I was also having this issue and found the solution in a single character in
php.ini: be sure that the variables_order setting begins with "E" (mine was
variables_order = "EGPCS"
It looks like the issue was due to PHP's $ENV global being left empty due to
this setting. I'm guessing this is because of the default "production"
php.ini that ships with the PHP distributed with MacPorts.
I've posted a few additional links and error output on our development blog:
Ethan Winn
I'm almost done with the smart autocompletion bundle for PHP. However I'm wondering trying to figure out if I should include autocompletion for variables that are not defined during the class declaration; but that are defined within a method.
For example:
class MyExample extends Example
public $indexed_variable;
public function myTestMethod()
$this->indexed_variable_2 = 'Should this be indexed for the Autocompletion?';
Should $this->index... autocompletion show, the $indexed_variable_2? or only the one defined during the class declaration (not within methods).
Any comments will be appreciated.
- Mario "Kuroir" Ricalde
I've installed the latest version of TextMate on Mac OS 10.5. Then I
updated all my bundles with:
cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
svn co http://svn.textÂmate.org/trunk ./
>From time to time I stay up-to-date with:
cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
sudo svn update
Now I'm running Snow Leopard (I upgraded the existing OS) and I
encounter a lot of errors. However I don't know if it worked on
For instance if I use "Reformat Selection" from the Javascript bundle,
the file content is replaced with:
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in
/private/etc/php.ini on line 1060 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in
/private/etc/php.ini on line 1214 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in
/private/etc/php.ini on line 1274 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Notice: Undefined index: TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT in
/private/tmp/temp_textmate.8LRFl1 on line 19
PHP Warning: require(/lib/beautify.php): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in /private/tmp/temp_textmate.8LRFl1 on line 19
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required
'/lib/beautify.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in
/private/tmp/temp_textmate.8LRFl1 on line 19
I have another problem with the ack bundle:
http://github.com/protocool/ack-tmbundle When I launch the command I
get "ruby: no such file to load -- cgi (LoadError)" but since it's not
an official bundle I suppose that I should ask on their mailing-list
Currently, apple-left takes me to the end of the line. I'd like to change it
so apple-comma takes me there. That way I don't have to search for the arrow
keys. How can I find where this is defined? Generally, when I want to change
a key command, how can I track it down without searching manually through
every bundle?
Hello all,
I've prepared some updates to the PHP bundle to bring it up to date with PHP
5.3. This includes language grammar support for namespaces, closures,
Nowdoc syntax, and a few other changes/updates. I also updated all of the
functions.txt and functions.plist completions to PHP 5.3.1. I made some
small changes to the generate.rb script and added a simple PHP script to
populate the functions.plist file, so re-generating these should be a bit
easier in the future. I forked the bundle on Github and pushed my changes
I'm not really sure what to do next as far as getting feedback or who to
send any patches to, so I figured firing off an email to the mailing list
would be a good start.
Thanks everyone for doing such an awesome job on all of the bundles!
> Gaby Vanhegan:
>> I've been working on a PHP Smart Autocompletion / Intellisense for Textmate and I though I would ask a couple of questions to any PHP Developer interested on the idea:
>> 1. Would you like smart code completion to work only on the included files or in the current project?
> Whole project. FlashDevelop have got this kind of thing right, if you could use that as a model then you'd have an amazing plugin.
>> 2. What Frameworks for PHP do you use with textmate?
> If you can get point 1 right then this doesn't matter.
>> 3. Do you mind if the bundle creates an extra hidden folder to cache the parsed code?
> For me, no. Provided there was an option to clear that cache somehow.
>> When I say Smart Autocompletion, I mean it'll know your classes inheritance, how you call them, the scope, etc.
> FlashDevelop goes even further with this, parsing JavaDoc style comments and using them as tooltips in the autocomplete. Very handy.
Gaby, I already got it right. Parsing all the competent files on the project and parsing them accordingly; good to know I'm on the good path.
It's good to know what Frameworks you work on, yes it does matter. Mostly because most of them use different naming conventions adding prefixes to the "real classes" and removing them from the loading process. ( for example, new MyClass will load MyFrameWork_MyClass ).
The PHP Smart Autocompletion is prepared to work with the tooltips with documentation; however, the Textmate provided DIALOG is not good enough to handle this kind of stuff; I'll be adding it later when Joachim finishes his mod.
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I totally agree with Gaby. The same thing is with Flash Builder.
> If you could get this kind of behavior it would be my YES for still working
> TextMate - I'm currently checking other editors for code completion.
> Btw. how advanced the progress is? :) When can we expect some preview? :) Or
> you gonna make it TM2 like - just rumors :)
> Still TM is my favorite editor and I don't want to switch to other ... :)
As I already stated, the behavior can be achieved; it's just a matter of time before Joachim updates his mod for dialog. Also, it's good to know that this bundle will actually make some PHP Developers use TextMate more :)
About how advanced the bundlee is:
I already had a pre-beta, which was a complete mess and was my first try. Doing it wrong with Regular Expressions. It worked, but not with as smart as I wanted it to be. About the current version, here's what I have and what I need to do:
PHP Parser, 90% done.
It's almost perfect, I just need to make a little tweaking. For instance, I'm thinking about storing definition of class-level variables within a class method. Even if they were not defined during the definition of the class via "public/private/protected/static $var".
Project Files, 100% done.
Caching Process, 95% done.
Need some tweaking on this. Will leave it for the after-release.
Current Scope Identification 10%
I need to work more on this, because of the way TextMate handles "words", $this->sad are 3 words, which means I'll need to parse the current line for autocompletion, resolve the variables and scope and then perform the project parsing.
Building of the AutoCompletion 80%
After resolving the relationship, scope, visibility, etc. The building will come in. I already have this done because of the pre-beta.
About the release date; I'm not sure. I'm working on it on my free time and today is my birthday; so I won't have a lot of time for me to work with it today. I'll try to keep you posted. If you can please give me any ideas to add it would be great, because this is the best stage for doing that.
Has anyone else noticed a change in Textmate's behavior wherein the file
dialog defaults to the root of the local volume, as opposed to the most
recently used directory?
AFAIK, Textmate did not behave like this in the past. I am using build
1589. I notice that this behavior is only on my Snow Leopard (10.6) and
not another Mac running 10.5. Any ideas out there?
I've been working on a PHP Smart Autocompletion / Intellisense for Textmate and I though I would ask a couple of questions to any PHP Developer interested on the idea:
1. Would you like smart code completion to work only on the included files or in the current project?
2. What Frameworks for PHP do you use with textmate?
3. Do you mind if the bundle creates an extra hidden folder to cache the parsed code?
4. How frequently do you use Namespaces? ( PHP 5.3 )
When I say Smart Autocompletion, I mean it'll know your classes inheritance, how you call them, the scope, etc.
I've been using TextMate for a couple of years now for HTML, CSS and especially Actionscript 3 development.
Yesterday I decided to install the Flash Builder4 plugin for Eclipse trial and it totally messed up my TextMate system. I can no longer
compile AS3. I've uninstalled Flash Builder 4 and it still doesn't compile. TextMate won't even load the flex-config.xml file.
I noticed that when I tried to compile in TextMate after installing FB4 it would load the flex-config.xml from the newly installed
FB4 instead of my original location.
Does anyone have an up-to-date comprehensive setup for using the Flex SDK with TextMate? Everything I found on the web
via searches are two to three years old. I believe that I have everything in order but still can't compile.