I've got a weird bug displaying file paths in Tool Tips as output from
shell commands. The bug is that if a directory in a path ends in an
'l' (el, not one), then both it and the slash are elided in the Tool
Tip display.
For example, I have a simple bundle command that executes "git status"
(that's it; nothing more) and writes the output to a tool tip. In the
example below, I've modified a file named "" in a
sub-directory named "util" (i.e. "util/"). The tool tip
output of the path will be "", like this:
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# modified:
If I execute "git status" from the terminal, I get the correct
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# modified: util/
I have had this problem before with other commands, so it's not
specific to git. If I tell the output to go to a New Document or to
Insert As Snippet, then the missing "l/" in the paths show up (using
the same bundle commands). So, it appears to be something weird about
the output going to a Tool Tip. Is there some kind of markup happening
in Tool Tips?
Any help is much appreciated -- I'm afraid I'm a bit out of my league
in this issue.
Keyboard shortcuts and what fingers?
Hello, been using TM for a litle white now, slowling moving over from
BB. There is a much stronger emphasis on keyboard shortcuts, I was
hoping someone could help me out a little.
I can find data online with regard to what fingers go where for
alphanumeric keys, the option, command, and control keys are largely
not talked about, especially when used in combination.
I do tend to work on the left side of the board, since sometimes I
move to a laptop, and it is missing control and option on the right. I
also use the caps lock as a control, but would not want to rely on
that for being able to move around as well.
"Control Shift <" is is a good example. I am using thumb on control
and ring on shift, then the right hand for the less than. This is a
bit of a stretch, and probably will be bad over time. Maybe index on
control and middle on shift would be better? That combo them requires
me to move my entire wrist down to hit it, which I wh
Or is there some strict rules for ergonomics and RSI prevention that
puts a specific finder on a specific key like the alphanumerics?
Some of these are just hard for me to hit. Control-Option-Shift-H is
a good example, though I only need to use it once.
Any suggestions on how you have all adapted to an app that must use
keyboard shortcuts to truly become powerful, would be apprecitated.
* If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
Hello everybody,
I just spent a few hours wrsetling with a strange bug, so I thought
I'd let you know.
In run_xcode_target.rb the command for executing shell programs is
built in line 295. The environment variables DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH and
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH are set. Instead of setting them, the new
directories should be appended. In my case this caused some of the
libraries I was using to spawn random malloc errors, I guess that is,
because macports uses these paths. I don't know what happened exactly,
but changing the command to appending the new paths instead of setting
them solved my problem and sounds more reasonable anyway.
What do you think,
Cheers, Jonas
I am a newcomer to the world of Textmate having previously designed websites
with Dreamweaver. I love the snippet functionality and have set about
creating loads of my own snippets for speedy XHTML coding.
I've hit a small snag whilst trying to get a regular expression to reproduce
text in two places in my snippet. The problem I am having is trying to tell
it to replace any spaces with say an underscore _ character.
Forgive me if this is easy to do, I am quite new to Regular Expressions and
I'm still feeling my way!
Here is the offending snippet:
<form action="${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.*?)\..*/$1_submit/}}" method="${2:post}"
<fieldset id="${6:${3/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?3:_:\L$0)/g}}"
<legend>${3:enter form name}</legend>
<button type="submit">submit</button><br/>
So placeholder number 3 is the legend name and also populates the fieldset
ID. I can easily change the ID manually if it contains spaces, but I thought
it would be really cool if it would just replace them automatically with an
underscore instead.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kind regards,
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1. switched the following languages to use a magic heredoc token instead of
a comment
2. there was one way to trigger ruby scope, by have a heredoc token of
now, there are two options:
a. foobar = <<-RUBY
b. eval <<-FOOBAR # works with eval, module_eval and class_eval
* support <<-'HEREDOC' or <<-"HEREDOC" syntax for magic tokens for embedded
* support <<HEREDOC magic tokens for embedded languages
patch is attached, and can be found here:
If I set ProjectPlus sort to show folders on top, the order gets messed
up if I add a file to a project folder outside of TM. When I switch back
to TM the project list updates to show the new file, but the folders are
now mixed in alphabetical order, rather than at the top. I then have to
uncheck "folders on top" and the re-check it to restore the order.
Is this a bug? If I add the file through TM (using the 'add existing
files...' option, this doesn't happen, it's only if I add a file into a
folder that is in the project, and the re-sort happens when TM regains
focus and the project drawer is
Is it just me? I've got the latest version from Subversion. Erlang
bundle doesn't have any command, like Compile, ... Google says that it
used to have them. Then I just tried TerminalMate bundle and it
crashes with "`initialize': No such file or directory - /Users/dm/
Library/Application Support/TerminalMate/server.bin (Errno::ENOENT)".
Last week I received an automatic update of TextMate. I think this was
actually the first time since I have been using TextMate for a year or
s. I am now on Version 1.5.8 (1498)
After the update the Focussed Unit Test function of the Ruby bundle
stopped working. When I now run a focussed unit test it will run all
the unit tests.
Has anybody seen the same problem? Do you know how to fix this? I
Googled this problem, but I couldn't find anybody else with the same
I have in and got myself an iPhone.
Now I'm wondering if any of you others on the list - who I know share
my love of TM - have ever seen a code editor for these slices of
I should point out that I have already installed iSSH, so I can use vi
(after a fashion) but it would be a nice touch to be able to get
something with a fixed width font and syntax highlighting for putting
ideas down on the go. Of course, without copy and paste, it's a little
Still, I thought I'd ask!
Sent from my iPhone
I notice that Spotlight is not indexing the contents of my .rb files. Do I
need a special TextMate Spotlight importer, or is this just something about
my LaunchServices? Here's the listing from mdls showing the content type
tree on a typical .rb file:
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
Thx - m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a), <>
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
AppleScript: the Definitive Guide - Second Edition!