I had the same problem as described in a post from Sebastian on
2007-11-11 (http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/
Here is my error output:
Running bibtex on Exjobb (ny).tex
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
texMate.py", line 457, in texStatus, isFatal, numErrs, numWarns =
run_bibtex(texfile=fileName) File "/Users/peeter/Peeterprogram/
texMate.py", line 71, in run_bibtex return stat,fatal,err,warn
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stat' referenced before assignment
It seems that it had to do with the parentheses in my filename messing
up the regexes.
My solution was to change lines 71 and 72 in Textmate.app/Contents/
SharedSupport/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texMate.py as follows:
# auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux
$',f) > 0]
# auxfiles = [f for f in auxfiles if re.match(r'('+ basename +
auxfiles = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.search('.aux$',f)
> 0 and (f.startswith(basename) or re.match(r'bu\d+\.aux', f))]
This works, at least for me.
Or have I messed something else up in the process?
I installed TextMate2 from a binary package (TextMate_r9294_10.6.tbz) and when I try to add a theme or bundle, or update runs, I get the following error(s)
Anybody knows how to fix that?
10/25/2012 25 Oct 17:21:08 [0x0-0xa74a74].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[35330] *** error downloading ‘http://updates.textmate.org/Bundles/Bundle%20Development.tbz’: Unknown signee: ‘org.textmate.msheets’.
10/25/2012 25 Oct 17:21:10 [0x0-0xa74a74].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[35330] *** error reading key
10/25/2012 25 Oct 17:21:10 [0x0-0xa74a74].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[35330] *** error downloading ‘http://updates.textmate.org/Bundles/Bundle%20Support.tbz’: Unknown signee: ‘org.textmate.msheets’.
10/25/2012 25 Oct 17:21:11 [0x0-0xa74a74].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[35330] *** error reading key
10/25/2012 25 Oct 17:21:11 [0x0-0xa74a74].com.macromates.TextMate.preview[35330] *** error downloading ‘http://updates.textmate.org/Bundles/Hyperlink%20Helper.tbz’: Unknown signee: ‘org.textmate.msheets’.
Jan Hendrik Mangold
"idle hands are the developers workshop"
Bug: Doesn't work as documented.
Feature: Works as expected but not documented to do so.
Miracle: Works as documented.
This will be a very stupid question, sorry, but what key combination is
the one that for the source package 'continues the line comment'? I
have never seen it anywhere else, so I don't know what to press. ;)
It looks a bit like the symbol for pressing the Control key, but with a
dash as a roof.
Thanks for your help,
Have used the JewelryBox ruby gem to set up rvm and download, manage Ruby
Then went into TextMate prefs to set up shell variable and path to Ruby
1.9.3 at /usr/local/rvm/bin/textmate_ruby then added "puts RUBY_VERSION" at
top of file.
But when I run the file, the output is 1.8.7, which is the system version
of Ruby.
Any idea how to fix this situation?
Thank you.
I have a latex file that uses mint and pygments and I wish to textmate to
build it with the -shell-escape flag.
Is that straightforward? I've looked at editing the latex bundle, but it
doesn't seem as straightforward as running a command?
sure, this is the common behaviour but then this statement does not make
any sense,
or more there seems to be a special handling for this case..
TM_LATEX_MASTER = '${CWD}/document.tex'
or am i missing something ?
recently I've been trying different things with project-related
tm_properties files. To help me better understand what I'm doing, could
anybody please explain the background behind different kinds of quotation
marks like " or ' ?
For example it took me some time to figure out that while
projectDirectory = "$CWD"
uses " marks, setting of a variable afterwards
TM_LATEX_MASTER = '${CWD}/document.tex'
will only work properly if ' is used (at least it didn't work for me with "
when doing the LaTeX run from subdirectories).
What is the technical difference between those " and ' ?
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/tm-properties-Question-tp25916.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
When coding in Ruby in TM1, if I typed @string somewhere, when I
needed string or :string somewhere else, I could type str and use Esc
to complete the word. In TM2 I cannot, and to me this is a big
Can I revert this behavior? If so, how? Also, if it is standard for
other languages, can I revert the behavior globally?
Thanks in advance.
:: dip