I'm having problems running the mate terminal command, I get the following
/usr/bin/mate: line 1: ../SharedSupport/Support/bin/mate: No such file or
Any help would be much appreciated.
Bryce Roney
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/error-with-Terminal-%27mate%27-command-tp15891059p158…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I'm finding I cannot copy text from main window into the find window. Also, if I type in a find query, textmate is unable to find the text in the file (even though I see it there in front of me).
Furthermore, I cannot copy or paste between textmate and other applications at all.
I've tried uninstall and reinstall without success.
Mac OS X 10.4.1
Textmate 1.5.7 (1436)
Standard bundles only.
Any tips? Thanks....
Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
When I post to my WordPress blog using the Blogging Bundle, I get this
> 2008-03-05 11:23:41.229 osascript[1107:10b] Error loading /Library/
> ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/
> QXPScriptingAdditions: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/
> QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions,
> 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
> /Library/ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax/Contents/
> MacOS/QXPScriptingAdditions: mach-o, but wrong architecture
> osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition /Library/
> ScriptingAdditions/QXPScriptingAdditions.osax declares no loadable
> handlers.
Mind you, the post is successful, but this is quite annoying.
Any thoughts?
I have some tiny problems with TM's HTML output window.
I have a tmcommand which generates HTML code on basis on a shell
script. Fine, after invoking it I see my result.
In addition I added a button called 'Refresh' to that HTML page. I
want to use it to start that shell script again (which writes the
HTML code to a file) using TextMate.system and then via JavaScript
'location.href' or 'location.replace()' to refresh the HTML output
Well, this only works if I press the button at least twice or three
After pressing the refresh button I had a look at the new generated
html file and the content is correct, but TM'S HTML output window
displays still the 'old' version.
I tried the meta tags no-cache and expire with '0'. No success. I
also changed the actual html code a bit to be sure that TM recognizes
it's a new document.
Is there a built-in cache for the HTML ouptut? Or can someone advice
me? How can force TM to refresh the HTML output?
Many thanks in advance,
I use the standard font, Monaco font at size 12 with anti-aliasing
enabled. Somewhat frequently, the text becomes aliased and strange
looking in places, and the simplest solution seems to be to highlight
the text, which fixes the problem. Does anyone else experience this,
and is there a fix? Thanks.
Hi all,
I posted some noise a few days ago about replacing the system read()
function with an implementation that worked with tm_dialog for the
purpose of allowing user's to enter input into scripts/processes
running inside of TextMate (where normally you would enter it on the
command line).
I have an example of this working in the Groovy bundle.
In particular ...
TextMate::DialogRead.init :title => 'GroovyMate', :prompt => "The
script is requesting some input:"
What this does is set some environment variables up for the process
that is about to launch (in this case `groovy $TM_FILENAME`). Now
whenever the running Groovy script reads from STDIN, and there is no
data currently there, a dialog is presented allowing input to be given.
This is not quite production ready, but if you want to use this kind
of thing in your bundle I would appreciate you giving it a try so I
can find issues faster. Contact me if you want to try it out.
Just to be clear, this is not tied to Groovy in any way. It's just
what I chose for the example.
I know this has been talked about before from various angles and there is a
(very poor) workaround in the Textmate FAQ, but I'd like to make sure there
are absolutely no more options.
The problem is, as most of you are aware, Textmate refreshes it's project
list every time the Textmate window gains focus and any other time the
software deems a project refresh necessary.
This is fine for small projects of a few hundred files or less, but it's
absolutely asinine for large projects with many files. When I switch back
from reading docs in a browser or whatever, I have to wait for several
seconds of spinning beach ball while Textmate refreshes the entire project
How can I turn this off? Seriously. How can I stop Textmate from
automatically refreshing the entire project? I don't mind that it just
takes some time to refresh the number of files I have in my project, but I
do mine that it thinks it needs to refresh on focus every time. I know when
my files get updated and I know what's going on in my project directories.
I want to control the refresh so it only happens when IO know files actually
(Before you ask, these are local project files and I'm using a year old
Macbook Pro with 2GB of ram and a 7200 rpm HD upgrade. This is not a
machine or network problem.)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Major-Project-Issues-with-Refresh-%28Textmate-is-unus…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am really interested in using the "Edit in TextMate" feature in
Safari but it doesn't work on the sites where I want to use it. I
believe I installed it properly because it works from Mail and some
web pages in Safari. After a bit of experimentation it seems the "Edit
in TextMate" command doesn't work if there is more than one textarea
on the page.
As a test, I created two HTML files on my computer:
"Edit in TextMate" works for the first file. For the second file it
fails silently (I don't see any errors in the Console). I am running
TextMate Version 1.5.7 (1455) and Safari 3.0.4 on Leopard 10.5.2. Any
I get the following message...
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/bin/Textile.rb: No such file
or directory
...when I try to preview or use any of the commands in the Textile bundle.
When I investigated, I discovered that there actually is "no such file or
I did a google search and found this...
> 9046 deleted | Diffs: previous, other | Lines: 0 ( +0, -10 )
> Created: 2008-03-04 07:18:15 -0600 (11 hours ago) | Author: duff |
Changeset: 9046
> • move Textile.rb wrapper to Textile bundle and update the commands
which use it — I don't see
> the need to have this command available to all bundles (given that in
the now more than two years
> it has been available, only one bundle command actually used it outside
the Textile bundle).
Is there something I should do to get the bundle working again, as a result
of this change?
Thank you,
Hi all
I recently installed JUnit 4.4 on 10.5.2. However every time i try to
run my JUnit test classes using textmate's bundle i get a Could not
find class error.