I've been using the LaTeX bundle successfully with TextMate. But I have come unstuck when I want to install a new font, for example Garamond.
From http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/mathdesign/ I see I must;
(1) Install a package called mathdesign
(2) unzip the file mdugm.zip into the root directory of my texmf tree
My questions to the list are
(1) How do I download and install a package with TextMate / the bundle / using the terminal ?
(2) where do I find the textmf directory in SnowLeopard ?
Lucy .
I wrote a program in C++ which does some long calculations. For information
purpose it has a "cout" function which tels me about a progress of
I'm used to compile my program via TM with my own boundle-command script
which looks like that:
echo "<html><body><pre>"
make | pre
find_name="grep 'NAME=' ./makefile | cut -c 6- "
cmd= `eval $find_name | awk '{print "./"$0}'`
echo "</pre></body></html>"
My problem is that the standard output (text that "cout" presents) is shown
at once after program is finished (but non during program is running) so I
don't see progress of calculation.
Is there a way for presenting standard output in these case (in real-time)?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Problem-with-real-time-presenting-standard-output-%28…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm referring to the reflow comment command in this screencast:
I have TextMate set to wrap at 72 characters, and currently the command
is not reflowing this text correctly:
* This constructor takes a pointer to a void function that should
* define a set a of transformations to move this cube to its starting
* point in the 3D coordinate system. Transformations include
* translations, scaling and rotation. (Scaling can be performed
* uniformly by using the Cube(float sideLength) constructor.)
* Parameters:
* - a function pointer that to a void function with no parameters
* Outputs: N/A
When I run the command, bound to ^Q, I get this result:
* This constructor takes a pointer to a void function that should
* define a set a of transformations to move this cube to its starting
* point in the 3D coordinate system. Transformations include
* scaling and rotation. (Scaling can be performed uniformly by using
* the Cube(float sideLength) constructor.)
* Parameters: - a function pointer that to a void function with no
* parameters
* Outputs: N/A
(I have hard-wrapped the line in question to indicate that TM is
soft-wrapping here, as the line is longer than 72 characters.)
Here is the command I'm using (copied from the comments on the linked
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
txt = STDIN.read.gsub(%r{\A/|\*/\z}, '')
txt = txt.gsub(/^[ \t]*\*[ \t]*/, '')
txt = %x{ fmt <<< '#{txt.gsub(/'/, "'\\\\''")}' }.chomp
txt = txt.gsub(/[$`\\]/, '\\\\\0')
txt = txt.sub(/(\n(?=\n))?(\n*)\z/, '\1$0\2')
print "/* " + txt.to_a.join(' * ') + " */"
How can I modify this command to reflow correctly at 72 columns?
Thanks in advance,
Adam Sharp
I'm working on a magento bundle. It is currently on github and getbundles can install it.
so of my work has over lapped with the php completion bundle but some has not.
The php completion bundle won't be able to auto complete for Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product');
Since in magento you use the factory pattern a lot I build my own bundle. What I'm looking for is how many users use magento and what features of a bundle would they like?
The current bundle does the following:
1. Auto complete for classes used in factory methods aka Mage::getSingleton({the classes here});
2. Takes you to a definition of a class
3. Tab trigger for <?php echo $this->__('$1'); ?>$0
The next version will do:
1. Show parent inheritance (80% done)
2. Auto complete for the Mage class (100% done)
3. Take the user to the Magento online class documentation.
Hey all,
I'm running the newest versions of both TextMate and WordPress and am
looking to use the blogging plugin to edit/create content on my blog. I have
read the post here:
And I have posted comments to it with minimal response. I'm wondering if
anyone has got the two to work together and if so, how you did it. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!
Dana W.
Hi TextMate folks.
I've written a little applescript to do what I regularly need to do - open a folder in TextMate if and only if it's not already open, from the command-line. (I have command-line scripts to set up my workspaces for each project for me.) Is there another way to do it? Not that I could see, although it's tricky to keywords-search that one. I kind of feel it should be a command-line option to the "mate" command.
Script is up here:
Comments and criticism appreciated. Please feel free fork it and make your own modifications and improvements if it is useful to you.
I'm no Applescript ninja - in fact this is my first, learn-by-doing foray.It should be clear that I have been working out variable scoping by trial and error. Tidying could happen.
The entire section to bring the window that contains your folder of choice to the front is broken - there seems to be no way to get between window objects and document objects despite what the Applesscript dictionary says, as noted by Alan Watson http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2009-March/028352.html
If you run it using a path such as "." or ".." instead of an absolute path, textmate will hang. Not quite sure why.
I've assumed you are trying to open a folder rather than a file, and that opening a parent of said folder counts as that folder being already open
Have fun,
Hey guys,
I was using a bundle(I think) that adds the option "Open link in browser"
(or something like this) to the context menu in a "Plain Text" file, but
last week I was doing some cleanup and accidentally removed it :( Someone
know the name of this bundle?
Thanks in advance :)
I'm new to textmate (evaluating it) and bibtex and tex, so my question may
be of the newbie variety.
I've got bibdesk working ok, and was able to add citations to my document
using the BibDeskTMCompletions tool. But, when I run Bibtex from the LaTex
bundle menu, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 471, in tsDirs = find_TEX_directives() File
line 306, in find_TEX_directives startDir = os.path.dirname(texfile) File
line 119, in dirname i = p.rfind('/') + 1 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object
has no attribute 'rfind'
I'm guessing it's some problem with an environment variable or something.
Or maybe some python problem? I'm a bit out of my league here, but eager to
learn. Any help would be appreciated!
Did anybody succeed in using Textmate for lisp. I get the following error
when I press Apple-key + R:
xcodebuild: Error: the directory /Users/userName does not contain an Xcode