I use the Mail.bundle for editing my posts to usenet groups, usenet posts seem to look a lot like mail.
If the message I am posting contains quoted text the display is terrible. However I change my font settings the quoted text only changes size, I don't seem to be able to change the font used. I can't find anything in the Mail bundle that relates to font to change this. My usual font (coding and posting to usenet) is Andale Mono Regular (with Antialiasing off), here's the abomination I'm faced with if there is quoted text in my message:
Any ideas where this is set, so that I can change it?
Justin C, by the sea.
> Perhaps some of the invisible spaces should just be rendered as-is
> (without a substitution), I translated them to visible code points only
> because invisible characters have a tendency to cause hard to diagnose
> problems for end users, but this might be limited to non-breaking space,
> which can easily be typed by accident without noticing.
That would be great. I suggest to show those invisible characters when
"View > Show Invisible Characters" is activated. Although in the current
behaviour of that feature, the original text remains untouched. But if you
include `SpaceCharacters` in "Invisible Characters", then showing them needs
shifting of parts of the original texts to fit the representor of the
invisible characters in place of those zero-widths chars. I guess this is
a big problem because those characters are not so common in usual texts, and
when they are there, and the user wants to see "Invisible Characters", I
he wants to see them even if the texts are shifted.
Other Invisible characters I suggest to be shown in "Show Invisible
* Left-to-right mark (U+200E)
* Right-to-left mark (U+200F)
* These: https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/spaces.html
On Thu, 06 Mar 2014 "Allan Odgaard" wrote:
> The Mail bundle is actually from the early days of TextMate 1.x
Yes, it was invaluable to me as it allowed me to quickly process emails with macros like "Dear {firstname}" and embedded snippets.
That said, I do realize it was a bit of a hack and Mail.app has changed much since then. Does TM2 support a version of Edit in Textmate?
> its
> grammar could be useful if TextMate is setup as external editor for an
> email client that support external editors (where it then has keys to
> increase/decrease quotation level, reformat (quoted) paragraphs, etc.).
Hmm, do you know any email clients for Mavericks that support this?
> it was introduced here:
> http://blog.macromates.com/2006/textmate-tricks/#edit_in_textmate_from_appl…
That post also introduced editable Web Preview, another essential part of my toolkit (and another reason I've been nervous to leave TM1). Is there a TM2 equivalent?
You can probably tell that I want to use TextMate for everything on my computer. Thanks to Allan and everyone else who's contributed to this indispensable workhorse!
For the placeholder of special characters (<U+XXXX>s), the bidirectional
category of placeholders should match the bidirectional category of the
original character. Although I guess almost all of those special characters
which are represented by <U+XXXX> belongs to Boundary_Neutral class.
For example, here you can see what has happened when I've replaced 2 spaces
with Zero-width non-joiners:
[image: تصویر درون برنامهای 1]
Here is the textual version, which is rendered correctly in my browser
(Chrome 33):
(متن راست به چپ)
(متن راستبهچپ)
Properties of U+200C: http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/character.jsp?a=200C
I'm interested in working on it and submitting a pull request, if you
accept this semi-feature-request and specify which solution is preferred. I
have a workaround suggestion: replacing them with some symbolic characters,
for example ⦿ for null, ↩︎ for line separator, ╵ for zero-width space, ╽
for zero-width non-joiner, ╈ zero-width joiner, ...
Best regards
I've just installed textmate (version 2.0-alpha.9515) on a mac running OS X Version 10.8.5.
Whenever I execute a command written in Ruby in textmate (for example, Duplicate Line, or Typeset & View in the Latex bundle), I obtain an error. The error message is
Failure running “Duplicate Line / Selection”. Duplicate Line / Selection:9:in `join': can't convert nil into String (TypeError)
from Duplicate Line / Selection:9
in the first case and
Failure running “Typeset & View (PDF)”. Typeset & View (PDF):4: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
in the second case. This occurs both with keyboard shortcuts and when selecting the command from a menu. Snippets and other shortcuts work.
I don't use Ruby (I use textmate mainly for Latex), so I'm a bit of a loss here. Any help would be appreciated. I searched for posts on similar problems but didn't find any.
Tim Bates wrote:
> https://github.com/jessegrosjean/quickcursor
> Textmate should just include this, as it rocks for using TextMate as external editor for, for instance, an mail.app :-)
> I use it 10 times a day, I?d estimate.
Thanks--I currently use QuickCursor in TM1. That said, the old Edit-in-Textmate remembered formatting properties like quote indentation, which made it easier to parse email messages, color-code the syntax, and so forth. The old Edit-in-Textmate also saved changes every time you hit Command-S; QuickCursor's changes don't render in Mail until you close the window, and sometimes those changes are lost (say, when multitasking from one window to another).
Still, I appreciate the recommendation, because I'm assuming from your message that QuickCursor works with TM2. As mentioned previously, the other functionality keeping me in TM1 is the ability to edit in Web Preview. Does anyone do that in TM2?
Not entirely sure how to reply to the mailing list via email, hopefully
this will work...
Subject: [TxMt] Re: Disabling entire bundles doesnt persist
From: "Allan Odgaard" <mailinglist(a)textmate.org>
> When you disable the item and save, TextMate should create the following
> ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles/AppleScript.tmbundle/info.
> Does that file appear on your disk?
Hm, I just noticed what was actually happening is instead of updating
AppleScript bundle, it was silently creating a new AppleScript
2.tmbundle, AppleScript
3.tmbundle etc.
> Additionally it updates the index, which is located at:
> ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/BundlesIndex.binary
> You can check the date of that file. You can also try to quit TextMate,
remove the index, and then relaunch, that will make TM generate a new index.
Thanks, this fixed my problem.
I deleted the index and when TM relaunched, the unwanted bundles are hidden
and disabled in Bundle editor.
I guess it somehow got out of sync
I open the bundle editor, select a bundle (such as AppleScript), and then
untick 'Enable this item'
I then hit CMD-S to save, and at this point AppleScript disappears from the
Bundle menu (which is what Id like to happen)
However, on quitting TM and relaunching, the AppleScript bundle is enabled
once again.
Using build build 2.0-alpha.9515
Is this a known issue, and is there a workaround?
Let's say I'm working in a .R file on this block of code:
mtcars_sub <- subset(mtcars, cyl == 6)
mtcars_lm <- lm(mpg ~ disp, mtcars)
I highlight the block of code and send it to the R console. Following this,
I then edit the code block (predictor added to model), so it becomes:
mtcars_sub <- subset(mtcars, cyl == 6)
mtcars_lm <- lm(mpg ~ disp + wt, mtcars)
Can I send the edited code block to the R console, using a keyboard
shortcut, without having to go back and highlight it? This feature is
implemented in RStudio and is something I miss after having switched to