I noticed that a file I was working on was suddenly four times its original length — its content had been quadruplicated! I also noticed that whatever I changed in the first copy affected the others, even after I emptied out the file and started typing fresh.
After a relaunch, everything’s back to normal, but… what the heck was happening? Is it the rapture?
Video demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25234/textmate-dupe-lines-what.mp4
I recently migrated from a 2006 to 2010 MacBook Pro and migrated all my data over with one exception: I upgraded my new computer from OS 10.6.5 to 10.6.7. Now Edit in Textmate has disappeared from my Edit menu in applications like Mail and TextMate, and the key binding Ctrl-Cmd-E doesn't work even on TextMate itself (eg, when editing snippets).
I'm running TextMate 1.5.10 (1631) on both computers, and updated my bundles. Edit in TextMate is checked under System Preferences/Keyboard/Services.
I've tried the fixes reported previously on this list and on the TextMate wiki, including:
* Running Mail in 32-bit mode.
* Adding the key binding Ctrl-E using Allan's technique described at http://wiki.macromates.com/Troubleshooting/EditInTextMate
* Unchecking TxtToTM in System Preferences/Keyboard/Services (it was previously being invoked by the same key combination as Edit in TextMate).
* Checking for existence and root ownership of Edit in TextMate in /Library/InputManagers. (I assume I don't need another copy in ~/Library/InputManagers.)
QuickCursor has been recommended to me, but based on the comments I've seen the current version doesn't match Edit in TextMate's clipboard features.
Any guidance greatly appreciated!
/RR (Response Requested)
Still Water--what networks need to thrive.
Watts and Jenny wrote:
>> What things is [QuickCursor] lacking, do you think?
> As I recall, Edit in TextMate used to let us flip back and forth between a window in an application and the one linked to it in TM. With QuickCursor, multiple edits lead to multiple windows saved in TM. Thus QuickCursor is not very helpful for editing long documents.
QuickCursor has two other drawbacks when compared to the "hackish" Edit in Textmate:
1. You can't leave your TextMate window open and still save to the original application via QuickCursor; in fact AFAICT you have to close the TextMate window to save at all. That prevents you from keeping a text copy of your (say) Web form or email message--so you lose everything if your application's connection or login times out.
2. QuickCursor seems to lose all formatting from the original context. This is a real bummer when replying to email messages with multiple quote levels. For example, the text beginning my message turns from a threaded reply to the following unintelligible block:
________________Begin QuickCursor version________________
Watts and Jenny wrote:
What things is [QuickCursor] lacking, do you think?
As I recall, Edit in TextMate used to let us flip back and forth between a window in an application and the one linked to it in TM. With QuickCursor, multiple edits lead to multiple windows saved in TM. Thus QuickCursor is not very helpful for editing long documents.
QuickCursor has two other drawbacks when compared to the "hackish" Edit in Textmate...
________________End QuickCursor version________________
I'm working a lot with Express and noticed that every time I type app.get-> (tag) I wind up with the tab trigger for getElementsByTagName('').
Is there a way to selectively bypass tab triggers?
Joshua Kehn | Josh.kehn(a)gmail.com
I'm new to textmate for LaTeX. I would like very much to modify the foldings to add specialized theorem styles so I can fold them out of the way. It's not obvious how to add to the \begin and \end built-in folding tags, which are the only two built-in out of the box. That \footnote is not one of them makes me concerned that this is a difficult or impossible modification? Assistance with this would be appreciated.
I need to change indentation rules to correctly indenting C code like this
int func(int a)
if ( a )
return do_it();
return 0;
here is two spaces before '{' and two after.
How I can do it? The regxps in indentation preferences are quite hard to understand right.
Muchas gracias,
I'm a long-time emacs and TextMate user. Just this past month I tried Sublime Text 2 -- and I've fallen in love with an editor again.
Just wanted to mention this, since I was surprised that Sublime Text 2 was new to my ears and it doesn't seem like many of us have even heard of it (especially those who keep whining about TM2).
(Not soliciting Sublime Text 2, I'm just so excited by the editor and wanted to share it with you).
A new editor called Tincta has just shown up on Macupdates. It is listed as 0.9 beta. The program is _super_ basic so no need to check it out, but still, another one to keep our eyes on. (But it does have Ada syntax highlighting. 8^)
On May 11, 2011, at 1:58 AM, Jerry wrote:
> I took a look several days ago and was only slightly impressed, partly because it has no Ada language smarts and I didn't actually use it for much--just a little C and Python. I'll keep my eye on it though. I think I mentioned this before, but the everything-in-one-window paradigm sucks IMHO especially on a laptop--it's just crappy real estate management.
I believe you can use tmbundles for Ada in Sublime. I'm curious: what's this everything-in-one-window interface paradigm you're talking about?
I've been with TM since the beginning (I wrote the first Perl and LaTeX
bundles). I think a lot of the frustration with TM2 comes out of our
affection for TM1 and wanting *Textmate* to be the platform that keeps
evolving and takes us all into the next decade.
Let me gently suggest that pleading with Allan about communication or
productivity won't have much constructive effect. When you are blocked on a
difficult project, does having people nag you make you more productive?
The reality is that TM2 isn't ready and may never be, and people who are
really dissatisfied with TM need to be looking at alternatives. If TM2
comes out, that will be the nicest present. So what alternatives are
The most hopeful alternative I've seen is Kod <http://kodapp.com/>.
Naturally, Kod is having a little developmental stall, but it's open-source
and could be worked on by interested developers.
BBEdit and UltraEdit are closed source without channels for community
contributions, but they are under active development.
Smultron seems interesting, but I don't know much about it.
Alpha X and Pepper seem dead.
So... anyone up for some Kod programming? Otherwise, we may have to settle
for TM1 for now...
best wishes, Eric
Eric Hsu, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Director, Center for Science and Math Education
San Francisco State University