I just went through a cleanup and organization of my Desktop as it was
getting a bit messy. Part of that mess was the number of TM Project
files that started to collect there. I decided to put them in a
folder and then drag the folder to the Dock so I could get a popup of
the contents, the same as the Documents and Downloads folder.
After I did this I found that that Textmate would open, but the
contents where in red coloring and not available to me. After some
looking I found that files contained the path to my files relative to
where the Projects file was created. I thought that at this point it
would be faster to simply edit the files in Terminal with vi rather
than re-create everything, and also better since I would retain all
the settings that were embedded.
As a test on one of them I changed the path from a relative path (../
Sites/foldername) to an absolute one (/Users/myname/Sites/foldername)
and it opened everything the way I expected. But after I closed the
project in Textmate, I found that the path had once again reverted to
relative again (../../Sites/foldername). I ended up changing a dozen
or more files anyway, and now all is good, but I can't imagine what
the effort would have been if I had many, many projects.
So I guess I am wondering why this is the behavior, and why Textmate
can't use an absolute path which would make management of the Project
files a lot easier. And before someone asks, I do a lot of online
testing of different installations and I like having direct access to
the Projects without having to navigate to them in the Finder and
finding them in the actual folder name. I also don't have the Project
file(s) cluttering up my site files either.
This is my first post to this list, based on the website
recommendation that bundle bugs should be posted here.
I have added several commands to my own bundle for some work. Last
night I added a new command, then worked on it and tested it for about
90 minutes. I didn't see any way to force a save of the command, so I
assumed it was being written out each time I clicked to another
command and clicked back.
However, a while later TextMate hung when I was running another of my
commands and I was forced to kill it.
On restarting TextMate, my new command and all the work in it was
gone, apparently unrecoverable.
Is there a way to force a command to save, or does this mean I should
regularly quit and restart TextMate to avoid this potential loss?
-- Ron
This line also breaks; changing "/100" to "/ 100" fixes it. I'm guessing
regular expression catchers are to blame again:
print $q->br()."<SMALL class=footer>Page
took ".(int(((times)[0]-$stime)*100)/100)."s to generate</SMALL>";
Syntax highlighting on the Perl bundle appears to have a problem. The
following line breaks everything following it because it's matching
the 's' as the start of a text replacement. I tried to fix it but this
bundle syntax is just way too complicated for me.
%foo = ( s=>"bar", f=>"baz" );
Hoping someone out there can provide a fix. Thanks.
Is there a way to setup to auto show function pop-up and/or prototype when
typing inside the function scope?
E.g., assuming PHP:
preg_match('[cursor here and a pop-up showed up].
Sorry if it is totally basic, but I searched the manual and the function
pop-up section doesn't tell anything related.
Alfred R. Baudisch
hi, i just recognized that dictionary option is not working properly ? any
idea? when i press control+command+d nothing happens?... that option was
very useful. anyone has same issue? my config is Snow Leopard 10.6.2 and
TextMate Version 1.5.9 (1510)
i'm not sure if this is discussed already... thanks in advance
I have a problem with GetBundles: When I start it, it basically
hangs while connecting to the server. It has been like this for
some time (I do not remember if it ever actually worked for me).
I have tried removing all my TextMate application support folder
but it did not seem to help.
After I close GetBundles, I all the options in the "GetBundles"
menu are greyed out. If I quit TextMate, a ruby process is left,
which I kill manually.
Any suggestions?
I am on 10.6.2, ruby 1.8.7.
I've extended css code-folding to include groups (ala cssedit) by tweaking
the css language file
foldingStartMarker =
foldingStopMarker = '(?<!\*)\*\*/|^\s*\}|\/*\s*@end\s*\*\/';
(I didn't write these regex, but I found them here
http://css-tricks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2783 )
Works brilliantly, but my question is how to extend the css code folding
from within other types of files (like HTML, PHP etc.) Doing a bunch of
one-off pages and it would help greatly.
Thanks all for the help and comments about the Latex bundle. Sorry if it has gone off topic, but as you can see, I have no way to figure out what is the responsibility of TextMate, of the LaTeX bundle and what has to be handled by something else again e.g. MacTex or TexLive Utility.
I have downloaded and installed MacTex and now when I run the command latex I get "This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009)". Says to me that MacTex is also known as pdfTeX and also known as TeX Live 2009. Three different names gets pretty confusing. I also downloaded and installed TexLive Utility which gave me some encouraging feedback and then failed miserably
"2010-03-23 18:11:18 +0000 Notice -[TLMAppController checkVersionConsistency][51322] Looks like you're using TeX Live 2009…good!
2010-03-23 18:11:18 +0000 Notice -[TLMAppController checkVersionConsistency][51322] *** WARNING *** Potential version mismatch between tlmgr and mirror URL http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008
2010-03-23 18:11:21 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][51322] termination status of task /usr/texbin/tlmgr was 2
2010-03-23 18:11:21 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][51322] Standard error from `/usr/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --location http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 update --list`
tlmgr: package repository ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008
unusable location ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb, could not load any packages
Cannot load TeX Live database from ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008 at /usr/texbin/tlmgr line 3919."
So I am part of the way there and now lost in another quagmire I have no idea how to fix. I appreciate this is off topic and I have to go find a list that specialises in TeX to sort this and hope they are gentle with me and don't keep pointing me to the command line :D