is there a new way to disable auto-indent, other than going through Terminal as
described here a few years ago? I’m new to TextMate 1.5.8 and prefer to code
XHTML without auto-indent. Why not add this option to the "Tab size" pop-up in
the status bar?
I tried to update my bundles using svn as described in the online-manual but
unfortunately I failed.
I started and instaled svn. Then I cd to the bundles directory in
~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/ and ran:
svn update *.tmbundle
and received:
Skipped 'AppleScript.tmbundle'
Skipped 'HTML.tmbundle'
Skipped 'NanoBlogger.tmbundle'
Skipped 'Pragmatic Examples.tmbundle'
Now I have 2 questions:
What did I do wrong?
Where are my other bundles.
Thanks for your help.
The TODO bundle seems to ignore .xml files when run in a project.
If I just open an .xml file with TODOs by itself and run "Show TODO
List" it works. But if I have a project with that same file in it and
run "Show TODO List" it doesn't work.
It does list TODOs in other files,just not .xml
I've tried it as another user, and have also tried removing all my
settings and downloaded bundles as per the troubleshooting 101 page.
TM_TODO_IGNORE is not defined
In Preferences, Advanced, Folder References:
File Pattern = !(/\.(?!htaccess)[^/]*|\.(tmproj|o|pyc)|/Icon\r|/svn-
Folder Pattern = !.*/(\.[^/]*|CVS|_darcs|_MTN|\{arch\}|blib|.*~\.nib|.*
Version is 1.5.8 (1498)
If it helps at all the files as a docbook project with a directory
struture like:
Thanks in advance
I just found a problem with TextMate and symlinks. Say I have a regular
file and a symlink to that file. If I open the symlink in TextMate and
save it again, the original file's permissions are changed to those of
the symlink. My umask is set to 0022, so files are created 0644
(rw-r--r--) and directories are created 0755 (rwxr-xr-x). Symlinks are
created with permissions as if they were directories. The end result of
all of this is that if I edit a symlink to a file, the file ends up
getting its execute bits set.
Is there any way to keep this from happening? I don't really want to go
around setting execute permission on arbitrary text files...
MariMac:/tmp/test$ umask
MariMac:/tmp/test$ echo "hello world" > foo
MariMac:/tmp/test$ ln -s foo bar
MariMac:/tmp/test$ ls -l
total 8
lrwxr-xr-x 1 sking wheel 3 2009-03-03 14:10 bar -> foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 sking wheel 12 2009-03-03 14:10 foo
MariMac:/tmp/test$ mate -w bar
MariMac:/tmp/test$ ls -l
total 8
lrwxr-xr-x 1 sking wheel 3 2009-03-03 14:10 bar -> foo*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sking wheel 24 2009-03-03 14:11 foo*
(Obviously I have "Perform atomic saves" unchecked in the preferences,
otherwise the symlink would get overwritten and the original file
wouldn't be changed.)
Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461
www.arbornetworks.com <http://www.arbornetworks.com/>
Hello all, every day I shave a few percentage points off the time I
spend in BBedit, and get closer to 100% in TM.
Today, I am stuck on showing differences. TM has a lot of good tools
to show the differences in a standard `diff`y kind of way.
What I usually find useful, was in BBedit, I could compare the two
most front files, a window would pop out below the files, sort of a
left, right, and bottom frame display. I could then move through the
line differences in the files.
Any way to do this in TM?
* If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
How do you shut off that annoying start up beep? I've tried the Wiki
and the built in help searching for beep. Nothing found in the
preferences either. It's got to be simple but where?
Bob Love
"Entropy ain't what it used to be."
I recently installed TextMate on a new computer, and I was pleasantly
surprised when I did Bundles->Subversion->Diff->Diff With Newest and
the changes were color coded for add, remove, etc. So my question is,
why does my old installation of Textmate not do this same
highlighting? Both are version 1498.
I actively use both computers, so this is a nice visual aid. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Armon Dadgar
A problem that no-one's been able to help me with since the update
still sits un-resolved. Is there anywhere else I can go to try and get
support with this?
It's weird because I feel that I've paid cash for Textmate (which is
fine, I think Textmate is brilliant) and therefore I should expect
actual tech-support. However if it's a problem with a bundle then
maybe that's not Textmate's responsibility and hence I must resort to
the open-source model of posting questions in places, which is fine
until that model of support fails, as in this case.
I guess I'm hoping that there's another forum somewhere that I should
post to, or should I think about submitting a bug somewhere?
Mike Dewar