In a .Rnw (Sweave) file, if I go to Bundles > latex > TeXcount, I get the
following in the pop up box:
[l;3lm!!! Encountered }without corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Encountered }without corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3lml!! Encountered iwithout corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Encountered iwithout corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Encountered iwithout corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Encountered iwithout corresponding { !!![Om
[l;3 lm!!! Encountered iwithout corresponding {. !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Reached end offile while waiting for }. !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Reached end offile while waiting for S !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Reached end offile while waiting for }. !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Reached end offile while waiting for }. !!![Om
[l;3lm!!! Reached end offile while waiting for S !!![Om
[l;3lml!! Reached end offile while waiting for }. !!![Om
However, TeXcount works fine in a .tex file. So it looks like the problem
occurs because the .Rnw contains R code.
Is there a way to get TeXcount working in a .Rnw file?
I was measuring the character length of a line using the ‘line:column’ indicator in the bottom left corner of a TM 2 window until I had a reason to doubt its accuracy. I used the count words command to confirm. I have a line with 153 characters, and the ‘line:column’ indicator reads ‘157’ with the cursor at the end (which I would expect to mean there are 156 characters before the cursor). See attached. Why might this be?
Quinn Comendant
Strangecode, LLC
+1 530 624 4410 mobile
+1 530 636 2633 office
@qc and @strangecode
The notion that I might be able to build TextMate on my own machine is so cool that I thought I'd give it a try. I got a very long way (thanks to the wonderful instructions at the github site) but when the actual moment came to do some compiling, we choked up:
[1/1] Generate ‘’…
[3/993] Compile ‘Shared/PCH/’…
FAILED: '/Applications/' -c -pipe -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -m64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -isysroot "/Applications/" -funsigned-char -D'NULL_STR="\uFFFF"' -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wformat -Winit-self -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wno-parentheses -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-switch -Wno-address-of-temporary -IShared/include -fcolor-diagnostics -DNDEBUG -Os -fvisibility=hidden -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -fobjc-abi-version=3 -fobjc-arc -Xclang -fobjc-default-synthesize-properties -fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors -x objective-c++-header -o /Users/mattneuburg/build/TextMate/Shared/PCH/ -MMD -MF /Users/mattneuburg/build/TextMate/Shared/PCH/ -I/Users/mattneuburg/build/TextMate/include Shared/PCH/
error: unknown argument: '-fobjc-default-synthesize-properties'
Is this just because I've installed the Xcode 5.1 beta? Thx - m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a),
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 7!
iOS 7 Fundamentals!
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990,
Citation completion is not working for me in child .tex files. The child
.tex file is in a different folder to the parent .tex file and also the .bib
file. But even if I move everything into the same folder it doesn¹t work.
Is there a way to get citation completion working in a child file?
Make a Markdown document like this (ignore the equal signs, they are just to show you the boundaries of the document content)
* One
* Two
The Markdown bundle marks "Three" as markup.raw.block. This is wrong. As you'll see if you preview the document, it is the second paragraph of the second-level markup.list.unnumbered.
To make things worse, the bundle turns off wrapping in markup.raw.block, so if "Three" is a long paragraph, now you can't read it because it runs off the right side of the window.
PS Granted, nested lists in Markdown are annoying and incoherent; this is one of the main reasons why I use kramdown instead. Nevertheless, the syntax coloring and wrapping should try not to get in the way of constructing one's document.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a),
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 7!
iOS 7 Fundamentals!
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990,
Under Edit Bundles: Themes : Settings : Markup:Heading 1, I tried to change the size of the font to something smaller, but it didn’t seem to work.
How do I change the size of the displayed heading in Markdown mode?
I looked around for quite some while now, but everything I found online did
either not apply for TextMate 2 any more or did just not help me to solve my
I am using:
- OSX 10.9 (latest updates installed)
- TeXLive 2009 (now also 2013)
- latest LaTeX bundle (reinstalled just before)
What happens:
- I open a file that compiles just fine from terminal using pdflatex in
TextMate 2.
- I hit command+r
- The HTML output window opens ans says (twice in different font size, one
on top of other): "Error: Could not open to check for packages." And in a
second line it continues: "This is most likely a problem with
- The main TextMate window then also said: "Failure running 'Typeset&View
(PDF)'. Command returned status code 1."
Some more info:
- I do try to compile a simple file, no includes or imports... So I guess I
do not need TM_LATEX_MASTER, do I?
- The LaTeX bundle is set up to use pdflatex.
- Using "defaults write com.macromates.textmate latexDebug 1" does not cause
any additional outputs within TextMates GUI, nor in the Console.
What else did I try:
- I completely reset all TextMate settings (by deleting several folders and
files as suggested somewhere in the net) -- this changed a LOT, my TextMate
was certainly not the same any longer... but error remained the same.
If anybody has ANY idea what the most likely totally braindead and stupid
thing is that I do not see... please let me know... you'd be my personal
hero and I will worship you for weeks... ;)
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I’d like to highlight conflict markers (“<<<<<<< HEAD”, “=======”, …)
across all file types.
I created a small bundle with an injection grammar for this, but it only
works correctly for plain text. It seems that in most source grammars
other rules take precedence (e.g. in Ruby “=======” has the scope
“keyword.operator.assignment.ruby”) and therefore the injection grammar
won’t get applied.
Is there any way to solve this?
As you probably know, I'm trying to write a new AsciiDoc bundle from the ground up. When I created this bundle, my tmLanguage file was named untitled.tmLanguage even though I have entered AsciiDoc in the bundle editor as the name of the language grammar. My question is, how can I rename this file asciidoc.tmLanguage? (If I do it directly in the Finder, TextMate simply loses track of the file altogether and thinks I no longer have a language grammar.) m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a),
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 7!
iOS 7 Fundamentals!
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990,