Some people have mentioned valid technical problems (stale bundle development, lack of split screen, lack of speed when working with LaTeX, better version control tools support (in my case git), etc.), but I think the business aspect is even more important.
Having read the various opinions on the matter, I'm surprised at the faction that defends Allan's admittedly bad TextMate 2 information policy. Although he has never committed to specific release dates, on several occasions Allan's comments made it appear as if at least an alpha release was within reach. Allan's apparent ansatz (whether intended or not) to simply stop talking altogether, however, is not a solution, it makes matters worse. At the very least, it has had a detrimental impact on bundle development -- and I wouldn't be surprised if prospective customers would be turned off by a homepage that still has `Why TextMate 2 won't be supported on Tiger' in its FAQ -- when people are three, soon four OS X iterations ahead.
Why should we (as TextMate 1 users) care? Well, if this policy has an impact on business, it may endanger the future of TextMate as a whole. So yes, I think it's good that we ask every once in a while what's going on and what the status of TM2 is. Allan should regularly provide updates (not daily or weekly, but every month or two at least). If he does not have the man power necessary to make TextMate 2 into a product, he could ask the community to help out.
Hi TextMaters,
I'm using TextMate for a long time. However, I have to write texts in different languages (mostly English and German) and therefore, I set in the "Spelling and Grammar" dialog the option "Automatic by Language". TextMate, however, does not manage that properly. It recognizes initially only the English orthography. In order to also recognizing german spelling, I have to set this explicitly in the stated dialog. Thereafter, if I switch back to "Automatic by Language", all is fine.
Does anyone notice that behavior, too? I appreciate any remarks...
Thanks and cheers,
> Curiosity or there's something you can't do with TM1?
Improved completions (complete from project, etc), not crashing when editing
remote files (e.g. when using MacFusion), project-wide commands (Validate
Syntax for project, Transliterate to ASCII for project, etc), split pane
editing, more intuitive way to edit bundles & language grammars directly in
textmate (using "Edit in TextMate..." is a bit hacky), Javascript & other
improvements in the web preview (such as refresh on save and instant CSS
preview), improved code formatting/reindent, multiline regex engine, among
However those are only things I *know* I want. I'm actually more excited by
all the features I don't know I need yet. :) Anything that makes TextMate
more TextMate-y (such as more powerful snippets, commands, and grammars) is
fine by me.
Thanks Allan and sorry for flooding your list with useless's
just that our curiosity and excitement are constantly peaking and it just
takes one errant comment to get us all aflutter. :)
Alan does not owe anybody anything.
If you are unhappy with TM1 use another application - end of story.
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Jenny Harrison <profharrison(a)> wrote:
> You are so right, Gerd. Â The time has come for Allan to be open and frank with us.
> Jenny
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David Clark
dmclark ·(skype / twitter)
David Clark
16 Harcourt St #2I
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dmclark ·(skype / twitter)
Alan does not owe anybody anything.
If you are unhappy with TM1 use another application - end of story.
No, he does not but since it has been almost 2 years since his last update
on the subject (which I've read 10x) he could drop a line with a little
update. What I'm concerned about is bundle development. I feel like the
bundles are going to take a while to populate the new version, so even after
it drops it's going to take time before it is really as useful as 1x.
Further more, without any information on bundle backward compatibility (my
gut says 'no', at least without modification) does it make sense to invest a
lot of time and resources on developing new bundles for 1x? If 2x is gone
for good, yes. If 2x is a year or two away, yes. But without knowing, I
find it hard to devote the time from my busy schedule.
I know Allan says he isn't really concerned with things like that, and I
tend to agree that they aren't his problems to worry about if he doesn't
want to. However, a lot of people do a lot of 'real work' with TextMate and
a little information would go a long way towards helping everyone prepare
for the future.
As always, Allan, please keep up the good work. I know the feeling of
wanting to perfect a project, and at the end of the day this is your project
and you can do with it what you like. Good luck with everything, I'm sure
you're having a blast developing it. :)
Thanks for everything,
Hi, I currently use Eclipse to run my java projects, but since I'll start
learning new languages (Ruby on rails), I wanted to try a more general
Is it possible to compile and run a simple "Hello world" in java with
TextMate? Without using terminal of course.
Is there a good way tell Textmate to automatically run a makefile for a
project upon save? Or a tutorial for setting this up? I am having trouble
finding one.
Dear Steve, Dear Hans-Jörg,
many thanks for your fast replies,
I did the following:
(1) As before, I considered a copy of "R Console ( -> Send Document / Selection to" which I called "Send all before cursor to"
(2) I put in the following line in the beginning [I realized that I want to execute lines (up to and) including the current one] instead of rawText="`cat`":
rawText="`head -$(($TM_LINE_NUMBER))`"
(3) I then executed the command via "Bundles -> R Console ( -> Send all before cursor to" and it worked.
(4) of course it would be good to have this as a shortcut. As Hans-Jörg pointed out, my previous choice triggered another command. So I followed Hans-Jörg's suggestion and saw that "apple-key + E" and "apple-key + T" both not trigger other commands. So they are possible choices. However, when I chose either one as key equivalent, the simply did nothing/were ignored by textmate. What am I doing wrong? [I used precisely the same settings as in "Send Document / Selection to", just changed the key equivalent. Hmmm... Do you know what's going on?