i have an issue to get command help via ctrl + h in php scope. in textmate (version 1.5) I get an http view about the selected command. in version 2 I get the following message "Nothing to lookup(hint: place the caret over a function name)"
With the PHP_MANUAL_LOCATION variable I try'd to fix this with an local copy of the php.net help, but this don't work neither.
Have someone a fix or a hint for this?
greetings Björn
Hello guys.
I have a problem with TM2 + Avian Missing. I can't create new files using
'new file' option in my context menu.
I already tried uninstall and reinstall TM2, remove and clone again Avian
Missing, but no works.
The error is:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Bundle
Support.tmbundle/Support/shared/lib/tm/detach.rb:3: undefined method `+'
for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from New File:5:in `require'
from New File:5
Brunno dos Santos*
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I usually have TextMate 2 output LaTeX to Skim, but today, suddenly, LaTeX output appears in a split pane in the editor window. I've looked in the bundle preferences, where Viewing is still set to Skim and both "Show PDF automatically" and "Keep log window open" are checked.
This occurred in TM2 9307.
Downloading a nightly build has solved the problem, but I thought someone would like to know.
I'd like to bring SVN and file pane behaviour up again.
I've been using both extensively, and run into this situation frequently: Working in file A, press cmd-Y, 5 to commit, realise after hitting commit that in fact file B was selected in file viewer and the wrong file with the wrong commit message was committed.
As for the heuristics which file to apply cmd-Y to:
1) If the file browser has focus, take its selection, if the editor has focus, take that.
2) In the commit window, show all uncommitted changes in (the parent folder of the file browser or root of working copy, whichever is lower) and below, but only select the items from 1)
Would that cause any side-effects?
If we cannot agree on how this should behave, can the precedence behaviour of file viewer be somehow customized?
I use Quickcursor (http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/quickcursor) and I was able to use it with TM2 until a short time ago (sometimes last week) by adding com.macromates.TextMate.preview to the Custom Bundle ID. However with version 9313 of TextMate the interaction is broken. Now, Quickcursor still launches TextMate, but as far as I can see TextMate starts with a new (untitled and empty) document and it does not communicate back with Quickcursor, when you close the document, it asks to save it as a new file.
All the best
I have TM_RUBY specified to point to rvm's textmate_ruby. When opening TextMate using 'mate .' it subsequently uses the system ruby, but not the system gemset, and bundle commands start to fail because of incompatabilities.
When opening TextMate directly, or it is already open when I use mate, all is well.
Where the actual problem lies is difficult to tell, and I don't need a solution now I've worked out how to avoid it, but did figure that it'd be helpful to mention.
Just downloaded and installed TextMate 2 alpha today, v9313.
I have a question, It doesn't seem that if I have the File Browser tab open (I've defaulted to left side), that I can right click in that window to create a new file. I've created a new file, but I then have to navigate down to the directory hierarchy that's displayed in the File Browser tab to save the file. As soon as I do, the File Browser tab displays the file, etc. At this point, right clicking on the File Browser tab seems to bring up a "standard" OSX Finder menu, and all I see there is a "New Folder", but not a "New File".
I've seen some videos of the previous version of TextMate, and it allowed creating new files, adding files, etc. by right clicking in the File Browser tab. Is this functionality removed? Or did I miss something in the config, or ????
On 21.09.2012, at 17:02, Brandon Fryslie <brandon(a)fryslie.com> wrote:
> Dude, we used TM1.
My post was in reply to Randall Hand who has just discovered TextMate and started this discussion on the mailing list. He probably doesn't know the history of TextMate 2. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.
> Some things are different in TM2, on the vast whole, everything is improved, restructured, cleaned up, and much more powerful.
I haven't really noticed any game changers *for me* in TextMate 2, but that's not supposed to be a complaint.
> Sorry some of the features don't comply with your vague, nebulous specifications.
I don't think there is anything »nebulous« or »vague« about missing TM1-style projects or wanting to have a functional bundle editor. While the latter is a matter of time, the former is a design decision made prior to open sourcing TextMate 2.
> Textmate 2 is open source now, I can't really see how you can complain like you are whatsoever.
There is no reason for ad hominem attacks and acerbic attitude. Where else other than this mailing list should we exchange opinions on how to make TextMate 2 better? After all, the reason we are here is because we like TextMate and we care that eventually we will have 2.0 final on our SSDs (hopefully before I get tenure, though ;-)).
On 21.09.2012, at 06:44, Travis Dunn <tdunn13(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think there's anything personal intended here by anyone, but I also think calling someone's work a "huge disappointment" is rather harsh, and will be taken personal if intended that way or not. Also, generally i just disagree with the approach of "I dont want to switch to another editor but if X isn't implemented/fixed, i'll have to", if you need to switch to something that works better for you, go for it. A single editor is never going to be everything to everyone.
I think the disappointment is hard to understand for people who haven't used TM1's projects. You could manage files with TM1 in two ways: either you could either create a project or you could open them as a directory (e. g. by typing »mate .« in the Terminal), and to some people, that was *the* feature that got them sold on TM1. So you can expect that a removal of one of the most important features is going to create an equally large reaction. I was using both modes, most of my stuff was organized in projects, some other things were done in the file browser, and it was *the* feature that got me hooked on TextMate.
The problem with TextMate 1 (for me, at least) is that it has become »creaky« because it hasn't been updated for a very long time in a substantial way (can't quite pin point the time, but feels like 10.4~10.5 time frame, please correct me if I'm wrong). On 10.4, Textmate was the posterboy of a rock solid app, but in 10.6 or so, you could tell that not all of its gears meshed well with OS X new shiny internals (I remember problems with the built-in dictionary, for instance).
What is interesting, though, is that even after all of these years, nobody has really made a better TextMate 1. I've tried the usual suspects, Chocolat, Sublime Text 2, BBEdit, you name them, but they're usually not any better than what we have with TextMate 2 (Chocolat is still 1.0ish and does not have good support for LaTeX, for instance, and Sublime Text 2 does not really feel like a Mac app). TextMate's LaTeX bundle is still the gold standard for me, and it has some features I crucially rely upon (e. g. auto completion of labels and citations), so I won't switch unless another text editor has the same features.
The lead developer and owner of macromates, Allen Oodgard, has made it clear that it was a conscious decision of him to abandon projects in favor of a file-based management (+ .tm_properties). I don't know whether the periodic waves of discussions on the topic will or won't change his mind, but even if they do, there are probably other things on his list of priorities (e. g. a bundle editor in TextMate 2).
However, Project+ was an add-on developed by a third-party, so if TextMate 2 allows for similarly deep »customization«, perhaps this void will be filled by a third party. And now that TextMate 2 is open source, perhaps it can be contributed to the main source? One can dream ;-)
I'm having trouble syncing LaTeX in the direction TextMate --> Skim. Specifically, I'm (still) using this script: http://ebundles.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Commands/Fi…
and the following lines don't work for me:
if [[ "$V" == Skim ]]; then
SCRIPT="$(find_app Skim.app)/Contents/Resources/displayline"
if [[ -x "$SCRIPT" ]]; then
"$SCRIPT" &>/dev/console "$TM_LINE_NUMBER" "$PDF" "$TM_FILEPATH"
echo "Unable to locate $V."
I found a workaround which is to comment out and replace as follows
if [[ "$V" == Skim ]]; then
SCRIPT="$(find_app Skim.app)/Contents/Resources/displayline"
# if [[ -x "$SCRIPT" ]]; then
/Volumes/Home/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline &>/dev/console "$TM_LINE_NUMBER" "$PDF" "$TM_FILEPATH"
# else
# echo "Unable to locate $V."
# fi
That said, I don't understand why I can't get it working in its original form, because find_app appears to work and displayline appears executable:
FZs-MacBook:bin fz$ pwd
FZs-MacBook:bin fz$ ./find_app Skim.app
/Volumes/Home/Applications/Skim.appFZs-MacBook:bin fz$ ls -l /Volumes/Home/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 fz staff 1735 Mar 12 2012 /Volumes/Home/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline
FZs-MacBook:bin fz$
Can anyone suggest a better fix than my workaround?
Thanks in advance,