> Hi
> How do I open html-files from textmate into Firefox, instead of Safari,
> that seems to be default+
> tromslo
> ------------------------------
Open firefox, close safari, use the Html macro "Open in Running Browser" or
"Refresh currently open browsers".
I want to know whether someone other than me would like to have a version of TextMate for the iPad? Let me explain: I use TextMate primarily for TeX and some trivial modifications of websites. I could get by with a simple text editor and since the iPad allows one to use an external keyboard, I could type comfortably for hours on it.
Since (as far as I understand) TextMate is very modular and the interface very minimal, one should be able to whip up a nice, clean interface for the iPhone OS?
What do you guys think: have I been caught in Steve's reality distortion field or is there a market for an editor on the iPad?
Hi, I have a command (html output) that will be run frequently to give a
status update. Based on it's output, the user will make a change to their
code and run it again. But it gets tedious having to click back onto the
window every time they run the command.
Is there a way to have my command automatically switch back to the window
they've been writing their text in, after displaying the output, so that the
output updates, but user focus appears to remain in the editor window?
I hunted through some Applescript for the last hour, but haven't seen
anything I could figure out how to use.
I tried recording the command with automator, it gave me
-- Press ⌘`
delay 0.232022
set timeoutSeconds to 2.000000
set uiScript to "keystroke \"`\" using command down"
my doWithTimeout( uiScript, timeoutSeconds )
on doWithTimeout(uiScript, timeoutSeconds)
set endDate to (current date) + timeoutSeconds
run script "tell application \"System Events\"
" & uiScript & "
end tell"
exit repeat
on error errorMessage
if ((current date) > endDate) then
error "Can not " & uiScript
end if
end try
end repeat
end doWithTimeout
Then I tried placing that in a system call to osascript at the end of my
command, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Hi all,
I was contemplating the fact that Latex 2 requires a separate templates directory, rather than having a stock set within the bundle itself. On the one hand, I appreciate the ability to add my own templates in this directory, but the ruby directives aren't applied upon import, a nice feature of the original Latex bundle's internal templates, and this means extra typing. Am I doing something clueless once again?
I also find the template window itself that opens under Latex 2 to be a bit of a tease: it doesn't work quite as advertised in the Help file. When I hit return I get to edit the template name, but I can't seem to find a keyboard sequence out of this mode (no 'reasonable' emacs/readline sequence works, other than tabbing me into the template preview window, where I can edit the template) and I have to use the mouse to insert the selected template. [I'm running Snow Leopard on my powerbook, Leopard on my iMac]. I like my mouse, but not that much. :)
What would be nice is to have a stock set of templates in the bundle, and then such a window that allows one to create a new template by using or even modifying [but not replacing] one of the ones already stored in the template inventory list; of course, the user-defined/modified templates would have to be set aside as is currently required. But hey this is Textmate, there must be a macro/script that can be developed for doing this (not that anyone needs more work!)? And wouldn't it be nice that the template editor have all the power of textmate and the latex2 bundle at the ready, to ease the template modification?
Now, Latex 2 does indeed have some major improvements over the first bundle. But the templates feature seems a step backward in my opinion (or aging is getting to my brain?). Thanks for listening.
Best wishes
David F. Snyder, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
Texas State University at San Marcos
The Latex 2 Bundle is indeed much better, thank you!
The only oddity here is as soon as I set any flag via TM_LATEX_FLAGS, the document no longer compiles and I receive a prompt asking me to enter a filename (TeX cannot find my .tex file to compile). As soon as I unset TM_LATEX_FLAGS everything works again. Odd.
Still, this is a great solution — many thanks.
Tom Shafer
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
I'm trying out Alex Ross's alternative latex bundle, but am having
trouble getting it to typeset my documents. I go the latex+dvips
route. Would that be the problem?
I have used TextMate for some time for programming and other text-editing things and I love the program. I would like to use it for LaTeX documents as well; it's superior customization is a significant help in speeding up technical writing. However, the speed of compilation in TM is incredibly slower than in TeXShop, the program I am forced to use now. It is a significant enough difference that it is incredibly frustrating to use TM for LaTeX. Both programs are using pdflatex engine, I am not running the Latexmk.pl script, and I'm running straightforward scripts (mostly for short papers and class assignments) so there should be no speed difference?
I wonder if anyone else had this issue and if there is some kind of fix. I am running on a 6-month-old MacBook Pro so speed should not be an issue --- I had read someone re-wrote the compile script to be faster, but have not found any link to such a script. I have put a screencast at http://files.tomshafer.name/misc/textmatelatex/ demonstrating the differences both in initial compile time (not an issue) and subsequent file time (very important to me — I compile every minute or so to preview changes).
Any thoughts would be much appreciated! I very much enjoy TextMate and to be able to write LaTeX would be a magnificent upgrade for me.
Tom Shafer
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
I moved my latex bundle out of the appropriate directory, and then
back in, and now I can't get command R to run latex and give me a pdf
in skim, as it once did. I get the error message below.
Can anyone give me a pointer?
sh: --help: command not found
/bin/sh: -interaction=nonstopmode: command not found
A fatal error occured, log file is in Differences.log
Document '/Users/kbj/Papers/*Differences/Differences.pdf' not open in
application The file /Users/kbj/Papers/*Differences/Differences.pdf
does not exist.
error number 256 opening viewer
Found 0 errors, and 0 warnings in 1 runs
-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style exited with status 127