TextMate Version 1.5.11 (1635)
Transmit 4.2
OS 10.8.2 supplemental installed
I can ftp into all sites with no issue. Set editor to textmate, double click, and it will open textmate for about 5 docs and save no problem, after that it hangs transmit, causing a crash. I can edit with any other editor and transmit.
below is usually what happens. I have repaired permission, completely removed textmate and transmit and reinstalled.
any ideas would be great, as this is my favorite workflow.
Thank you.
10/17/12 11:06:46.456 AM lsboxd[678]: @AE relay 4755524c:4755524c
10/17/12 11:11:35.453 AM TextMate[1340]: *** error sending apple event -1712 (<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'R*ch'\'FCls'{ '----':"/Users/mattgrimes/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/Transmit/F61AAB28-7D66-4B40-A7EF-886A65E8A41A/process.php", 'Tokn':[ 'BBEd'(3620B19F100100000036) ] }>)
10/17/12 11:19:33.000 AM kernel[0]: ALF: ifnet_get_address_list_family error 12
10/17/12 11:22:45.031 AM WindowServer[93]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
Is there a reason TextMate copies mate into the user's $PATH instead of
just making a symlink to the command inside the Application's resources?
What dangers do I run if I do decide to symlink it? (As part of a system
configuration bootstrap script. I could copy it, but it would be a little
more work.)
This probably is a simple bug that it is somewhat annoying to have:
If we run TextMate and have the folder panel on the left (such as if we use
"mate ." in Bash).
If we are editing a file do.rb and now we want another one to try a
different approach, and we "Save As" do1.rb, now the file do1.rb will show
in the file panel, but do.rb will not show until a long time later, somehow,
after TextMate refresh the folder content... (seems there is no easy way to
invoke that ourselves).
But if we edit do.rb and save as do1.rb, the assumption should be that now
both files exist?
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/After-Save-As-the-old-file-won-t-show…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
how can I set mediawiki to be the default file type/scope? I have the
following setings in .tm_properties but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks!
[ *.txt ]
fileType = "source.mediawiki"
[ attr.untitled ]
fileType = 'source.mediawiki'
I was wondering if someone would have already written a valid
configuration to "fix" TM2 so that it does not mess up source code and
comment indentation (C, C++) when Doxygen-style comments are used to
comment the code, i.e.
* Some doc
* @param[in] …
void foo(void)…
results in:
* Some doc
* @param[in] …
void foo(void)…
Alternatively, is there an easy way to tell TM2 not to re-indent a
line automatically, ie. let TM2 to indent a new line once, while
preventing it from re-indenting forever whenever a new character is
typed on an already-fixed line.
Just wondering what the thinking is for not selecting that file in the
file browser when you click on it's icon (thus opening it). Seems
confusing to me to then have to select that file to e.g. SCM purposes.
I'm stuck on Version 2.0 (9147) at work so please ignore if this is
differnt in later builds.
mob. +44 (0) 785 216 7005
Hello, I have a quick question. lately when I press the [DELETE] key
Textmate replaces my code with some other code, but my [DELETE] key works
when I click [SHIFT]+[DELETE]. How can I get my [DELETE] key functionality
back to normal.
The code it adds:
// Android / BlackBerry Widgets (OS 5.0 and higher) / iPhone
function alertDismissed() {
// do something
'You are the winner!', // message
alertDismissed, // callback
'Game Over', // title
'Done' // buttonName
// BlackBerry (OS 4.6) / webOS
navigator.notification.alert('You are the winner!');
note: I had asked the question on the IRC, but my client crashed and I can't
get it to login. Software issue on my end
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Delete-key-adding-code-instead-of-del…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
What's the easiest way to change the order items in a bundle menu, or to
move items to a submenu in TextMate 2?
Drag & Drop does not work in the Bundle Editor on TextMate 2, like it
used to work in TextMate 1. :(
I currently edit the order by manually editing the info.plist, adding or
removing the UUID of the command I want to move.
This is labour intensive task, and I wonder if there is an easier way.
FYI, I'm using TextMate 2.0.0-alpha.9325 on Mac OS X.7.5.
I just got a notification within Textmate that a new build was available (9327), so let it update. When the new version launched, I got a second Textmate icon in the doc, which isn't entirely uncommon. However, when I quit and got back in, Textmate was not usable. When I opened a file from the Open Recent menu, no window appeared. The Window and File menus both suggested that a file was open, however. After some fiddling, switching spaces and apps, I got the window for the document to appear, but it was not functional. I could move it, but I could click the close box or edit the text. Quitting and relaunching put it back in the state where the Textmate menus looked as if a window was open, but no window appered on the screen.
I tried trashing all the com.macromates items in ~/Library/Preferences, but it had no effect. I tried trashing Textmate.app and downloading r9327 from Github, but that also had no effect on the problem. I finally downloaded r9325 from Github and that still works fine.
I am running OS X 10.7.5.
Hi LaTeX users,
I'm working some more on the Typeset and View command, we are going to replace the default command that currently ships with TextMate. But I need some information. What process are TextMate's LaTeX users following for building their documents? I'm sure most of you are using bibtex, but what about other things like makeindex? Has everyone moved to a pure pdf-based process, or are some of you still using dvi/postscript? What are you using for pictures? Anything you can tell me will help.
I would also *love* example documents along with the expected output. This will aid in testing, and ensure that your particular process will be supported!