Love ProjectPlus, but:
I have several projects within the same git tree. Only for one of them
are the git badges displayed in ProjectPlus, not for the others.
Interestingly the icon in the window title always properly reflects
the git state. That is just a tad maddening, anyone found a workaround
for this?
It seems to be related to how the project is opened: via the tmproj it
does not work. It seems to work when opened as folder, but I can't use
that as I have some project-specific settings in the tmproj file which
the build process needs.
Has there been an update since the 1.2 version from 6 months ago?
I've heard (from lurking on this list) that the default TextMate concept of
projects is a bit lacking.
Given that, which of the multitude of project bundles should I check out --
or -- should I just play with all of them? i.e. Is there
any canonical "best" ?
A few months ago, I been successfully using TM for all sorts of Python
scripts. I recently decided to use it again, but now scripts that used to
run perfectly no longer do so. Here is the key: those same scripts still run
perfectly if I run them from XCode, Editra, or if I make the files
executables and run them from Terminal. They only fail in TM.
I have run into two problems. First, this simple one-line script will cause
two error windows to appear:
text = raw_input("--> ")
The first error window says, "The application Python quit unexpectedly. The
problem may have been caused by the tm_interactive_input.dylib plug-in."
The second error window says, "The application tm_dialog2 quit
I can paste the error reports here if you want to see them.
The second script that causes problems is this (reduced down to its
import pyglet
class Test(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self):
def on_draw(self):
test = Test()
I get this error message:
OSError: dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/AGL, 6): Symbol not
found: _CGLClearDrawable Referenced from:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo Expected
in: flat namespace
function __getattr__ in at line 307
module body in at line 133
from import gl_info
module body in at line 99
from import GLException
module body in at line 141
from import link_GL, link_GLU, link_AGL
module body in at line 51
function load_library in at line 90
return self.load_framework(kwargs['framework'])
function load_framework in at line 226
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(realpath)
function LoadLibrary in at line 408
return self._dlltype(name)
function __init__ in at line 325
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
That error message makes it seem like a pyglet problem, but again, I get no
errors when running it outside of TM.
I am running Mac OS X 10.5.6 and the cutting edge version of TextMate
(1498), and I completely reinstalled TM after experiencing these errors. I
am using the stock Python that shipped with Leopard (2.5.1) and that's the
version being used by the Python bundle. There were two older MacPorts
versions of Python that were carried over to my Leopard installation, but I
have uninstalled those. I tried setting the TM_PYTHON variable, but it made
no difference.
A simple pure-Python script that doesn't use pyglet or raw_input will run
class Test(object):
def __init__(self):
print("Hello, World")
test = Test()
Odd. Ideas?
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I'm new to Latex with TextMate.
It might be an easy question, but I couldn't figure it out.
Any comments will be thankful.
I placed the caret in \cite{} and press ESC. There was only one beep.
Nothing happend.
After googling the shell variables TM_LATEX_BIB were filled as my local copy
of bib file. - No luck.
After googling again, I placed the bib file in ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib. -
Still no luck.
I've read many posts, but still the citation function is not working.
Would you help me out?
Thanks in advance,
Hi all,
What is the proper channel for submitting bugs and/or feature requests
to bundle authors? Should I just contact the developer directly? If
so, where can I find the developer's contact info?
Michael J. I. Jackson
Dear all,
I'm working on a bundle in which their is a command that takes the
current document and splits it in several new ones
based on a set of criteria.
What I would like is for all those new documents that result from the
splitting procedure to be displayed in a project drawer
(even if the original document was not part of any project). The new
files will probably not yet been saved to disk so that's
something the user has to do.
If any of you can give me suggestions on how to do this I would
appreciate it.
I've just got back from holiday to find a TextMate update! After
performing the update - so I'm now at Version 1.5.8 (1498) - my Python
scripts no longer run when I hit cmd-R. The error is:
Program terminated by uncaught signal #11 after 6.26 seconds.
Followed by a Mac OS X "The application Python quit unexpectedly"
dialogue box. I can replicate the problem by creating a file with the
following command:
from scipy import special
(which imports a bunch of slightly odd functions from the scientific
python library, and which can take a few seconds) and then running the
"Run Script" command in the Python bundle.
Running "from scipy import special" in both the python and ipython
terminals, and running the above file from the command line all work
Can anyone help? I've re-installed Textmate after deleting all the
Library folders I could find, and I've re-installed the Python bundle
from svn. Other scripts work fine, which gives me the impression that
something is timing out, but that's really just a vague impression...
Mike Dewar
The completion for languages is very helpful, so:
explode(string separator, string str, [int limit])
Currently backspacing on a snippet component like "[int limit]" leaves
a broken fn call (unwanted trailing comma), i.e:
explode(string separator, string str,)
Is it possible to alter the generated snippets so that when the user
backspaces on a snippet element in function calls like this, the comma
preceding the unwanted parameter is also eaten, i.e.?
explode(separator, str${1:, ${2:[int limit]}})
instead of
explode(separator, str, ${2:[int limit]}})
It would be great if textmate's macro's were editable and buildable
from the history of events: store each event as a list item, allow it
to be named, copied, added to a library of snippet components, and
deleted from a macro.
Often we do things we wish to repeat, but not exactly as they were
done (usually there are inefficiencies (like copying some text to be
used for replace) which often break the macro as a repeatable
sequence, but if I could choose "macro... from prior actions", then
see a list like
1. copy
2. find and replace (find = <str>, replace = <str>, regex=TRUE)
3. switch documents
4. copy
5. paste
6. copy
7. find and replace (find = <str>, replace = <str>, regex=TRUE)
And then delete all but 2 and 7... bingo: just the events needed
I am a newcomer to the world of Textmate having previously designed websites
with Dreamweaver. I love the snippet functionality and have set about
creating loads of my own snippets for speedy XHTML coding.
I've hit a small snag whilst trying to get a regular expression to reproduce
text in two places in my snippet. The problem I am having is trying to tell
it to replace any spaces with say an underscore _ character.
Forgive me if this is easy to do, I am quite new to Regular Expressions and
I'm still feeling my way!
Here is the offending snippet:
<form action="${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.*?)\..*/$1_submit/}}" method="${2:post}"
<fieldset id="${6:${3/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?3:_:\L$0)/g}}" ${4:class="${5:}"}>
<legend>${3:enter form name}</legend>
<button type="submit">submit</button><br/>
So placeholder number 3 is the legend name and also populates the fieldset
ID. I can easily change the ID manually if it contains spaces, but I thought
it would be really cool if it would just replace them automatically with an
underscore instead.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kind regards,
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