I think I might have asked this one a few years ago, or perhaps on IRC, not sure, but is there a way to get TextMate (or any app for that matter) to use DigitalColor Meter as opposed to color picker?
Adam Merrifield
seyDoggy Systems
820 Strasburg rd, Kitchener,
Ontario, N2E 2Y3, Canada
Email: info(a)seydoggy.com
Office: 519-489-6033
Cell: 519-574-9788
I am working on the template make a variable from TM_NEW_FILE_BASENAME
to camel case and put in to template file
I encounter sed problem as sed -e 's/\(^\|_\)\(.\)/\U\2/g' dont seem work in
osx bsd version of sed
sorry, i am not an advance developer. just want to seek for advice on how to
do this in textmate template editor
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/how-to-do-underscore_file_name-to-CamelCaseClassName-…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Switching over to Textmate for Latex projects. I realize that I don't understand setting the master file (which does all of the \include's).
I have an issue of trying to use more than one computer to work on a single latex project. I use dropbox to keep computers sync'd.
Let's suppose I have an identical directory structure, down from the home area:
/User/homeareafirstcomputer/dir1/dir2/ ---> where all of the .tex files are, including master.tex
and on the second:
/User/homeareasecondcomputer/dir1/dir2/ ---> where all of the .tex files are, including master.tex
If I identify master.tex in one computer with the shell definition TM_LATEX_MASTER of either:
1. ~/dir1/dir2/master.tex
2. master.tex
Then secondcomputer cannot find the master.tex.
If I identify the variable TM_LATEX_MASTER as
1. /User/homeareafirstcomputer/dir1/dir2/master.tex
then, of course secondcomputer looks for it in that absolute path and can't find it.
If I show info on the master file in the project file drawers, it insists on checking the Save as absolute path box.
How can I use this feature for a project that's shared among computers? I'm surely missing something simple...
After recent updates to bundles, cmd-[ and cmd-] now skip to a word or
phrase instead of indenting left or right. Since I use the indenting feature
a lot, I want to undo that change. Alas, I don't know what bundle did it.
Actually, it's only a guess that a bundle is responsible.
I would appreciate some help with how to track this problem down (and reset
the keystrokes). Using the menu command instead of the keyboard is a real
pain in some undisclosed location.
Dear all,
I opened a file I recently worked on [.R] and realized that there is a blank/new line every other line. So instead of ...
a b c d e
f g h i j k
l m n o p
... I have ...
a b c d e
f g h i j k
l m n o p
I must have accidentally hit some key combination before I save the file. Is this possible? Is there any simple way to undo this? Going through by hand and even with find next + replace it's tedious.
Jenny wrote:
> It works now, thanks, Allan!!!! Edit in TextMate is so much better than QuickCursor.
Ditto for me. It wasn't enough to re-install the TextMate bundle and use the Install... feature; I had to reconcile the various versions and fix permissions as Allan recommended.
> Typical, I would say. When you do something, you do it right.
If I had to choose between a new TextMate version or this supportive email list, there'd be no contest. Thanks again for the fix!
/RNN (Response Not Necessary)
Still Water--what networks need to thrive.
Hello Everyone.
I'm working on a bundle for Assembly for the 8051/52 family. I wanted to add
some simple indentation, example:
TAGS1: MOV A,@R1 ; after this line indent all the following
RET ; after this line decrease indent
I tried this code for the indentation rule:
{ decreaseIndentPattern = 'RET|END';
increaseIndentPattern = '*\:';
indentNextLinePattern = '*\:';
But it doesn't do the job.. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Indentation-Rules-for-Assembly-tp31581977p31581977.ht…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm trying to run rails tests using the RVM gemset instructions here:
When I run a unit test I get the error:
[31mgit://github.com/sferik/rails_admin.git (at master) is not
checked out. Please run `bundle install`[0m
Running "bundle install" results in nothing, as that gem has already
been installed.