rather than piggybacking on my other thread, I wanted to ask another
question, namely which version control system to take for collaborative
writing projects. I am basically starting afresh, so there is no code-base
already in a certain repository format to be taken into account, and I am
planning to use it for (collaborative) writing of text, mostly MultiMarkdown
and maybe Latex if I get the hang of it.
Most people advocating Subversion emphasize that it is widely used and
rather easy to learn. As I am not planning to maintain source code in it
anyway, these points may not be very important.
It seems to me, the alternatives (Bazaar, Git, Mercurial to name a few I
have read about) have matured quite a bit and I would not want to learn a
specific system only to find out that previous users are migrating away from
it for good reasons (that I may not see right now).
So: if the requirements were:
1) up-to-date versioning
2) easy install
3) idiot friendly
4) collaboration friendly (merging of textfiles having been altered by
several authors independently should be doable; see point 3 above)
5) offline work happens (branching and merging)
6) perhaps OS-independent (in case I can convince those other co-authors)
7) existence of a bundle providing integration into Textmate would be a huge
plus (but consider that I may be satisfied with a very limited subset of
what every versioning system offers already)
8) not sure if applicable: if a visualization tool such as Changes.app for
diffing said textfiles be callable to compare versions that would be great,
too. My experience with Filemerge et al, is limited because it does not seem
to like UTF-8 very much (which I require).
what would you choose?
Hello all,
perhaps this is a bit off-topic so please bear with me. Some regulars on
this forum were instrumental in developing these thougths though which is
what encouraed me to post here.
I am a researcher doing some of my writing in Multimarkdown text files and
put my work on a portable harddrive which I carry home after work,
synchronize to my home computer and carry on working there. Ditto for the
After reading a series of inspiring articles about how to use subversion
repositories for academic writers over on Practex journal I am beginning to
think that I could make better use of my resources. Here is what I plan to
Go to work, read, write, take notes etc. Some of this takes place in
textfiles, some will reside XML files (Tinderbox), and some also in binary
files at the end of the day. I have access to a server that I would like to
push all my changes and new data to and then go home. From home, I would
like to pull all changes to my home computer and carry on.
1) Will the version control systems compare whole lines or do some kind of
document comparison trying to find identical blocks regardless of (soft)
line breaks?
2) what I don't know is how well this system will work for binary files,
e.g. Aperture libraries, Word files from colleagues etc. Ideally, I'd like
to just send the changed bits of files, not all files that have changed to
save bandwith and time. If something went wrong I would want to go back in
I am working on a localized system (meaning non-US) in case that is
presenting a problem.
I am not afraid of the command line but I have no experience with version
control whatsoever because I was left with the impression that it was of
little use outside source code development. Although I do some reading about
subversion, git, mercurial, bazaar etc I need some guidance if I am barking
up the right tree in the first place.
I would greatly appreaciate your thoughts
Hello all,
As a long-time TextMate user I'm well aware of the issues working with
projects on remote filesystems -- I have been doing it day in and day
out for just over three years now, using different combinations of
tools. Like many of you, I've used Transmit for quick single-file
edits and MacFusion/sshfs for heavier remote work for the past year or
more, and they work well enough to be productive, but with well-known
frustrations (latency, connection resilience).
Lately I'm using ExpanDrive (http://www.magnetk.com/expandrive), which
just launched officially. Same transport (SSH/SFTP), but with very
aggressive caching and intelligent connection management under the
hood. Together, they make it *way* snappier than sshfs on even
high-latency links, and allow your mounts to stay live on finicky or
intermittent connections, even as you sleep your laptop one place and
wake it hours later on an entirely different network.
It's a from-scratch new filesystem, not just a GUI for sshfs (though
it does use the MacFUSE core), so its performance and stability are
quite unlike what you may be used to. Of particular note (and this was
a goal in development), the caching works well enough to largely
eliminate the TextMate project focus lag problems we're all so
familiar with by now, even over long-distance connections.
(Full disclosure: I am tangentially connected with this project.)
I think some of you will quite like it.
Does anyone else experience problems when searching the java api?
Here is an example of what happens:
1. Press Control-H to open API
2. Apple-F to open find window
3. Type "String"
4. Goes to "AttributedString" in the side panel
5. Pressing the next button or Apple-G does nothing.
I have tried the Regular Expressions option, Ignore Case, and Wrap
Around. None of them seem to work.
Very frustrating to need to continuously scroll down.
Anyone have a solution, or experience the same thing?
I've sent a mail to Allan regarding the problem, but I want to share
also this problem with all of you subscribed to the TM list. Maybe you
have also encountered this?
I'm working with few auto-generated FO (XML) files that have no line-
You can reproduce such dummy file with:
$ cd /tmp
$ perl -e '{print "<html></html>" x 20000}' > test.html
$ mate test.html
As you see TM gonna take 100% CPU for a really long-long while until
you get syntax highlight.
Also any modification (line-break) causes TM to take again 100% CPU
for a while.
I'm aware it is rare case to work with such files, but is there any
remedy for this problem?
I have soft-wrap turned on, also using System Monitor I can see that
it is tokenizer thread that is taking the whole CPU.
Adam Strzelecki |: nanoant.com :|
... am I missing something? Can't seem to find a bundle for handling
XSLT tags. Is there one?
Thought I'd ask before I started to knock one up.
Richard Dyce MA (Cantab.) MBCS MIET | Director
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expressly stated otherwise.
While switching from the terminal version of Mercurial to the
Mercurial bundle, I have found out that it doesn't seem to support
user authentication. While many repos do not use authentication, the
one I am working on uses authentication when pushing to the central
Am I missing something, or is it simply something that isn't supported?
Your very best,
I am hoping that this has been reported a work around available...
We often have the Textmate 'Find in Project' results become unresponsive to
mouse clicks. The only way to fix it is to restart Textmate. This also
occurs occasionally with the 'Go to Symbol' window as well.
Has anyone else had this happen. We have it on three different machines.
Steve Kickert
Riverock Technologies
952-232-5280 (direct)
612-965-1909 (mobile)
I finally figured out what was giving me the timeout error in Leopard,
when trying to do anything with the blogging bundle. It was an issue
related to my router (an actiontec GT704WG supplied by Verizon) that
only had problems with Leopard and not 10.4.
Here is the solution (I stumbled upon this when trying to troubleshoot
an issue connecting with adium as well):
1. Visit the router's configuration page and make note of the DNS
server IP's (there should be 2 or three of them). Each router will be
different on how you need to access the info, so use google if you
don't know.
2. Open network preferences, click on the connection you are using and
select advanced.
3. Click on the DNS tab and add the DNS entries that you got from your
router. (Your router's IP should already be listed there.)
4. You should now be able to connect.
Once I followed those steps the problem was solved. What a relief! I
look forward to using the blogging bundle now!
Thanks again for all your help.
On Jan 18, 2008, at 3:51 AM, Tony Pelaez wrote:
> Though I have been successful at getting the blogging bundle to work
> in Tiger, when I try to run it in Leopard and fetch a post I get the
> following error:
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/
> 1.8/timeout.rb:54:in `open': execution expired (Timeout::Error)
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in `connect'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:56:in `timeout'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:76:in `timeout'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in `connect'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:557:in `do_start'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:546:in `start'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1044:in `request'
> from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
> ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1001:in `post2'
> ... 9 levels...
> from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:17:in
> `dialog'
> from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:
> 42:in `call_with_progress'
> from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
> Blogging.tmbundle/Support/lib/blogging.rb:551:in `fetch'
> from /tmp/temp_textmate.b0oDWV:3
> has anyone been able to get the blogging bundle to work in Leopard?
> My System:
> OS X v. 10.5.1
> iMac Intel Core Duo
> ruby 1.8.6
> wordpress 2.3
> Any insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
> Tony
I've got a Ruby script here, and I'd like its output to act like RubyMate's
output - it should appear progressively as I call "puts" or "p" or whatever.
In fact, I'd like the output to piggyback on whatever RubyMate is doing.
But the script is not being run under RubyMate because it's part of a small
bundle I've written myself and the place we're starting is a .txt file
anyway (in other words, I've written a bundle that processes .txt files
using a Ruby script).
I'm betting there is some easy way to tell the bundle command that calls
this Ruby script to output like RubyMate. What would that be? Thx - m.
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