I need a bit of help.
I'm trying to use Textmate's blogging bundle to streaming posting to a wordpress blog. I've read Brett Terpstra's blog on the topic, and I'm trying to use his approach. But I'm encountering problems.
(1) Images won't display in the WP post. I must upload them by hand to the Media folder, and code the path to the image by hand.
(2) Code blocks don't render correctly. Instead of rending in a 'verbatim' style, they render in a way that ignores line breaks.
I'm not doing anything fancy with my markdown. But I have little experience with WP. (I can't, for example, find the wp-contents folder to see if I can change the write permissions.)
Of course, I've googled to see if this is a common problem, but I can't find any fixes.
I would be very thankful if anyone could point me to material, share their experience, or otherwise help point me in a direction that allows me to continue to use Textmate's blogging bundle to post info to my WP-site.
Thanks in advance for whatever people can share.
Jason E. Miller, Ph.D.
660-785-7430 (work)
660-965-0259 (mobile)
We learn to write by reading and then by writing and by thinking about what we are doing.
-- Richard Marius
I asked this in another thread, and was pointed to a partial answer,
but will give it another go more clearly.
Is there anywhere (webpage, wiki page, source code) that clearly lists
the available scopes that are treated as the assumptive default basis?
There is the old page at:
http://manual.macromates.com/en/scope_selectors but it appears to be
out of date, and it doesn't describe the new events (triggers?) such
as callback.*
In addition, I know that bundles can define their own such selectors,
which brings me to my next question/request:
Is it possible to have TM2 report the currently available scopes? We
have the ability to report the stack of scopes under the current
cursor/selection(Ctrl-Shit-Cmd-P), but I'd like to see all the
available scopes registered. (Perhaps limit it to the current
document type/active language bundle.)
Right now I have many bundle ideas, but no idea what is possible to
work with, what would need to be extended in TM2 itself, etc. Knowing
the lay of the land would go a long ways towards forming a mental
model of how to approach various tasks.
I'm hitting Command+/ to toggle code comments on and off, but it always
defaults to block comments (/* ... */). Is there a way to default Command+/
to line comments (// ...), or can I press another hotkey to do this?
Andrew Pennebaker
I have a little feature request I would like to discuss about. I think I remember from a previous discussion that Allan prefers to have those kind of discussions on the mailing list rather than on github, so here I go.
One of the few things I appreciate when using such monstrosities as Eclipse is the support for local history. Of course, there is version control to achieve something similar, but sometimes, local history is just better (for example, the fact that it automatically records edit history, instead of relying on explicitly committing a change; and sometimes, it's just bad practice to commit tiny changes to a repository).
Of course, implementing such a thing for Textmate is a vast task. However, there is one use case that seems to cover most of my uses of local history in Eclipse and alike, which is the ability to easily revert to a clean state when I want to try something. I can imagine that this can be easily obtained in Textmate by having commands such as "set bookmark in undo history" and "undo to last bookmark in undo history". My workflow would be simply to set an undo history bookmark before I want to try a few risky changes, then easily revert those changes just by calling the undo to bookmark command. This would give me a simple way to avoid repetitive calls to undo, which can be tedious and risky (since it's not always obvious to see what you're undoing and there is the risk of undoing some steps too far).
Any thoughts?
Hello, I would like to create a command that in part pastes the contents of the clipboard, using TextMate 2. How would one access the contents of the clipboard in a command? I am using Ruby, but I am open to whatever works.
Thanks in advance,
Is it me or did the "Go to Last Edit ⌥⌘J" command disappear in one of the last builds (only notice it now, but it was definitely there in the first alpha builds)?
If yes, any reason for that? Will it reappear?
In TM2's "Go To File" dialog, there are three tabs across the top
containing the project directory, current dir, open files.
Is there a way to select these via a keyboard shortcut?
I'd like to bring the current behaviour of the file tabs to discussion, as the corresponding issue on github has been closed.
My problem is that switching between files with cmd-T or clicking on files in the file browser reorders the tabs, moving the current file's tab to the right of the old file's tab.
This behaviour is, so I'm told, to make sure that closing the open file will result in going back to the previous file.
How is it then that changing files by clicking on the tab does not change the order?
To me it seems this behaviour is quite odd, and it's not standard UI (or is there another app that moves tabs around like this?).
In my mind, tabs also serve the purpose of organising, and people may want to have tabs in a logical order (e.g. chapters in a LaTeX project). The fact that tabs can be manually dragged around suggests that this is something the user can set and which should not be changed by the program.
In order to keep the intended function of returning to the previous file when the current one is closed, why not simply keep a history list of tabs per window?
Is there an easy way to open Bundle Support files and/or directories directly from the Bundle Editor window? I can browse the file tree but can't seem to easily access any of the files.
A workaround like Option+Click on a directory (in Support folders in Bundle Editor) to open a new TextMate window with that folder in the file browser would be perfect. Any such thing possible?
Thanks :)
Brandon Fryslie
I love the Markdown folding in TextMate 2.
Just one thing: at the moment, headings, sub-headings, sub-sub-headings, are
not nested in their folding.
It would be great if folding, say, a Level 1 heading (#) also folded all of
its sub-headings (##), sub-sub- headings (###), etc. under that heading. It
woudl be nice if the folding structure mirrored the (nested) structure of
headings of the document.
Would it be possible to implement this in TextMate 2’s Markdown, and is it at
all on the horizon?