 02:07:47.209 mate[470:10b] An uncaught exception was raised
2007-12-08 02:07:47.211 mate[470:10b] [NOTE: this exception originated
in the server.]
*** Object does not implement or has different method signature
2007-12-08 02:07:47.212 mate[470:10b] *** Terminating app due to
uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '[NOTE: this
exception originated in the server.]
*** Object does not implement or has different method signature'
2007-12-08 02:07:47.212 mate[470:10b] Stack: (
/Users/fxn/bin/update_reading.sh: line 4: 470 Trace/BPT
trap mate -w db/reading.yml
I've just started using TM, previously I used emacs. When I typed a perl
line like:
my $p = Base::Sub->new
(id => 1234,
name => "test");
I would only have to hit tab on each new line to move the cursor to below
the appropriate place on the above line i.e. it auto formatted the code for
me. TM doesn't seem to do this, which is annoying the hell out of me. Can
someone help please?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Lining-up-code-automatically---perl-mainly-tf4958584.…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hey guys.
got some questions:
I cant get std8 classes to work with mtasc. I thought that it should work
right out of the box?!?
I´m using actionscript bundle.
And to my other question is there anyone that can give med a dummy project
of actionscript/mtasc?
(i.e a as project thats uses main class och a coupul of other classes) Just
so that I can get a running start att this. I´ve been developing flash sens
flash 2. But never open scorce.
Thank you for your help and sorry for my spelling.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/actionscript-mtasc-tf4949238.html#a14170392
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
dear all,
all of a sudden the typeset & view window displays the message
"There was a problem reading the preferences file, continuing with
have been working on a big projekt for hours, just editing tex files
and command-R all the time.
restart of textmate doesn't change anything. restart of the machine
is of no help either.
any ideas? or any ideas what might have caused this behavior?
Although I have used svn exclusively via the command line in the
past, I'm really enjoying the convenience of the svn bundle --
especially when working within a project. I did, however, notice one
minor problem which might be a bug. Say I have the following
(invisible) directory named .foo:
vampire-squid:~/Desktop/.foo pschumm$ svn status
? my-new-file
M foobar.tex
(note the period in the directory name, and the new file still
unknown to svn). If I open the file foobar.tex in TextMate and use
the status command from the svn bundle, the resulting output shows
only the modified file (i.e., the new file does not appear in the
output). However, if I remove the . from the directory name (i.e.,
change it from .foo to foo), then the output of the status command
shows both files (i.e., it is consistent with the output of "svn
status"). Thus, it would appear that when a period appears in the
path, new files are not shown in the status output.
This situation can arise if, say, you keep personal settings folders
(which often start with a period) under version control.
-- Phil
I've got a question about the comments.
The normal comment cmd-/ comment's the current line / selection nice.
However when i comment a line with cmd-alt-/ (insert comment block)
while i'm standing in front of the line the output becomes
*/My comments
Is it possible that the current line / (selected) lines are inside the
tag ?
Regards J.
Using the date picker results in the following error:
1.8/date/format.rb:230:in /bin/bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while
looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of filestrftime'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/
lib/ruby/1.8/date/format.rb:201:in /bin/bash: -c: line 0: unexpected
EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of filestrftime'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/
I'm using TM Version 1.5.7 (1436) with the latest checkout from the
subversion repository on 10.5.1.
All the best, Mark